Jennifer Aniston's New Interview [mention of Pitt and Jolie]

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No, I wouldn't base my full opinion on the fact that she has done some charity work.

Here are other celebs that have done charity work, Just to name a few...

Bill Cosby
Kelsey Grammer
Jane Pauley
Pat sayjak
Evander Holyfield
John McEnroe
Mike Tyson
Charles Barkley
Jay Leno
Johnny Carson
Donald Trump
Bill Gates
Michael Douglas
Richard Gere
Pam Anderson
Will Smith
Danny Devito
Aaron Spelling
Tommy Hilfigher
Calvin Klein
Bruce Spingsteen
John Forgerty
Barbara Streisand
Carson Daly
Snoop Dogg
Britney Spears
Jessica Simpson
Nick Lachey
Jennifer Aniston
Brad Pitt
Do we put these People on such a high pedastal? No!
iluvjeisa said:
If she really wanted to do something for Africa she should donate 90% of her earnings to some worthwhile cause that she got involved in. To me, she's doesn't seem particularly kind or unkind, she's just selfish like most other people but likes to seem like a goth saint or something. I just wonder who's judging the book by its cover here ;)
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
fashionicon said:

so what should I be basing my opinion about her on? The speculation that she slept with a married man or the fact that she "seems" like a mean person?:innocent:

I highly doubt Hitler, Jeffery Dahmer, Joseph Stalin, the unabomber, or John Gotti was so heavily involved in charitable work.

Anyone who takes the time out of their own lives to stop and acknowledge the suffering of other people is a-okay in my book.

I'm sure the Stalins of our time will make a note of that. You can be completely sure that people have figured out that to seem like a good person you do some charity work.
iluvjeisa said:
If she really wanted to do something for Africa she should donate 90% of her earnings to some worthwhile cause that she got involved in. To me, she's doesn't seem particularly kind or unkind, she's just selfish like most other people but likes to seem like a goth saint or something. I just wonder who's judging the book by its cover here ;)

Oh please.

You wouldn't give 90 percent of your earnings away, so why should she. That's not enough to live on. And I'm banking on the fact that due to her 2 children, that would be kind of hard to do.:rolleyes:

And what are you implying? The fact that she is a "Goodwill amabassdor is not a judgement. It's a fact, so I'm pretty sure that you are the one who is judging the book by it's cover.:rolleyes:
With the salary that she makes she could live modestly on the 10%.

Yes she may be a "goodwill ambassdor" but that shouldn't be your only judgement about her. If that's all you can say about her then you have definelty judged a book by it's cover.
surferchica said:
No, I wouldn't base my full opinion on the fact that she has done some charity work.

surferchica said:
No, I wouldn't base my full opinion on the fact that she has done some charity work.

Here are other celebs that have done charity work, Just to name a few...

Bill Cosby
Kelsey Grammer
Jane Pauley
Pat sayjak
Evander Holyfield
John McEnroe
Mike Tyson
Charles Barkley
Jay Leno
Johnny Carson
Donald Trump
Bill Gates
Michael Douglas
Richard Gere
Pam Anderson
Will Smith
Danny Devito
Aaron Spelling
Tommy Hilfigher
Calvin Klein
Bruce Spingsteen
John Forgerty
Barbara Streisand
Carson Daly
Snoop Dogg
Britney Spears
Jessica Simpson
Nick Lachey
Jennifer Aniston
Brad Pitt
Do we put these People on such a high pedastal? No!


Uh yeah, thanks for the lesson, but I knew all that before.

Your attempt to seem knowledgable on the subject is highly obvious and uncalled for. Due to the fact that we are talking about people's judgements toward Angelina.

And yes, I do put those celebrities on a high pedastool.:rolleyes:
This thread is getting rididulous.
At the end of the day we still don't know Jennifer or Angelina.
Not knowing exactly the facts we can't fairly draw conclusions on their personnalities or on what happened.

So you're all basing your views on speculations.

It's just a pointless waste of time and energy don't you think ?

Let's be shalow when it comes to gossips! ;-)
surferchica said:
With the salary that she makes she could live modestly on the 10%.

Yes she may be a "goodwill ambassdor" but that shouldn't be your only judgement about her. If that's all you can say about her then you have definelty judged a book by it's cover.


Keyword "modestly". Even her 90 percent would not make a dent in the problem. That's why she and Brad are focusing on "awarness". Hence the One organization..:innocent:

And that isn't my only judgement about her. I also think she's beautiful and talented.:rolleyes:
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Doing charity work absolves you from having to have morals? It doesn't matter how many African orphans she adopts, Angelina messed with a married man (it doesn't have to be physical to be cheating, you know), which makes her completely uncool in my book. Also, flying in and taking photo-ops with the poor little starving children hardly counts as charity work. Donating money = charity. Actually providing relief care on the ground = charity. Flying in and posing for photos = Hardly charity, unless people are expected to be fed and cured just by proximity to such great beauty and saintliness. Incidentally, many, many people in Hollywood do much more charity work than Ms. Jolie; they just don't famewhore as much about it. A lot of those people get ripped apart in this forum on a daily basis, so why does Angelina get a free pass? For example, Oprah has donated massive amounts of money and built schools in Africa for underprivileged children. Tom Cruise donates and supports a pediatric AIDs charity and runs several environmental groups. I've seen both of them get lambasted in threads. If charity work automatically makes Angelina a good person and immune from all criticism, I think you should lay off the others too.
Holy smokes.. please don't ignore me.. ENOUGH! I really don't want to close this thread.
fashionicon said:

Keyword "modestly". Even her 90 percent would not make a dent in the problem. That's why she and Brad are focusing on "awarness". Hence the One organization..:innocent:

And that isn't my only judgement about her. I also think she's beautiful and talented.:rolleyes:

You're right the 90% wouldn't make a dent in it. But instead of not donating anything while raising awareness why not donate money while raising awareness. "Lead by example, and others will follow." I just think to many celebs these days try to raise awareness and yet don't donate anything themselves, although angelina has donated so kudos to her.

Yes she is Beautiful,and talented, I never said she wan't. I personally don't like her personality or the way she comes off in interviews.
Final warning guys.. I don't know how this became about Angelina.. but enough is enough already! Let's agree to disagree! :flower:
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Anyways, I'm glad Jen decided to speak up. She didn't come off rude or mean. Good for her! I think I'm going to buy the issue:D
Sorry, AndoraStar, I didn't see your post before I posted. I was too busy writing a rant...*sheepish*

Anyhoo, about Jen... I'm glad she finally said something, but I disagree with the above posters that all we have to go on is speculation. I think we can judge them on their actions. I don't need Jen to say that Brad lacks a sensitivity chip. It's obvious. The ink's not even dry on his divorce papers before he's moving in with his glam co-star and they're posing together as a happy family in W. I don't care what actually went on; that's a pretty blatant disregard for Jen's feelings.
surferchica said:
^True,but if he wanted a baby so bad why didn't he stop whining to the media and get out of the relationship sooner. <Sorry had to vent,never really liked brad pitt>

all you do is vent. I look at this thread and you have like half the posts here.

and to answer your question, Pitt obviously tried to make it work with aniston which is why he stayed so long. you cant have both ways you know. First you say, Pitt is treating Aniston like dirt and now youre saying "why didnt he leave sooner"
*AndoraStar* said:
Final warning guys.. I don't know how this became about Angelina.. but enough is enough already! Let's agree to disagree! :flower:

Thank you, AndoraStar. I obviously am not a regular here but it really is ridiculous how some people have to keep spewing their hate over and over again saying the same old thing. We. Get. It. You dont like so-and-so. Let's move on.
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