Liv Tyler


Mar. 30, 2011 - New York, New York, U.S. - LIV TYLER.leaving her house to go to her screening 'Super'.' 3-30-11. 2011.
Quick question..why on earth did that Langton whatshisname leave that woman? She's an angel, bet he's kicking himself every day for his decision :D
Quick question..why on earth did that Langton whatshisname leave that woman? She's an angel, bet he's kicking himself every day for his decision :D

yeah, I have also been wondering what happened between them....I used to like them together, they seemed so down to earth together:(

just love all the pics we are getting, she looks soooo tall:heart:
It's like she doesn't age... Her face is incredible! (not to mention that body, wow!)

cute ^_^
^ Liv's boyfriend, Theo Wenner ^_^

Oh wow, isn't he still a teenager? Not that age matters, but it is a bit surprising, especially because he definitely looks quite young. I thought they were close because he photographed her for Purple Magazine, I guess it was the other way around he photographed her because they were close. Interesting...
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yeah he is 20 years old...or something like that and she is over 30 years old. um, their age difference is little wierd.
He's 23 or 24 I think. I don't think there is anything weird about it, and Liv obviously doesn't see a problem with it. ;)
Oh geeze, that age difference is nothing at all. I read in a magazine article that he was 19, but I must have been reading an old article without realizing it or just misinterpreted it. Thanks for clearing that up Belowen.
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I think Theo is 25 and she's what 33?. They look cute together. And what a combination, a great photographer and a such a pretty model (well actress).

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