Japanese Street Style #1

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^what you're seeing in these photos here are exactly that ;) but I don't think it's about erasing masculinity--it's just another outlook of beauty. If you want to see something more extreme where you can tell they are wearing makeup, check out Japanese singers... Gackt for example :rofl:
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Thank you for posting those great pics on the previous page!!

fuchimama said:
Does anybody have any pictures of the guy-cute trend surfacing right now in Japan? It's manifest by masses of young men who have taken to shaving off their body hair, using cosmetics, and plucking their eyebrows in an effort to erase the coarser elements of their masculinity.
I do agree that many Japanese men are very cute/feminine looking. And I'm not saying that as if it were a negative thing; I agree with gius in that Japanese men just have a different outlook on appearance. A different concept of beauty. And I dunno, I find adrogyny attractive, actually.

Johnny's Entertainment is full of male pop-idols that are so pretty, it hurts. :)

I think Yamapi is the prettiest of them all. (Or maybe Jin is.) Someone photoshopped him into a dress and long hair, and he makes a pretty goddamn attractive woman! He looked really cute (and very young!) with the light brown hair and when he was thin. But then he started working out and buffed up and now people sometimes call him Yamaboobs. XDDDDDDDD.

(credit: AF)

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^Love that black jacket, lemon_despair! Thanks for posting.

Finally in February!

Here's Harajuku....

Pikachu!? WOW. That has to take a lot of courage. I'd be very embarrassed.
ilaughead said:
Pikachu!? WOW. That has to take a lot of courage. I'd be very embarrassed.
LOL, then you'll love these. Guys wear them too! And this pic was taken in either NY or LA. Somewhere in the States.
Credit: Hadaka no Johnny's

The guy on the right side of the pic (not wearing his Pikachu hoodie) is my absolute favorite :heart:. Although this is a really bad picture of him.


This thread is in danger of becoming less about streetstyle and more about cosplay ...

Thanks again for those pics Luxury! (^_^)
BokuAlec said:
This thread is in danger of becoming less about streetstyle and more about cosplay ...

Thanks again for those pics Luxury! (^_^)

Although, I can't quite decide as to whether that's a good or bad thing!
Dustcakeboy said:

Although, I can't quite decide as to whether that's a good or bad thing!

As long as they're wearing it on the street it still counts as streetwear :p
i'll be coming to you guys with some amazing street style photographs. im leaving for japan in may and ill be gone for some time.
xtine888 said:
Thank you for posting those great pics on the previous page!!

I do agree that many Japanese men are very cute/feminine looking. And I'm not saying that as if it were a negative thing; I agree with gius in that Japanese men just have a different outlook on appearance. A different concept of beauty. And I dunno, I find adrogyny attractive, actually.

Johnny's Entertainment is full of male pop-idols that are so pretty, it hurts. :)

I think Yamapi is the prettiest of them all. (Or maybe Jin is.) Someone photoshopped him into a dress and long hair, and he makes a pretty goddamn attractive woman! He looked really cute (and very young!) with the light brown hair and when he was thin. But then he started working out and buffed up and now people sometimes call him Yamaboobs. XDDDDDDDD.

I'm attracted (in a purely aesthetic way, not sexual!) to androgyny too but only when it's subtle and natural looking, rather than imitated. I love Freja Beha and the young Bjorn Andersen for that reason. That guy you posted is something pretty too ;).
cookymonster said:
I'm attracted (in a purely aesthetic way, not sexual!) to androgyny too but only when it's subtle and natural looking, rather than imitated. I love Freja Beha and the young Bjorn Andersen for that reason. That guy you posted is something pretty too ;).
That's also why I'm a fan of Daria...she's sexy and beautiful, but in an androgynous way. :heart:

LOL, and speaking of Yamapi, he's 22 today. Happy birthday!
Random pics, all from yamapi_daily

I really am very jealous of his collection of vintage tees and jackets. Where's a good place to get them? I love vintage tees; I'm just never able to find good ones where I am.

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