Laser Hair Removal

Well, I finally got it done! I've had one treatment so far with the Gentlelase laser. It didn't hurt at all. I had my upper lip done, and basically, it took about 1.5/2 weeks for the hair to 'fall out' (I kinda pulled gently on a few of them & they slid was kinda like little 'dots' of hair, not actual roots). Then I would say I was hairfree for about 2 weeks (was heaven...!) then it started to grow back in. It's about a month after my first treamtnet and it's pretty bad right now - i've been fighting the urge to pluck :doh::doh: I'm not used to having hair here... it's hard to get used to the fact that I haven't plucked for a month! especially since I was doing it every day!

I've been bleaching, but I've noticed with bleach, it's like the hair almost knows it's been bleached and grows at lighting speed to get rid of the bleached bits, if that makes sense.

My next session is next week.
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I had it done on my face and it burnt pretty badly. I had to put aloe on my face, and you have to do at least 6 or so treatments, if not more. It's not something that just takes once or twice to get rid of, it takes a while, and even then, not all of the hairs are going to be "killed" so even then, you'll have to shave.
I've been having laser done since I was 17 I'd say and I've just turned 20. It was the best thing I've ever done! I first started with my upper lip and then moved onto my under arms and then the rest of my face. It really is very addictive.

Although my upper lip is still a problem even after all this time I know that it's definitely working and knowing my luck the woman actually told me that she's never had a client with that kind of hair growth before lol surprise surprise. You get your hair growth from your father and mine's indian so obviously I'm rather hairy!

But on all the other places it's worked a charm and is practically gone to be honest. Laser is also really good for cleaning your skin as it goes so deep etc..And I was told that it's best to wax in between sessions but I guess that's because my hair growth is different to others.

As to cost of it all yes it's bloody expensive but definitely an investment. I'm so lucky that the people I go to feel so sorry that I'm so hairy and it's so stubborn they give me great discounts lol. I'm probably their most loyal and regular customer!
Finally my advice is there is no average time for it to work because everyone is individual and our hair growth and skin type are all different so there's no bang on right answer. Which I know is very fustrating but i think it helps you to learn and understand your body better i guess.
Laser costs a fortune and is oh SO very painful! :blink:
But it is absolutely worth it.

It is however designed for thick dark hair and light skin; otherwise, you are wasting your money.
hi i'm in ny and want to start laser hair removal. anyone know of a good place? I didn't think it was that expensive, i saw some places that had bikini area for $100-$200.
the only thing is i don't have any medical insurance over here, do you have to go to a doctor, or is it more like a salon/spa?
^^hair removal is more salon/spa sort of thing... medical insurance does not cover the cost because it is cosmetic...
I got my first laser done today!!
I've wanted to try it for ages...but for reasons of having to save first AND do lots of research on it AND find a decent place to go AND getting some courage...I finally did it!

I'm so happy, which I know is dumb because it's not like I can see any results yet :lol: but I was really happy with the place, the staff were really professional and patient. Some parts hurt more than others...but I'm such a vain b!tch that I just sucked it in.
My skin was a little red straight afterwards with some small lumps (like you get after waxing) but it's all gone now. Make sure you put plenty of Aloe on straight afterwards and take extra care of the skin that you are getting done (I was putting lots of creams/oils and treatment on my legs in the days leading up). She said that my skin reacted really well considering I said that it's usually sensitive.
Can't wait to see how it goes, will report back!!
Ps. If anyone is looking for a place in Melbourne I can definitely recommend Neoskin.
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nangnangnj, were you bracing yourself against the pain? did your eyes water?
Yeah a little. But then I kept picturing smooth silky pins and saying it's worth it Nang to myself!! Some of the pain was good waxing pain (I like the feel of a good wax :blush:)
But then around my ankles was really sharp and painful > bad pain. She said it's always more sensitive there for some reason, which I kinda knew from plucking hair there previously.. So when she was doing just above my ankle I was thinking of bad things that have happened in my life and how this is like nothing :lol:
I know that sounds really cheesy, but it worked. At those moments I suddenly felt no pain I SWEAR!!
She also said before we started that some people need to take some painkillers, so to remember to do that before my next appointment. But when the treatment was done I felt fine and still do (one day later)
Are you thinking about getting some done?
I'm defenitely thinking about a laser hair removal...I'm just so tired of shaving, and waxing. But: is it really that painful :ninja: I'm quite a scaredy cat :D
No, just a little more than waxing that's all.
I read somewhere that when it hurts is when it has successfully zapped a bring on the pain!!
I know I know. The money thing was holding me back for ages.
But I finally decided to save up and invest :lol:
It's a lot more upfront, but when I thought about the cost of waxing over time (even just waxing at home) plus other expenses such as a gel my dermatologist recommended for the ingrowns I got as a result of the waxing (it costs $50 for a small bottle at the chemist!!!) I was spending lots of money already and wasting so much time doing the waxing myself (plus the whole waiting for the right time to wax cycle grrr!!!) plus faffing about with various treatments.
I had laser hair removal, but its not 100%. I had around 10 (!) treatment, the result was ok, around 80% of hair removed. i did not do it for around 6 month now, and almost all hair grew back. If you want to remove hair, you would probably need to have the treatment again and again....
I'm wondering if anyone could help me:

I want to use some kind of hair removal (it's for a thin line of hair just below my navel) and I am wondering what you guys think would be the best action to take? Laser hair removal? Electrolysis? And how long do you think these procedures would take, as I am going abroad for a year in June so would ideally like the treatments to be completed by then
....Thank you :flower:
^i would do laser for that...

should be relatively quick and you would prob have to do about 6-8 treatments every 6-8 weeks... (don't quote me on that because i'm not an expert but the whole process would take less than a year and it depends on the hair, your skin and all that)
What's best for the upper lip. My hair his quite fine,
but it's black and my skin is medium toned.....

Is electrolysis OK or is laser better? Sorry, I am really
clueless and I have an appointment at a laser place
next week.
And which is most permanent?

When I get laser, it does not go away after the first session?! Right?
Thank you Chrissy M for your advice :flower:

I have my laser hair removal consultation on thursday! :shock::woot:
I'm a bit nervous
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What's best for the upper lip. My hair his quite fine,
but it's black and my skin is medium toned.....

Is electrolysis OK or is laser better? Sorry, I am really
clueless and I have an appointment at a laser place
next week.
And which is most permanent?

When I get laser, it does not go away after the first session?! Right?

i did electrolysis on my upper lip...
i've read that electrolysis is better for the face (smaller areas) and laser is best for the bigger areas with more dense concentrations of hair..

you might have to go in more times for the electrolysis but i've found that it worked well..
especially with my skin tone/hair which sounds like yours..

hope that helps!
i've been happy doing laser in other areas (bikini line) and electrolysis on my face :flower:

best of luck!
i had laser done about 2years ago. i had between 12 or 14 treatments. i have hair on my neck and chin. i call it my beard :( the ladt shaved my neck everytime she did it. i noticed it was getting worse on my neck. the only good thing i got from the whole thing is my upper lip is a little more thin. however, my neck is still really bad. it makes me so sad. i am now doing threading, when i waz there i break out. i am thinking about electrolysis. does anyone have any advice.

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