Jake Gyllenhaal to play Lance Armstrong in a biopic?


Fashionably Late
Aug 21, 2005
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Well, that explains all the biking they've been doing together lately!

So That's Why They're Attached at the Hip: Jake to Play Lance

Just to get those of you too mature to read gossip blogs up to speed,
Jake Gyllenhaal and Lance Armstrong have been spending a lot of time together lately. Every freaking paparazzi picture of Gyllenhaal (and there are a lot of them), whether he's working out, riding his bike, or just being Jake, features Armstrong, grinning at his side. Hell, they even went to France together to watch some big bike race that I hear is going on over there. Which is cool and all, but the paparazzi keeps a frighteningly close eye on Gyllenhaal, and it's safe to say that Lance hadn't really be around at all until a couple of weeks ago, so their sudden BFF stutus is somewhat surprising.

Thanks to Nikke Finke, however, all is now explained: Sony's putting together an Armstrong biopic, and Gyllenhaal wants the gig. Dude, seriously -- rebellious teen, cancer survivor, seven-time Tour de France winner? I smell Oscar!

Hollywood Elsewhere]
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no wonder they are behaving like siamese twins lately.
I'm excited.

I suspect Jake will be shirtless in parts of the movie?.....:brows:

oh, yeah and I'm sure the movie will be great as well. And as a side note, Jake looks NOTHING like Lance.:huh:
^ ahhah and yes Jake looks waaaay better than Lance :lol: but I'm glad he'll be playing the part I'm so psyched to see this! ^_^
but where does Matthew McCougheney or whatever you spell it, fit into this? He was the 3rd wheel with all them riding. :huh:
^ maybe he will play the rival of Lance Armstrong on the movie! B)
Since Jake will play Lance he'll have a brokeback from them mountains. European terrains are grueling. :unsure:
^oh yes! but I think he's pretyy fit to do it! ^_^ plus he has this charisma to do great with the role! I think
Dammit! I really thought that the reaosn they were bonding was that Sheryl Crow turned Lance gay.

Btw Lance > Jake
fouroclock said:
Dammit! I really thought that the reaosn they were bonding was that Sheryl Crow turned Lance gay.

Btw Lance > Jake
One can always hope Bareback Mountain has given Jakey a taste for boys...:wub:
I think Lance should play Lance. He did a fine job in his Dodgeball cameo.

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