Katie Holmes is changing her name

What?! Why on earth should Katie change her name, she was given by her parents? If I was Katie I would tell Tom to shut up.
How do you officially change one nickname to another anyway? And "child-bearing woman"? Who talks like that? In public, no less? This combined with his vast knowledge of all things pregnant and post partum makes me think of a mad doctor addressing "women's troubles" in Victorian England, for heaven's sake.
Tom Cruise makes me feel like the poor smilie on the bottom here :hardhead: After Suri's "birth" - interesting that they're such a closely watched celebrity freakshow, yet there's not a single photo of anyone going to or leaving any hospital or the Clampound, nor any single word from any single person collaborating any single detail of Tom's claims - you'd think ONE pap would have gotten ONE picture of the much talked about black SUVS :rolleyes: - I thought I'd let it go, just took a deep breath, and decided to go back to my not interested ways, and then my mom had to start to refer to him as No Penis - she never remembers any celebrity names, but this is by far the best nickname - then this comes out, and it's just too much fun to leave now :D
I was watching a interview last week with tom and he refered to her as kate thorugh out i thort i miss heard but oviously not .. i thort it wa odd at the time.
Anastasia said:
How do you officially change one nickname to another anyway? And "child-bearing woman"? Who talks like that? In public, no less? This combined with his vast knowledge of all things pregnant and post partum makes me think of a mad doctor addressing "women's troubles" in Victorian England, for heaven's sake.
Tom Cruise makes me feel like the poor smilie on the bottom here :hardhead: After Suri's "birth" - interesting that they're such a closely watched celebrity freakshow, yet there's not a single photo of anyone going to or leaving any hospital or the Clampound, nor any single word from any single person collaborating any single detail of Tom's claims - you'd think ONE pap would have gotten ONE picture of the much talked about black SUVS :rolleyes: - I thought I'd let it go, just took a deep breath, and decided to go back to my not interested ways, and then my mom had to start to refer to him as No Penis - she never remembers any celebrity names, but this is by far the best nickname - then this comes out, and it's just too much fun to leave now :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: Great post. I :heart: your mom!
This is what was written about this on the superficial.com: :lol:
Tom: Hey Katie, your name sounds too young.
Katie: O--Oh. Okay, Tom.
Tom: You're gonna be Kate from now on.
Katie: Okay, Tom. Whatever you say, Tom. Can I see my baby now?
Tom: No, Kate. Not until you put on the prosthetic penis.
I'd love to make a t-shirt for TOMMY "I'm Going Nucking Futs".....
Hmmm...that gives me an idea! :idea: I'll make one and put a picture of Tommy's face on the t-shirt!!! :woot:
strawberry daiquiri said:
she's living out his mid-life crisis.


on the other hand, she's just his pawn by now and she's totally resposible for putting herself in this position, marrying to easy fame and quick money always have it's cost

In my eyes Katie stays the same little girl whatever name she picks. Umm.. sorry, correction: whatever name Tom picks to her. :lol: Or do you think she's a matured woman when letting Tom rule her like this? Come on.. :innocent:
LOL this makes me laugh, "Katie" is immature, well it's really grown up to change your crap ball name from Thomas Mapother the 3rd to Tom Cruise.
greeneyebeauty said:

CALL ME KATEKatie Holmes is officially changing her name to Kate, at the insistence of her fiancé, Tom Cruise. "Katie is a young girl's name," says Tom. "Her name is Kate now she's a child-bearing woman."

The question probably was something like:

"Don't you think Katie should change her name to Kate, now that she is a child-bearing woman?"

Tom: "Yeah, Kate sounds alright to me."

I just had a course in media studies. :lol:
Well "Katie" is just a derivative for "Kate," so I don't see what's the big deal.

But I do think "Katie Holmes" has a better ring to it then "Kate Holmes" would.
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hmmm, i read some posts and most of u just take for granted that he did, indeed say this. give me proof. i'm not standing up for him- but imagine if hes completel innocent.
tanjaa said:
The question probably was something like:

"Don't you think Katie should change her name to Kate, now that she is a child-bearing woman?"

Tom: "Yeah, Kate sounds alright to me."

I just had a course in media studies. :lol:

Well I did see a interview with him talking about Katie... Everytime the reporter would call her Katie, he would correct him and tell him to call her Kate. Although I absolutly beleive that media manipulate informations to make celebrity look bad sometimes, I beleive this could be true unfortunetly :flower:
yeah the media likes to portray Tom as a whack job, but if you ask me, he is doing a fine job all by himself of that!
I love how this grown, child bearing woman is letting her soon-to-be husband make decisions for her... How 1920's of them.

BTW, Katie is a fabulous name if I do say so myself:ninja::blush: I would be personally offened by Tom's remarks about the name if I hadn't already lost all respect for him months ago.
NOE said:
I love how this grown, child bearing woman is letting her soon-to-be husband make decisions for her... How 1920's of them.

Nah, women had the vote in the 20s ;) Maybe more Victorian ^_^ Of course this kind of thing is always popular among the fruitcake religious fringe ...
fashionista-ta said:
Nah, women had the vote in the 20s ;) Maybe more Victorian ^_^ Of course this kind of thing is always popular among the fruitcake religious fringe ...

In the US women weren't able to vote until 1920. But even so, I'm speaking of women doing what their husbands tell them to, while staying at home with the kids and making 'supper'... it's all very June Cleaver... That is what I'm compairing the new 'Kate' and Tom as. "Here honey, this will be your new name". "Honey, why don't you quit your job and start taking care of the kids". "This will be your new religion... you must study every day". blah, blah, blah.

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