Megan Ewing

Originally posted by trimalynn@Dec 2 2004, 12:49 PM
do you have this magazine?

Unfortunately, I don't. :cry:

BUT that magazine (and other Italian GQs with Megan in it) do go on sale on Ebay failry regularly... so if we wait, a better version of those pics might go on sale. :flower:

I will, however, scan all the other stuff that I have on her pronto. Thank god the weekend has come! :woot:
Pssssst, Trimalynn, here's another Megan FHM appearence. ;)

Those Maxim and FHM people used to really love Megan-- she appeared on their list from 2001-2003 without pause. :innocent:


Originally posted by SCBlondie@Nov 27 2004, 10:53 AM
I don't know if you've ever been to, but there is a great little video of Megan going shopping in Guess.

Hope this link works. ;)

Thanks muchly! I'll be uploading screencaps of that video soon. :flower:

(Actually, Megan shows up in a couple of BThere videos... in the Latin Model Search, in that Shopping video, and on the runway for Guess Anniversery Party.)

Now... can anyone tell me how to SAVE that and all other BThere videos?!
Thank you, yourbestfriend! You're not quite my best friend yet... but you're getting there. ;)

By the way... dunno if I put this up here before... but this is from a French Marie Claire (?) from 2001 or so. Even when Megan was the "Guess girl," she was branching out. Let's hope she replicatesthat feat! :heart:

Originally posted by bridget@Dec 4 2004, 06:15 PM
FUNNYFAN! :flower:
does anybody know who that redhead is?

Her first name is Monica. Sorry... can't tell you more than that. :flower:
AlexN said:
That face! Those eyes! :heart:

She's a beauty. Let's hope the people who cast ads recognize it. :heart:

Anyway, good news! Trimalynn (who runs at will soon be getting the VERY rare Guess Spring 2001 Love Story Calendar. We'll soon be looking forward to brand new Megan scans! :woot:
Anyway... sorry for being SOOO late in posting this... but here's the next Elle Italy picture! It's gorgeous as all hell! And since we're on an art kick... I'll just say that it reminds me of Frida Kahlo's work. You know... except for the fact that this pic is significantly less strange. And that Megan don't got no unibrow. :P



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