Kanye West Douche Watch 2009: Taylor Swift Edition

I've already explained what I feel, several times in fact. But I will again. I think Kanye was wrong to embarrass Taylor, but in doing so she is being talked about more than she would have for winning what I think is a silly award. He did a douche-bag thing, he apologized and imo sounded remorseful. The entire thing is being blown out of proportion. The punishment, so to speak, does not fit the crime. If it were anyone but a cute little blond girl, would people be so upset?

Aoedele, I find it amusing that on Page 6 you stated:
Thanks for the grammar lesson. I don't know, since you've quoted my entire post, one can't help but take it personal, non? Whatever, potato, potatoe. This is so not interesting. Moving on. :lol:

Yet, you have been "moving on" and on and on. Page 9 and you're still going at it. If it's not interesting, nor worthy of further discussion, you sure have done your fair share of contribution to make it so.
I'd rather the news be infiltrated with discussions of Healthcare, the ending of the war in Afghanistan, or the current situations in Iran or other nations in tumultuous times, than some foolishness committed at the MTV awards; by a man who's committed similar actions in the past nonetheless. Civility is an interesting discussion to have in the U.S. However, why has a shining beacon of light come over this particular incident, yet has escaped others whom have committed similar incidents or actual crimes? I'd hope that a discussion of civility would be discussed by seeing an inherant problem in society, instead of irrational behavior committed by a celebrity at an award show on par with Nickelodean's Teen Choice Awards.
I think this is hypocritical and, like I previously stated, suspect.

I disagree with comments like this for various reasons. The very fact that you're on a fashion site -- in the gossip forum -- and not haunting CNN tells me that you, too, want a bit of escapism. It's a sad time now in America -- unemployment, two endless wars, housing crisis, fires, etc. The mood is rather melancholy. The news covers all of that. Must we eat and sleep it 24/7?

It's celebrity news. Kanye's behavior won't effect the wars, healthcare or the economy. But it sure is fun as hell to discuss it.

Even the President has weighed in on the issue.
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No offence but Taylors face kinda scares me[and I'm not alone here trust me..].. and I never really liked her.. but her songs are great..
I disagree with comments like this for various reasons. The very fact that you're on a fashion site -- in the gossip forum -- and not haunting CNN tells me that you, too, want a bit of escapism. It's a sad time now in America -- unemployment, two endless wars, housing crisis, fires, etc. The mood is rather melancholy. The news covers all of that. Must we eat and sleep it 24/7?

It's celebrity news. Kanye's behavior won't effect the wars, healthcare or the economy. But it sure is fun as hell to discuss it.
thefashionspot.com is my Escapism? I Eat & sleep 24/7 on lousy cable news coverage? No, my friend. Apparently, you didn't get my post & think I'm constantly on CNN.com & worrying about America & the world. That's alright though. Hopefully someone else got what I was trying to say.
As far as the last part, I already addressed why I have a problem with that in my previous 2 posts.
Again not trying to offend but is it really that big of a deal? I mean yea he said Beyonce had a great music video but he didn’t say oh tayors sucked.. he just stated his opinion he thinks beyonces music video is amazing. He was being HONEST. And yea he’s arrogant but so what? He didn’t say anything that was totally offensive.. he just probably wanted to give beyonce that ‘boost’ after losing out to Taylor and perhaps it was a spontaneous of the moment thing. This kind of crap happens ALL the time.

And anyways I don’t like Taylor Or Kanye. I like both their music but personally Taylor is scary looking to me when she’s without her heavy *** makeup/when she’s smiling and kanye is definitely arrogant. Both make good music but I’m not a fan of either of their so I’m not biased.
^Seems like you missed the point. It's not about what he said, it's about how he did it. If he had replied to a journalist afterwards - tbh, I think Beyonce's MV was better than Taylor's, who could blame him? He was just saying what he felt, that is his right. But that's not what he did. He went on stage during Taylor's acceptance's speech and completely ruined her moment. That's simply unacceptable. No amount of "talent" excuses douche-y behavior imo and I also don't care that this will actually benefit Taylor in the long run. It's about a man who's sense of entitlement is running overtime. For some unexplainable reason , he thought that his feelings on the matter were MUCH, much more important than the public/judges/Taylor's.

This kind of crap happens ALL the time.
Maybe if people weren't so blasé about that kind of behavior, celebs would stop letting "this kind of crap happen ALL the time"!
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Aoedele, I find it amusing that on Page 6 you stated:
Yet, you have been "moving on" and on and on. Page 9 and you're still going at it. If it's not interesting, nor worthy of further discussion, you sure have done your fair share of contribution to make it so.
Awww, how sweet, you're following my post. I'm touched, really. :heart:

If you had read further on pg. 9 I said this:

I was done with this topic, but this comment gave me pause. His mother is dead, and even if she wasn't blaming her for his bad behavior is tactless and classless! A parent isn't always 100% to blame for their child's behavior, It ticks me off when people make that assumption.

Lol, its my prerogative what forum I post at. If I want to change my mind, I do. Don't like? Don't read.
Kanye is officially a joke now. He's such a d!ckface. Taylor is like 19 and that was her moment to feel special (although shes won numerous other awards).
I really like what Beyonce did.

I have a suspicious feeling that this whole act was a PR gimmick.
Seriously I don't care what his opinion is if thats how he likes to share his opinions with everyone else... its plain rude... He could have easily waited to tell beyonce himself and not embarrass taylor in front of her peers like that, and try to take away from her win and try to make her feel that she didn't deserve the award.. If I was taylor on that stage and kanye did that to me, I would have knocked his lights out no joke...
Kanye is officially a joke now. He's such a d!ckface. Taylor is like 19 and that was her moment to feel special (although shes won numerous other awards).
I really like what Beyonce did.

I have a suspicious feeling that this whole act was a PR gimmick.

I had that feeling when a saw it too, BUT why would Kanye want to make himself look bad and let his fans down... I mean he is probably hated as much as chris brown now:doh:
Awww, how sweet, you're following my post. I'm touched, really. :heart:

If you had read further on pg. 9 I said this:

Lol, its my prerogative what forum I post at. If I want to change my mind, I do. Don't like? Don't read.

Yes. I am aware you have said many, many, many things... even though it is such a tedious and uninteresting topic that we all have taken too seriously and should have moved on from since page 6.
Is this the worst crime possible to commit on the face of the earth? wow youth is really obessed iwth celebrity culture. I still really fail to see what the big deal is?
^Seems like you missed the point. It's not about what he said, it's about how he did it. If he had replied to a journalist afterwards - tbh, I think Beyonce's MV was better than Taylor's, who could blame him? He was just saying what he felt, that is his right. But that's not what he did. He went on stage during Taylor's acceptance's speech and completely ruined her moment. That's simply unacceptable. No amount of "talent" excuses douche-y behavior imo and I also don't care that this will actually benefit Taylor in the long run. It's about a man who's sense of entitlement is running overtime. For some unexplainable reason , he thought that his feelings on the matter were MUCH, much more important than the public/judges/Taylor's.

Maybe if people weren't so blasé about that kind of behavior, celebs would stop letting "this kind of crap happen ALL the time"!
well said!

some of the people here are missing the point ....
Lol, the guy embarasses himself and he should disappear. Ummm...being a Grammy award winning, plus a host of other awards, is meaningless. Yeah, I see your point, no redeeming qualities at all. Dude's a hack!

Gotta love the msm and blogosphere, they sure love to milk a non-story.

okay i admit it, i am biased. I hate rap, I hate Kanye west. I listened to it, almost puked, cried myself to sleep. His grammy's just mean that a bunch of old fogies decided to give him a prize. Otherwise, he would whine and cry himself to sleep like his music did to me :rolleyes:

Kanye is no where near as genius as he thinks he is. He is the prime example of a narcissistic behavior. Beyonce is no where near as good as people believe. No, Kanye west like to think he is the new Sinatra and Beyonce is the new Tina turner like he said a few months back. What a delusional hack

I'm not familiar at all with Taylor's music, so...

btw, he didn't just embarrass himself, he embarrassed a young girl. Not to mention, this IS a story because he is a damn grown man, acting like a b*tch, picking on a TEENAGER. Can you just wrap your mind around that?
Is this the worst crime possible to commit on the face of the earth? wow youth is really obessed iwth celebrity culture. I still really fail to see what the big deal is?

grown man picking on teen. Makes teen sad. grown man has no manners.

It all goes back to that

I still fail to see what people don't get about this. Do people have no civility anymore?
oh please, people seem to get up in arms because it's a celebrity period. I'm not buying the whole civility BS crusade. If one was concerned about civility, they certainly would not be watching MTV.
oh please, people seem to get up in arms because it's a celebrity period. I'm not buying the whole civility BS crusade. If one was concerned about civility, they certainly would not be watching MTV.

why do you assume we all watch MTV-it's been unavoidable news over the past week!
I don't get why it's so wrong to defend a teen against the idiotic decisions of grown man. If some old guy was picking on a kid, I hope none of us hesitate to help that kid out in heartbeat.
Oh :lol:
I only just noticed the title-did you come up with it Harumi?-because it's hilarious :rofl:

He's hated as much as CB, but it won't last as long. Again, I feel that no matter what each of them says, does or means it, people won't forgive. But they might forget :ninja:
If I keep hearing about this in a week, I'll be really shocked-yes it wasn't smart, but a) we need to move on-it's only a matter of time before both parties do and b)there are much more important things in the world to discuss.
If I keep hearing about this in a week, I'll be really shocked-yes it wasn't smart, but a) we need to move on-it's only a matter of time before both parties do and b)there are much more important things in the world to discuss.

i do agree with that

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