Leighton Meester Sex Tape Scandal!

Poor Leight, i was so shocked when i hear about that, i still can't believe
It's sad that in this day and time, even sex tapes have become sort of a cliche.
^^ Agreed. For all we know I could be next!!! The sex tape scandal thing has become sort of trite. It's still pretty sad but what can we do...
seems like an unfortunate and poorly thought out decision.

This thread has said pretty much everything there is to say.

1. sex tapes are dumb. but if you want to make one, have the good sense to control who has a copy rather than letting your ex keep it do do with it what he wishes. :doh:

2. rising actresses/actors - sordid things always come out. She should have been more prescient/thoughtful about her image and career.

Overall, its all very unfortunate. While this doesn't change my opinion of her as a beautiful and talented rising young actress, I'm sure that this does have an affect on her image and her reception by the media and the public.

What she does in her private life is her business, but sadly this kind of puts associations of her with trashy people like Paris Hilton/Kardishan etc.
Leighton Meester and Dustin Lance Black...suddenly all the talented people have sex tapes (or risque pictures)!
I'm shocked. I have to admit that. I didn't think that Leighton would be the one with a sex tape released.

But it obviously, doesn't change how I feel about her.

This was from years ago. And even if it was present (not. because Seb would not be a douce like her ex and try to profit from something like that!) so what? If people want to tape themselves while having sex - even celebrities, that IS THEIR RIGHT! I do not see how "oh she knew what she was doing" makes it okay. What did she know? She knew that she was making a sex tape with her BF (plenty of folks do that). Did she know that he was going to hold onto it until she became a little bit famous so that he could sell it for a ton of money? Most likely not. Hence, SHE DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING! I find it despicable that when celebrities' dirty laundry is aired (unwillingly), people are so blasé about how much of an invasion of privacy, this is. Just because they are celebrities, it does not entitle us to know every single aspect of their lives! They should still have the same rights as everyone else.
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it doesnt change how i think of her any bit. it is really unfortunate. how embarrasing to have all your girly bits ont he internet for everyone to see let alone having sex with you bf. this things are not supposed to happend (the leaking of the video) but they do, everyday theres another video, sick people are eager to get this "material" on their hands. or even out of curiosity, weve all seen the pictures on perez to see if it was indeed her in the vid.

does anyone really know whos the guy with her? and if it was shot years ago was she underage at the time?
^she was of legal age. she's 23 now, and the video was apparently shot 4 years ago. that makes her 19. :(
Btw, Leighton will be on "Its on with Alexa Chung" on the 25th. I wonder if she'd talk about this whole brouhaha...
I hope it wouldn't affect her career much. Poor girl.
Well money can do anything. If I was her agent and if it was possible I would try to buy the tape and make her ex sign that he wouldn't keep any copy and sell it. But that would need a lot of money.
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Did she know that he was going to hold onto it until she became a little bit famous so that he could sell it for a ton of money? Most likely not. Hence, SHE DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING!

She didn't know what she was doing, when she willingly agreed to record an activity in a watchable format? She hasn't heard one story about how sexual material has been used to blackmail people - both famous and unfamous - every day of every decade since the camera has been invented?

This activity is a very common form of extortion or revenge and affects a wide range of people, from the woman whose spurned partner prints out pictures and nails them to trees in her neighbourhood, to the businesswoman or politican who gets demands for money or else embarassing material will be emailed to her clients or released to the press.

And if someone has eyes and ears, they'll have heard about the innumerable celebrity sex tapes that have been coming out for years and years, especially if they've been working hard to establish their own career in the entertainment industry.

Only an idiot will imagine that it won't happen to them - and only a fool imagines that their sexual partners don't show their friends what they did (and if you become a celebrity, they'll show the world). If you don't want to be watched, then don't record. As soon as your tape exists, it'll be shared. It was made to be seen. Don't expect otherwise, don't naively reckon you have control.

That said, vanilla sex activities on tape wouldn't change my view of someone.
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Ok, I am gonna call her Blair because it is easier to write, and that character is the only reason I care about this girl.

So Blair will go and be silent for a while, then after 3 months or so she will go to the Tyra show, or if she is lucky Oprah, cry a few tears and whatnot and people will all see how 'brave' she is and forget all about it - since she is a 'good girl' by nature and reputation.

She may forget her 'Vogue dreams' from now on, but that is another situation all together of course.
^ tbh, i don't think Leighton has a reputation for being a "good girl". I mean she's had scandals from supposedly fighting with Blake Lively (basically untrue) and her parent's drug past. She's hardly got some saintly all-american image as a sweetheart. Besides "Blair" as a character isn't exactly squeaky clean - i don't watch GG anymore but the last time i did, Blair was having casual sex with some guy.

From seeing articles about her and how she conducts herself in interviews - she definitely comes accross as mature, pretty intelligent and quite sardonic. So tbh I don't see that she's going to go into hiding or make a public apology etc. Leighton' doesn't seem like the sort to go the *woe is me* victim route. And nor, do i think - its necessary.

Also, i just don't see why the fashion industry or film industry has any cause to treat her much differently - what relation does Vogue have to Perez Hilton? We're talking about someone who is generally very private about her personal life, who is not seeing out partying and drunk.

It really hasn't changed my opinion of her - yes sex tapes are dumb, but whatever - that was years ago. People do things when they were younger they now regret, its abit embarrassing, but on the whole no biggie. Really, it's just a sex tape, people have sex, *shrug*.

I'd be more disappointed if she oh idk....berated an assistant or abused her cast mates ( Christian Blale?). But this? Well it's not her fault it got leaked. Even if it might have been stupid in the first place.
people are calling her a great actress? I know it's a matter of opinion but calling her a great actress is a stretch.
I'm apalled that this happened! and why the HELL is it always the case that the boyfriend or girlfriend has the tape? the celebrity never seems te be the one who has the tape!
I won't watch it because I think it's horrible for Leighton, but it goes to show that you should never give someone a tape, or at least make sure it gets deleted. Or just don't make one to start with :-)
I'm apalled that this happened! and why the HELL is it always the case that the boyfriend or girlfriend has the tape? the celebrity never seems te be the one who has the tape!

If the celebrity had the tape, it would never get leaked unless they are desperate for publicity.

Which is probably the case for a lot of actors. I'm sure there are plenty of actors and actresses who have made sex tapes. They just haven't been leaked.
I don't understand why people are SO judgmental. She made this before she became famous, I'm sure she had no intention of it being released. AND who cares! It's not a crime, she was just having fun with her boyfriend. I'm sure there are many hard working, successful, and good people out there, who aren't famous, who have a sex tape as well. Just the fact that she is a celebrity makes hers visible.

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