Leighton Meester Sex Tape Scandal!

I don't think it will hurt her too much in the long run, it just sort of taints things. Let's say if she was hoping to be next after Blake for a Vogue cover, that ain't happening now. But she still has talent and that will take her far.
plenty of people make sex tapes. it's not like its anything new :S

i don't see how this is going to affect leighton's career. she didnt do anything 'wrong', her ex is obviously the jerk here. he is the one who should be ashamed.
Sex tapes are an all around stupid thing to do, whether your famous or not, it's still the internet and people can publish (hack) them in moments time.

But as a whole, Leighton seems to be a generally kind, mature sort of person, I'm certainly not disgusted by her doings, just maybe a bit disappointed at the best.
I agree with ponytrot. She seems pretty nonchalant about it. When news came out about her sex tape, fans sent her tweets "Stay strong leighton!" "you're still my idol" etc. But yesterday she just tweeted

Just wrapped The Roommate, last day. Happy and sad it's over, but onto the next chapter.
I don't think it will hurt her too much in the long run, it just sort of taints things.


Does anyone remember Kristin Davis' sex pictures? They were released around the time the Sex and the City movie was about to come out.. and they barely made a blip in the media. I don't even think I heard about it once on the entertainment shows. Or maybe I just missed them. Anyways, it doesn't even seem like it's affected her image.. but I also wonder whether it had to do with the fact that she's on Sex and the City :lol: Anyways, I love her.
hmm... are you 100% sure that it's not just a rumor??
I mean maybe it's just some girl that looks a lot like leighton??

but if it's true :doh: poor girl!
well but maybe (if she's lucky) this scandal will even help her career! don't get me wrong - of course it's a really bad thing, but it's still publicity... :innocent:

anyway - she will handle it


No, the photo stills of the girl in the video are totally Leighton...Sad to say.
Oh gosh I associate sex tapes with crappy celebrities that doesn't have any particular acting ability like Paris or Kim but not with a really promising actress like Leighton.I'm sad because her reputation of polite and sweet girl is forever gone but on the other hand I'm happy because she'll get a lot of advantages from this situation(just remember Kate Moss,she got banned for the fashion industry for maybe 2 months and then she got all the best campaigns and things like).
Scandals always get a lot of great publicity
the tape was obviously shot a few years ago when she was younger and I'm sure it wasn't meant for the public eye..
it really sucks that her exboyfriend is a douchebag (I'm sure he'll get his share of bad karma), I'm surprised there isn't a law against these stuff yet..

I hope this will blow over quickly and won't affect her work much, her PR team are quite clever in not responding to this yet
i was pretty suprised about this.
but this will not change my opinion from leighton.
she is charming young woman who made mistake.
hope this all gets over soon.

(but i am wating for the day people stop doing sex tapes)
She didn't know what she was doing, when she willingly agreed to record an activity in a watchable format? She hasn't heard one story about how sexual material has been used to blackmail people - both famous and unfamous - every day of every decade since the camera has been invented?

This activity is a very common form of extortion or revenge and affects a wide range of people, from the woman whose spurned partner prints out pictures and nails them to trees in her neighbourhood, to the businesswoman or politican who gets demands for money or else embarassing material will be emailed to her clients or released to the press.

And if someone has eyes and ears, they'll have heard about the innumerable celebrity sex tapes that have been coming out for years and years, especially if they've been working hard to establish their own career in the entertainment industry.

Only an idiot will imagine that it won't happen to them - and only a fool imagines that their sexual partners don't show their friends what they did (and if you become a celebrity, they'll show the world). If you don't want to be watched, then don't record. As soon as your tape exists, it'll be shared. It was made to be seen. Don't expect otherwise, don't naively reckon you have control.

That said, vanilla sex activities on tape wouldn't change my view of someone.

I don't understand your point. So because sex tapes easily get leaked, people should be wary of them? Because at some point in the future, in case, she got famous her tape would be used as extortion material? I thought people made sex tapes because it somehow turned them on? Just because the possibility is there, that doesn't mean it should prevent people from living their lives. I know, that if I step outside my door, I could get hit by a car, so should I stay home for the rest of my life? Why should other people's actions dictate my life? Furthermore, this was from years ago, before she got famous. And I'm sorry and it might be terribly naive of me, but my first thought regarding sex tapes isn't, oh damn, it'll be released on the internet anytime now. I don't see the appeal of making sex tapes, but I have this idea that unless one is young and careless, people don't usually make them randomly. They usually do it with someone they trust. And if you trust someone enough to make a sex tape with them, why on earth would you expect them to betray you? Basically, you are saying Leighton was naive to trust someone she trusted. Sure, we've all heard the stories about released sex tapes, but how many sex tapes are really exposed to the world in comparison to how many sex tapes there are made? My guess would be very few. Unless you are famous/important somehow, nobody cares about your sex tape!

Let's presume Leighton was young and careless. So she made a sex tape with her BF. Why do we automatically presume that Leighton knew he had kept it? And even if she did know that he still had it, should that stop her from becoming an actress because he might someday use it against her? Famous people or not, we have all done stupid things in our past. Should we live in fear that it might someday be used againt us? Or maybe, we should live a perfect life and never make any mistakes. :rolleyes:
So because sex tapes easily get leaked, people should be wary of them? Because at some point in the future, in case, she got famous her tape would be used as extortion material?

That is precisely my point. Anyone who is aiming to achieve a position of public visibility or social responsibility has to bear in mind that sometimes their private activities may become known and may impact negatively on people's perceptions about their career.

In an ideal world, I agree with everything you say about not giving a damn about what others might say or think, but that isn't how things work - certainly not in the world of showbiz, where image is everything.

I think its up to the individual to weigh up the possibilities of what might happen to the material, and to ask themselves where they want to go in life, and what they could lose - and if it still turns them on, press play.

I don't like to see people held to ransom by others, when they could easily not step into this type of trap. Because there isn't much sexual liberation in being blackmailed. Or exposed in public, or ridiculed.

And I think many people's sex tapes do get released onto the internet, but they end up being featured on The Hun rather than Perez Hilton. The internet is awash with amateur p*rn, and a lot of it has probably been uploaded without the permission of the people involved.

I wouldn't bother watching her sex tape, it sounds like a lot of fuss over nothing - but she works in an American market, and such things do seem to matter, more so depending on what sort of audience watches her work.
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so disappointing because its going to tarnish her career in a way. i just hope shes not always known for it, rather than her role as Blair. im a bit disappointed in her because its careless to do something like that, thats my opinion and idc what anyone says. but whatever we'll see what happens.
From seeing articles about her and how she conducts herself in interviews - she definitely comes accross as mature, pretty intelligent and quite sardonic. So tbh I don't see that she's going to go into hiding or make a public apology etc. Leighton' doesn't seem like the sort to go the *woe is me* victim route. And nor, do i think - its necessary.

Also, i just don't see why the fashion industry or film industry has any cause to treat her much differently - what relation does Vogue have to Perez Hilton? We're talking about someone who is generally very private about her personal life, who is not seeing out partying and drunk.

i agree w/ everything you said.

also, it's pretty obvious that anna wintour favours blake so i think a vogue cover has always been out of the question for leighton.
oh vogue cover. who cares! :innocent:
she doesn't need it to prove that she's beautiful and talented. ;)
I don't get the whole 'I'm so disappointed in her'.I don't think less of her because she features on a private sex tape.Even if you aim to become a star, it doesn't mean you have to watch your every step, especially when you do your stuff in privacy.She's not responsible for the fact that her ex-boyfriend has no shame.
I'm just surprised how many people are so naive to trust boyfriends like this...I do not get the point AT ALL of this sex tapes.
such a disappointment, I wonder why in this digital age some girls trust a 'boyfriend' to record one of the most intimate act b/w them. You have to be in a particular mindset to even entertain such an act in my book, not to mention the 'trust' you give someone without knowing if they will uphold it.

I hope its not as nasty and explicit as previous celeb videos, according to tmz its not sexually revealing as much.

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