
I really want to buy a mac pro and I'm really excited about it, but any time i bring it up to someone they always says macs are crap, although they never say why. I was wondering if anyone has experienced any trouble with their Macs?
^ I've had mine for about two years and never had a single problem.. I got told the same thing all the time 'they're not as good as they say' 'it'd be more useful if you were actually into design but you're not so you better stick to a PC' 'it's overpriced'.. well.. I got mine and I still don't regret it one bit.. just for the simplicity, the lack of 'drama' (zero viruses, anti-viruses upgrades everywhere, resetting, useless options/procedures or programs turned on automatically).. if I wasn't a greedy person and didn't want to update mine already, I know I could keep this one for at least another two years and it wouldn't give me a headache. It's really worth your money and more like an investment imo.
If anyone is getting the new Mac Air out there, do share your feedback! :)

I was planning on getting a second-generation iPad when they come out next year, but now that they've come out with the new Air, I think I just might get the latter instead. Since I'm not much of a gamer and I type a lot anyway.
LoL, the new Air release it really confusing. They almost got me. :lol: But I use laptops for internet browsing and reading ebooks mostly. What I wanted is a lightweight device for laying in bed and underway, and I kinda think iPad would be better suited for that. Air is more for mails and text, or so it seems to me. If I didn't already have a laptop, I'd go for Air not iPad.

As far as the "Macs suck" goes, Macbooks are more user friendly and straightforward, keyboard is easer to type on and the multi-touch pad is greatest thing ever, I actually find the swiping and rotating, and 3-4 finger things, and I don't click, I tap and 2-finger tap. All the apps are sort of connected with each other, when I make an entry in iCal, Mail and Anxiety are updated as well, for example. I'm never getting a PC laptop again, I'm sometimes forced to use other peoples laptops (Asus, Vaio, HP etc) and they seem so archaic and cumbersome. :rolleyes: I still have a desktop PC with Win 7 and I hate more and more with each day, I only use that for watching South Park online, for transferring music to my portable player and as a storage device because of it's immense hard drive. First chance finances allows it I'm getting a 27'' iMac with i5 and 256 GB solid state storage plus additional 2 TB hard drive. :woot::blush::heart: That will also remove the need for all the cables that have infested the space under my desk.

Things I hate about Macbooks and can't fix:

  1. The sharp edge on unibodies, took a while to get used to it, I wish Apple would make it softer, rounder.
  2. Lousy Adobe Flash support, works fine on PC, but on Macs it makes fan run in overdrive, web pages with Flash ads or design make Mac run hot. I can barely watch South Park on Mac.
  3. My Sony music player isn't recognized. And I don't want to get iPhone or iPod, cause the sound quality on those devices is inferior and battery life is lousy.
  4. Cleaning is impossible, with PC based computers I just blow compressed air and it's done. With Macs I have to open them, it so backwards and the heatsink is not isolated so the dust is blown all over every component, I kinda consider that a design flaw.
  5. Cursors. I haven't figured out how to change the rotating rainbow ball, there is probably an app for that tho.

Things I used to hate about Macbooks:

  • iTunes. It's a huge CPU hog on large libraries, eats up 90%+ processing power, it has littered my music folder with 895320 album art files and it has way too many annoying habits that I had to switch off. I got Vox app instead and it's incredibly simple but no library.
  • The cooling system is developed to run silent, by default it runs on 2000 RPM, which makes the underside uncomfortably hot if I do multiple things at same time. It's like 60 degrees C. And only the it turns up the cooling. So I got fan control app to change the defaults, so it doesn't bother my anymore.
Just wanted to say thank you dorien, MulletProof and rayoflight for their help. I went and bought a Macbook Pro today, it's great so far, i only have a little experience with macs but i'm finding it easy to navigate, the only problem so far is my wireless internet keeps saying it has timed out so i've had to plug it into cable.
This is a slightly more technical problem, but does anyone have issues with connecting their Macbook Pro with a printer? My mac recognizes the printer and all but has issues printing, as in it only allows me to print one page at a time after I've disconnected the printer and then reconnected it.
Just wanted to say thank you dorien, MulletProof and rayoflight for their help. I went and bought a Macbook Pro today, it's great so far, i only have a little experience with macs but i'm finding it easy to navigate, the only problem so far is my wireless internet keeps saying it has timed out so i've had to plug it into cable.

Oi. I get that Wifi timeout sometimes and then reseting the router helps. Usually there is a small reset button on the back or underside of the router and you have to press it with a pencil or something like that. Mine resets in about 10 seconds and Mac connects automatically.

If that doesn't help then try Apple Support:
everybody here is so helpful i d rather ask my questions here than anywhere else

here s another question

when i plug my wifi 3G key in, my macbook recognizes it and the window opens but it says no service instead of saying connect?

is this normal, it works fine on my other laptop??!!!

also is there a way to scroll down the page on the mouse tab like on regular laptops??

thank you
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You can scroll down a page by putting two fingers on the trackpad and sliding down. If it doesn't work you can enable it by going into 'System Preferences' and then 'Trackpad'.
This is a slightly more technical problem, but does anyone have issues with connecting their Macbook Pro with a printer? My mac recognizes the printer and all but has issues printing, as in it only allows me to print one page at a time after I've disconnected the printer and then reconnected it.

A couple, but usually because I don't have the right driver. I'd suggest Googling the Mac driver for the specific printer you're using...
Yes, thanks rayoflight! :flower: I've learned more from you about my mbp than from Tech Boy at the Apple Store.
Anyone know where I can get a reasonably priced cover for my mac pro? The ones on ebay look ok, but I don't want to wait 3 weeks to get a cover that cracks a week later.
im so attracted to the new macbook air. i loved the look of the original air but obviously the technology in 2007 was not up to scratch.

i have been using my current 2007 version of macbook pro since well, 2007. the battery is getting really s__t though. right now my full battery only charges up to 70%. im hoping to buy the macbook air in 2012, hopefully it will still be around and better. also possibly turn my current one into a pc haha
i have a 2 year old macbook pro and i couldn't be happier with it. my only problem is that they're a bit difficult to clean/keep it looking mint.
Anyone know how to clean a white MacBook? I bought mine less than a year ago and got this fab new case but it's leather and has this black inside that rubs off on my mac... I need to fix that but I also now need to clean my mac...
And an eraser might be good to clean of the leather stains if they are tricky and stick to the plastic.

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