Well, they should have thought more carefully before hiring him then...
P.S. : An afterthought. If you have the guts to want to be shot naked, just go for it, instead of coyly covering your junk like in a teen magazine or an IG picture. There's a difference between being transgressive and posing as one (provided nudity is transgressive anymore these days...).
I think sometimes, people think that LVMH have this grand masterplan to push their designers or to make them do what they don’t want to.
Those guys have total creative control but prerogatives. Part of the PR game is exposure, you have to do press. Raf, for example was never comfortable with it. Marc became very comfortable with it after his diet...
Williams getting the Givenchy job is mostly based on the potential Alexandre Arnault saw on him.
As someone who has worked in those kind of environment, I can tell you that creatives are sometimes the hardest part to handle in the business. On one hand, you are happy because the CD play the game but on the other hand, this kind of thing is kinda weird even more in this climate.
Even if Stefano was working with Tom, I can tell you that people were surprised when he posed naked. Remember his look back then...Super dapper and all, very precious.
But you are right, if you go naked, go for it! There’s no sense of confidence in those photos. He looks like someone who wants to prove himself.