Jennifer Aniston's New Interview [mention of Pitt and Jolie]

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May 17, 2005
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Jen 'doing really well'
By Karen Thomas, USA TODAY

In her first interview since splitting with Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston sets straight those reports that she didn't want children and fesses up about the pain caused by Pitt's relationship with Angelina Jolie.
And she sheds a few tears.

Aniston tells September's Vanity Fair, on stands Friday: "Am I lonely? Yes. Am I upset? Yes. Am I confused? Yes. Do I have my days when I've thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely. But I'm also doing really well."

Except when the topic of Jolie and Pitt possibly starting their own family comes up, and tears flow down her cheeks.

But the idea that Aniston, 36, was stalling on starting a family with Pitt, 41, gets the actress fuming. "I've never in my life said I didn't want to have children. I did, and I do, and I will!"

She's forgiving of Pitt, even though they no longer talk, and she says she believes him when he says he did not sleep with Jolie before the marriage broke up in January.

Best friend Courteney Cox chimes in to reveal that while there was no affair, "there was a connection" between Jolie and Pitt, "and he was honest about that with Jen."

Aniston says she expects their divorce to be final this fall, and she's not dismissing the idea of another marriage — with kids — in five years. "I love Brad. ... I will love him for the rest of my life," she says. And she has no regrets. "I really do hope that someday we can be friends again."


I don't like the cover....vf could have done way better in the face area..more make-up or something.
I really don't like that cover shot either. Jenn can take really great pictures, and pretty bad ones too. I think that is definitely one of the bad ones.

More details, from People online:
Jennifer Aniston reveals fury, pain and even sarcasm – as well as forgiveness – in her first interview since her January separation from her husband of 4 1/2 years, Brad Pitt.

In a story titled "Jen Finally Talks! (And talks and talks. And cries. And talks....)" for September's Vanity Fair magazine, the former "Friends" star declares: "Am I lonely? Yes. Am I upset? Yes. Am I confused? Yes. Do I have my days when I've thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely. But I'm also doing really well."

Aniston, who filed for divorce in March, speaks out about erroneous reports claiming she didn't want to start a family with Brad ("I've never in my life said I didn't want to have children. I did, and I do, and I will!") and she gives her reaction to seeing published photos of her estranged husband frolicking with his Mr. & Mrs. Smith costar, Angelina Jolie.

"The world was shocked, and I was shocked," says Aniston, 36. "I'd be a robot if I said I didn't feel moments of anger, of hurt, of embarrassment." As for the shots of Pitt and Jolie playing with her young son Maddox, "I can't say it was one of the highlights of my year," Aniston admits.

Aniston is working with a therapist to deal with the situation, she tells the magazine, which has released advance copies of the issue to media outlets. As for what happened behind the scenes of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Aniston, who says she had bought Brad's claim that he remained faithful to her, now says: "I just don't know what happened. There's a lot I don't understand, a lot I don't know, and probably never will know, really.

"I choose to believe my husband," she goes on to say. "At this point, I wouldn't be surprised by anything, but I would much rather choose to believe him."

Even so, Aniston (who reportedly grows tearful when asked to comment on rumors that Jolie might be pregnant with Pitt's child), says: "There's a sensitivity chip that's missing (from Brad). ... He makes his choices. He can do – whatever. We're (about to be) divorced, and you can see why."

Unable to resist taking a swipe at Pitt's recently peroxide-enhanced scalp, Aniston snaps: "Billy Idol called – he wants his look back."

And yet, she reveals, "I love Brad. I really love him. I will love him for the rest of my life. He's a fantastic man. ... I really do hope that someday we can be friends again."
i really start to dislike angelina more now......didn't she proclaim she would never mess with a married man, after all the pain she had to go through after her own parents divorce?
So the truth finally comes out. I dislike brad and angelina more and more everyday. I can't believe they seem to have absolutely no simpathy for her. I respect Jen for handling it the way that she is and not completely freaking out,because I would.
Jen makes the best of a Brad situation NY Daily

Jennifer Aniston says she'll love Brad Pitt "for the rest of my life." But try as she might to be gracious and strong, the actress can't help but weep when she considers that Angelina Jolie might be carrying his child.

Writer Leslie Bennetts brings up the rumor in the new issue of Vanity Fair, where Aniston talks for the first time about her breakup.

Aniston, who has avoided reading the tabloids, looks as if she's been stabbed in the heart. "Her eyes well up and spill over and she cries for several long minutes," writes Bennetts. Aniston says she'd hoped to spend the last year being pregnant, and that she resented claims she didn't want to start a family.

"A man divorcing would never be accused of choosing career over children," she says. "That really p--ed me off. I've never in my life said I didn't want to have children. I did and I do and I will!"

Aniston still calls Pitt "a fantastic man. I don't regret any of it. ... I really do hope that someday we can be friends again."

But Aniston's pals say Pitt checked out of the marriage as soon as he met Jolie on the set of "Mr. & Mrs. Smith." They note that he even failed to make the taping of her final episode of "Friends." When she reached out for her husband's support, she says, "He just wasn't there for me."

Does Aniston buy his claim that he didn't cheat on her before they separated?

"I choose to believe my husband," says Aniston, who nevertheless was hurt by that W magazine portfolio of Pitt and Jolie playing husband and wife.

"There's a sensitivity chip that's missing [in him]," she says. "I can ... imagine Brad having absolutely no clue why people would be appalled by it."

She also was wounded by the pictures of Pitt with Jolie and her son, Maddox, on vacation in Africa. "I can't say it was one of the highlights of my year," she says. "[But] you joke and say, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.'"
As others have said, I like Brad and Angelina less every second.
It wouldn't be a problem if they were already divorced, but hanging out with together with the kids and acting like a happy family when the ink isn't even dry on the divorce papers if ridiculous and childish and shows that they really can't see the problem with it.

Angelina said that she would never sleep with a married man which is respectable, but it's more than just sleeping with him. She should respect Jennifers feelings and back off until things are over with. I mean staying in Brad's house 20 minutes away from Jen is so tacky. I just can't stand her minute by minute. Sorry to her fans, but this is just low.
I feel so sorry for Jen, she must be so hurt to see all the happy photos of Brad and Angelina spending the vacations together etc. I really liked Brad and Angelina but after all, it's pretty hard to believe anything like " no we're not together" .
"There's a sensitivity chip that's missing (from Brad). ... He makes his choices. He can do – whatever. We're (about to be) divorced, and you can see why."

That's the vibe I get from him and why I don't really care for him addition to his consistently crappy movies and bad dye job.
liberty33r1b said:
i really start to dislike angelina more now......didn't she proclaim she would never mess with a married man, after all the pain she had to go through after her own parents divorce?

YES! I remember her saying that :o
^ Yep and even though they are getting a divorce they are technically still married.
It wouldn't be a problem if they were already divorced, but hanging out with together with the kids and acting like a happy family when the ink isn't even dry on the divorce papers if ridiculous and childish and shows that they really can't see the problem with it.

Angelina said that she would never sleep with a married man which is respectable, but it's more than just sleeping with him. She should respect Jennifers feelings and back off until things are over with. I mean staying in Brad's house 20 minutes away from Jen is so tacky. I just can't stand her minute by minute. Sorry to her fans, but this is just low.
I agree.

She must be so hurt (we can see it by this interview actually) to see the two of them together, starting their own little family and all. I mean, the minute before they announced their split, Brad and Angelina were seen together all happy, with her son, and now they're living together in his Malibu home apparently, and she adopted another child... They don't seem to have any respect for Jen, and I really feel sorry for her...
"Angelina said that she would never sleep with a married man"

Can we really believe her on this part? She had no problems sleeping with engaged men, as she's proved a couple of times before.

I do like them less and less. That was interesting about him not having a sensitivity chip. I think Angelina likely doesn't have one either considering the affairs she's been in before.
Wish Jen all the best! After all, living well is the best revenge!
I agree with you all -- it is so sad that Brad has chosen to pursue his own desires during the 6 month period between separation and divorce at all costs, without any regard to Jen and her feelings. Any man or woman with an ounce of sensitivity would refrain from embarking upon a new relationship -- or at the VERY LEAST publicly flaunting one -- until the divorce is final. Really, is it that difficult to wait for 6 months before moving Angelina and her clan into his house? Even if they kept their relationship low key it would be better than the way they have acted. Their public photo-ops, flying down to adopt a baby together, moving in together a few minutes from Jen in Malibu, that W magazine spread...:angry:

And why is it that Angelina tipped off the newspapers to come and photograph her and Brad on the beach in Kenya days/weeks after Jennifer filed for divorce? I just don't understand how a woman could be so cold and heartless, esp. since Angelina has been going around saying how hurt she was by her Dad cheating on her Mom. And she should know how it feels to be humiliated because Billy Bob Thornton was f*cking everything that moved while he was married to her - including their housekeeper.

And I do realize that Brad was the one who was married, but it takes two to tango. When I was single, I would not have come within 10 feet of a married man. Brad didn't just fall for her for no reason...there was flirtation and a lot more going on than they are letting on and it was a two way street. Just because he didn't literally have sexual intercourse doesn't mean there wasn't some unfaithfulness going on. There has got to be some truth behind the rumors that Angelina hooks up with her married co-stars - rumors just don't come from nowhere.

It's not even the cheating that gets me though, it is how those two are behaving and being callous towards Jenn and her feelings. :cry:
Unable to resist taking a swipe at Pitt's recently peroxide-enhanced scalp, Aniston snaps: "Billy Idol called – he wants his look back."
:lol: Gotta love it.
I was hurt for her by the spread they did for "W" magazine. What an ***, both of them. I feel for Jen but obvously it wasn't meant to be and I think she's better off without him. I hope she's able to find love with someone and start a family, that apparently she's always wanted.
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