massclusivity and fashion

le bon

Jan 13, 2006
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massclusivery or exclusivity for the masses. a term that i heard very recently and it seemed to me that this related to many of the threads that have been appearing at the moment. (especialy is fahion fashionable).

its the idea that as mass production is increasing and the speed that new designs hit the mass market that item that would have remained high fashion for years are now available on the high street in a few months.

my question to you is how is this effecting the industry as a whole. i would be keen to hear from you all i only discovered this term like half and hour ago and havnt really formed any opinions .:blink:
sure, its been out there since last year, its the 'signature mass' marketing effect, big bucks generated mainly from the 'label victim' crowd, thirsty for mass exclusivity (.. ironic isnt it?)

mass market is obviously been affected positively by supposedly generating an ejection of much needed 'thrill', let's not forget the industry is in a bad shape..
let's hope that 'main' designer won't be critically affected, because if they do, then there will be trouble.

fast moving product is what the client seems to be spending on, which is convenient for the industry, creating expire date generated products.. we'll soon be shopping, the six month trend flow is already a thing of the past.
most designers already present four times a year.. it's a new reality.

on the long run, this may effect to the emerge of new styles and brands, i dont think how massclusivity could affect in a bad way the industry..
this is an industry generated 'trend' based on what the end client seems ready to spend on at the moment.

ethically, i see massclusivity as a pathetic rip off.
both the public and the designers seem to be taken advantage of,
but since it makes both ends happy..
whatever rocks the mass market's / end client's boat
John Ruskin discusses the values of mass production in On Art and Life, it comes in a very attractive Penguin edition. Possibly applicable to fashion.

Simon Winder said:
The pieces in ON ART AND LIFE are brilliantly vivid calls to action: for the importance of culture, the crucial role of morality in art and how to value the past. This little book created the Arts and Crafts movement, gave generations the key to loving Gothic art and architecture, changed ideas on education and was the first great anti-globalisation tract. Anyone who feels uncomfortable today kicking around a football made by Pakistani child labour will see the roots of their moral revulsion in Ruskin.

'Exotericism' would possiby be better Classical Greek.
OMG! Its absolutely horrid that consumerism has gotten to this point!

Let me tell you.. this is a trend I wont follow (I think I havent in the past, either -except when I was a child-)
^ i think its a very 'new' trend to have been experienced when you were a child my dear..

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