Lily Donaldson

1997, Me and my sis dressed up for the creepy Santa at Harrods
twitter / Lily_Donaldson_

Adorable! Though I don't know why it would say "1993" in 1997. :lol:
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^ The video is so cute...reminds me of the Betty Page films from the 50s- well the more innocent ones, anyway... ;)
Did anyone ever end up seeing that film Lily apparently had a very small role in called The Last International Playboy? I remember hearing about it some time ago but have never seen any screencaps or basically any info on it, other than this small snippet from
Lily Donaldson, one of my favorite models, has an even smaller role in the film, so small that unless you received the press kit, you would have never known that she was in it.
Lily definitely looks the best when she doesn't have heavy make up on.
But I guess you can't have every editorial that looks the same :)
Skin Obsession
Photographer: Jem Mitchell
Makeup: Lloyd Simmonds
Hair: Neil Moodie
Styling: Jamie Surman
Model: Lily Donaldson
Magazines: Vogue China January 2012

Scanned by me
the third picture will always be one of my favorites, she looks so beautiful!
I like Lily's earlier stuff, but I prefer the stuff she's done later in her life. I just feel she's grown into her body well and just gets more beautiful everyday.

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