McQ Alexander McQueen for Target

i want both scarves!! i don't care how cheap looking they are...i mean it comes with the territory,really. and i really love good out of the norm scarves. just please don't let those sell out before i can order!
^^ I think the scarves were the only things worth buying.
oh yeah,reiterating lucy's did the leather vests run? were they bigger?
IMO. No. It really does look like stuff from F21.

Maybe even poorer quality than Forever 21! I was looking at the jeans and denim shorts, and they looked pretty low quality. The "McQ for Target" label might be cool, and they might fit well (I didn't bother for the price), but they don't look like they'll really hold up.

The cotton dresses were a terribly stiff and didn't drape well. The swimwear looked okay, as did the zipper neck sweater.

I walked out with nothing.
Wait so its out already??? What am I missing? I thought it came out the 1st.. :( Also I have a question is McQ now a regular designer at Target? Or is it just a 1 time thing International designer? Im super confused please someone answer thanks
btw, didn't see ANY scarves today, nor the asymmetric dress seen on Brittany Snow.
I am so confused.. So Alexander McQueen is now designing for Target forever? Its not part of the GO international designer collections? Its forever? IN a few stores? This seems so out there.. I thought this was for the Go international thing for 1 month. This seems less attractive now to me! So he will keep releasing clothes to Targets forever now under the MCQ name? wow
Wait so its out already??? What am I missing? I thought it came out the 1st.. :( Also I have a question is McQ now a regular designer at Target? Or is it just a 1 time thing International designer? Im super confused please someone answer thanks

We (in NYC) were able to purchase before it came out at some warehouse market that Target set up for two days. I'm going back again right now to return stuff, anyway, this is a one time thing for some new department that's not part of the Go! International thing.

It's only supposed to last a month if I'm not mistaken.
The collection is for a limited time only (until supplies run out basically).
no,this is just the first instalment of their new endeavour called design for life or something like that. i don't know how long it lasts though. i am assuming since this is similar to CdG H&M in that it was limited,probably for a short time. it's supposed to take the place from where mizrahi is leaving and to counter-act the lesser-known,emphasised GO with bigger names. and it's out in nyc because they were bestowed a special pop-up store.
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Wait so its out already??? What am I missing? I thought it came out the 1st.. :( Also I have a question is McQ now a regular designer at Target? Or is it just a 1 time thing International designer? Im super confused please someone answer thanks

Did you read any of the other posts in this thread?

lol, well it is long but info intensive.:flower:

The people on here are so good that I think they will probably be able to tell you what truck will be delivering the clothes to the store, what time, and the driver's name if you are real nice.;)
wow, the original mainline tattoo print dress is amazing!!


  • mermaidprint1.jpg
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im pretty sure that this is rose byrne wearing the trench (refinery29)


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Around march 1st I am taking a trip to Los Angeles does anyone know which Targets in LA will have it? Ah LA is probably the worst place to get this stuff. It will be sold out within like 2 seconds.. I bet people spend the night to get this stuff. I might...
I was feeling really sad today thinking about how they don't have a target in my country and how I couldn't get anything from this collection, because it looks so cool and then low and behold I walked into this random shop today and they sold little Blythe dolls! They were tiny and cost $50 because they were imported from Japan I think, but I was still so happy that I bought one, because in some ways I think the Blythe dolls are more desirable than the clothes. Anyway, yes that was just a little random story but I thought it was kind of a coincidence, because I had never seen them sold anywhere before.
Nouvelle_Vague, ive never seen them sold here either! i think thats lucky that you got one! has a feature where for some items you can see which stores around you have particular items.

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