Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
In the end - what is the difference? Watered down MJ at Topshop or Watered down MJ from MJ himself? Because he sure won't spend as much time on a thricely reduced label than on his mainline.
Made he was wearing a Y-3 sweatshirt, jogging on the motorway and holding a gun in his hand when he suddenly found a name. "M3!"
I think he is overdoing this. Too much watering down can lead to a decline in the brand image. He doesn't want to be the Next ralph lauren or Tommy hilfiger.
by keeping it only in his stores is a great idea. he is able to control the distribution* and price.I think Stinky Rat and those pleather bags were surely the first experiment with a lower priced line. Personally, though, I think that stuff is just so dull. Its like why bother? Its like he is trying to branch out and go cheaper, but he doesn't want to give it up and go all out like michael michael kors and sell to Macy's, so hes torn and it just will not work.
An example of Duffy's don't-bother-asking-so-they-don't-get-a-chance- to-say-no approach is the way that he and Jacobs are toying with producing a third, even lower-priced line to compete with the Gaps and H&M's of the world. Jacobs and Duffy are excited by the idea, but LVMH isn't interested because it's a luxury-goods company. When asked about a third line, Stalla-Bourdillon is dismissive: "Maybe it's better not to think about that subject."
But Duffy hasn't been waiting around for LVMH. "It's happening right now," he says. "It's 70% of the units we sell in our stores." It turns out he's referring to the $20 million line of specialty items - those $20 T-shirts and the other "junk" he can barely keep in his stores. "It's the same thing that happened with our home-ware line," says Duffy, "They said no, so I went to the Czech Republic and had them make crystal and china and just put them in the store."
Eventually, he says, LVMH will hear about the third line enough times that it will want to explore creating a new set of stores. "Then I'll say, 'All right, explore it.' And then I'll show them that it's already here."
I've seen only some Marc By Marc Jaobs and the quality was shocking.
one shirt looked like it was already third line but with a scond line price tag.
He doen'nt even design the Marc Jacobs main line for men, I doubt he cares what comes out of the diffusion lines either. He comes across as a 'nice' guy but really I think he's just greedy.