Leighton Meester Born in Jail per STAR Mag

I really adore her, especially everything she's doing for the violence against women cause. Although she reveals no personal experiences in this matter it is obviously a cause close to her in some way.

Something like this just makes me respect her more for rising above it. It's definately a story the tabloids would love and I suppose bound to come out eventually - but how nice that she's become such a great role model - Compared with other celebrities with relatively 'normal' or even privileged backgrounds :heart:
oh man...

Laurel Wiig won a restraining order against Constance Meester, the actress' manager, after an ugly confrontation on January 21 in which she threatened to "hunt down and kill" and "f*ck up" the woman.

A Los Angeles judge ordered Constance, 55, to stay 100 yards away from Wiig.
"She is an addict and had made a threat to kill," Wiig wrote in the court papers, obtained exclusively by RadarOnline.com.
Constance gave birth to her daughter while doing time in a Texas prison after being nabbed in a **** ring, as the National Enquirer first revealed.

She was convicted in Georgia as part of an aunt's **** ring that smuggled thousands of pounds of ********* from Jamaica to the United States.
Authorities said the operation netted $250 million a year.
Leighton's mom was sentenced to 10 years in prison and began serving time on August 8, 1985, while pregnant with the future TV star.
:s Poor Leighton! I mean, it's not her fault, for sure, but i wouldn't appreciate stuff like that going public. It's not easy for her.

And i find it weird... The register showed earlier seemed to tell that she was released the 20th of November 1986... Definitely doesnt make 10 years fromt 1985. But maybe i got something wrong here...
She's talked about her parents being in jail in past interviews. Why is this randomly becoming such a big hit now?
...cus her mother (who's also Leigh's manager) just now got a restraining order from this person cus she threatened to kill her.
Are they on speaking terms? Oh nevermind, I forgot that she is Leighton's manager.
I couldn't care less, Leighton would be just as awesome if she was born on a moon!
the thing is as someone wrote earlier, knowing that leighton (queen in my eyes) has gone through hardships, makes other people (i.e me) from similar backgrounds more happy kind of, cause it shows that we're not alone.
from TMZ

"Gossip Girl" star Leighton Meester is suing her mother, claiming her mom diverted money Leighton sent to her little brother and used it for plastic surgery, Botox and hair extensions.
According to the suit ... obtained by TMZ ... Leighton's mom refused to work, but Leighton felt badly for her younger brother Lex, who has severe medical issues. So Leighton sent her mom $7,500 a month so she could provide for Lex.

But the suit claims the mother, Constance Meester, used the money for cosmetic procedures and other personal expenses.

According to the suit, Constance even tried to convince Leighton ... they had an oral contract requiring Leighton to pay her $10,000 a month for life. Leighton says it's a total lie.

Leighton claims her mom threatened to file a $3 million lawsuit against her unless Leighton started coughing up the dough.

Leighton wants the judge to declare there's no contract between her and her mom.
Her mother seems like such a bad person, only after Leighton's money. What kind of mother would use the money send for helping the health of her own son to have cosmetic surgery?
Poor Leighton.
THis is just heartbreaking, my heart goes out to Leighton, I really wish her lots of strength.

I guess this is why she has been doing all these bad movies, she needs the money.
I thought this was kind of shocking but I haven't seen any other gossip news site reporting on this so far, only on TMZ. Also don't see her rep denying it either. Strange.
Now I see this news everywhere. Seems it was only because weekend lol
It's so sweet that she has been taking care of her brother financially, I remember reading that he has had some problems with cancer(?)...this mother sounds like a real piece of work!
apparently her mother is suing her back asking for 10k a month as a support. O_o
poor Leigh.
If that's true (that her brother has cancer) and the mother is using that money for plastic surgery, she should be jailed or something. I'm glad that Leighton is making sure her brother is taken care of and standing up to her mother. This makes me like Leighton more.
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here's what i've found about her brother (i think he's the one that's often seen at GG set in NY):
Leighton Meester has spoken of her admiration for younger brother Lex, who once battled a brain tumour. The 24-year-old Gossip Girl actress makes the touching tribute to the 15-year-old in an interview with US magazine, Nylon. Meester says: "He's very talented and way funny and a lot smarter than I am, and he's honestly the most important thing in the whole world to me. "I want to be like him when I grow up and I don't know where he got it, but he's the strongest kid in the world and I'm just amazed by him." Meester also has an older brother called Douglas, who has two daughters.

check out what i've found about her older brother. jeez.
According to the paper, Leighton’s bro, Douglas Meester, was accused of r*pe while he was a teenager attending the Air Force Academy. A series of articles penned by Westworld writer Julie Jargon detail how Douglas—then a sophomore at the Academy—was accused of r*ping and sodomizing fellow cadet Justine Parks, then 18, in 2002, after the two had a drunken, intimate encounter.
The involvement of alcohol, however, led to confusion in the case. “Parks says she was too weak to resist and doesn’t recall ever saying ‘no,’” Jargon writes. “However, she told investigators that she ‘knew for a fact that he probably thought what we were doing was consensual.’”
Even so, perhaps because the Academy was in the midst of a sexual-harassment scandal, “new commandant of cadets Brigadier General Johnny Weida ordered the court-martial for Douglas Meester…even though the Article 32 hearing officer recommended against it, saying there was insufficient evidence.”
Meester eventually cut a deal in June 2004, pleading to conduct unbecoming of an officer, dereliction of duty and committing an indecent act in exchange for the r*pe charges being dropped. The teenager was fined $2,000 and given a written reprimand—far lighter than the potential life sentence she might have received had he been convicted of r*pe.
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I admire her even more because of where she comes from, and how she has prevailed to make something of herself, I am really rooting for this girl.

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