Margiela's new strategy/ *NYC store premiere

Oh man, I wish I was working at my old location :cry:
I was pretty spot on as to where he'll open after all :D , border of the meatsmelling district and the village. anyway, this location is nice, it's a beautiful residential area just a block or two south of the warehouses.

They picked a pretty bad time to open though - it's SALE season :shock:

MOM, definitely report, please.
where is that conversation we had about possible locations for the store....

i'm glad they finally got it together...
yeah i thought so...
along with all the other store opening info...
softgrey it wa sthe thread in shopping about MMM's new shop in paris, I think you started it ......:flower:
thanks guys...
and thanks for the link faust...
Thats great! I will have to check it out when I am in NYC next week:woot:
it's almost like a 'secret opening' very MMM, lucky m-o-m and all in NY please do check it out and report
Today was the opening of the MMM shop in NYC...its in the village..., 803 Greenwhich ST. between jane and W. 12th St.

I ran over there when I heard the news and it is a beautiful shop. I have not been to the other shops internationally but have seen the photos. THe Nyc shop looks to have a similar vibe!!! RAw wood shelving, white, white, white.. the ceiling is taped up in white plastic...a mirrored wall for guests to graffitii all over and leave there mark. Large Photographers lights accent the rails.Even a projections on a few walls... iTs very interesting, the decor that is!!! The sales staff is EXTREMLY pleaseant, helpful and conversational. not too many stores I can say that about!!! they were of course putting the finishing touches on the shop with teh merchansdise. They had a geourgous "wedding dress" on display...4 wedding dresses taken and slammed into each other then all dyed black!!! very cool at around $20,000!!!
Its my new favorite shop, aesthetically in Nyc along with Number Nine!! Nyc retail needs this new kind of artistic statment in many ways Im glad that there are a few venues that understand that!!!!! everyone go and check it out!!!!!
Thank goodness for the MMM NYC shop. Its about time MMM shows what its all about!!!
sigh... another one down. MMM's completely lost it's 'kool' and edge... now everything seems to be trying too hard... set within a-hard-to-hide commercialism... not only uninteresting anymore, but really sad to see it's demise into the world of mass commercial consumption... maybe that's what they REALLY ought to do... go down the route of an alternative GAP, or MUJI? hmmm... perhaps that can be interesting... i should bring it up with patrick at MMM...
Couldn't go today. Was so busy and the thick sleet on the streets made me wanna rush straight home after work. I'm glad someone checked it out though. Can't wait to go!
thanks for dropping and reporting back to us rui :flower:
I will definitely check this out when I go home next week...

As for those mirror pins, I loved those too and got inspired and made my own with mirrors from a craft store and plain pin backings that I glued the mirrors onto. Surely not as nice as the ones you'd pay a lot of money for, but still I got a lot of compliments and liked the way it turned out
purechris said:
bring it on.....I haven't seen bakla in weeks........
And now you have!

And I went to the Margiela store after saying hello to purechris - it's cute, but nothing to rave about. The raw aesthetic has been done before, and while it's perfectly in keeping with Margiela's artisanal clothing, to me, it reeked of haphazard slap-dash more than creatively fresh, raw design. It's one thing to execute something a way that says one is being conceptually ironic, but this just looked raw and amateurish. It reminded me of too many a space in the East Village back in the days when the East Village didn't have a Starbucks, when people couldn't glam up a space because they couldn't afford to - holes like The Pyramid, CBGBs, etc. And I KNOW what this space looked like before Margiela got a hold of it - I knew people who worked there. I feel like they were trying to pass off the lack off effort as ironic Deconstructivist Chic, when all I get out of it is Cheap Quickie Renovation Job. I may have to look at it again and see if I change my mind, but that's my first impression.

They only had Spring stuff to see, and save for the shoes nothing really struck me as exceptional, especially at Margiela's prices. The staff was very nice though, and I recognized my former SA from Balenciaga there.
softgrey said:

i'd also like to add that everything i have seen from the margiela 6 line for spring has been really great...i really love the direction that particular line is going in...can't wait for the nyc tribeca store to open...anyone have a date on that?...

hi, according to A magazine, is not line 6 designed by sebastien meunier (sp)? i rather quite like that man. especially the time when bird origami is perched on the male models' heads!

slight OT i know. wish i can visit the mmm store.
baklanyc said:
And now you have!

And I went to the Margiela store after saying hello to purechris - it's cute, but nothing to rave about. The raw aesthetic has been done before, and while it's perfectly in keeping with Margiela's artisanal clothing, to me, it reeked of haphazard slap-dash more than creatively fresh, raw design. It's one thing to execute something a way that says one is being conceptually ironic, but this just looked raw and amateurish. It reminded me of too many a space in the East Village back in the days when the East Village didn't have a Starbucks, when people couldn't glam up a space because they couldn't afford to - holes like The Pyramid, CBGBs, etc. And I KNOW what this space looked like before Margiela got a hold of it - I knew people who worked there. I feel like they were trying to pass off the lack off effort as ironic Deconstructivist Chic, when all I get out of it is Cheap Quickie Renovation Job. I may have to look at it again and see if I change my mind, but that's my first impression.

They only had Spring stuff to see, and save for the shoes nothing really struck me as exceptional, especially at Margiela's prices. The staff was very nice though, and I recognized my former SA from Balenciaga there.

The next natural step for Margiela is to do street vending - can't get any more conceptual than that!
bakla,could be because it's only temporary too. I know his Tokyo,Paris,Brussels and London shops look a bit more formidable in that raw aesthetic than what you're describing. If they eventually decide to move locales,maybe the new one will be better designed.

rqf*,I thought Sebastien was merely a former assistant to MMM. He has his own collection now.

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