Menswear Trends S/S 06

well they're not the fashion bible (and no such thing exists) so if you don't like this, just ignore the trend.... and to be honest I don't think this is even a runway trend..... :ninja:
Rykiel Homme

i am SHOCKED i tell u SHOCKED that everyone failed to notice rykiel!
i :heart: rykiel homme and i love how bold she is about everything! examples:
Look at all of the different pattersn mingling without any judgment!

missing credits

im sorry this is the most AMAZING outfit and patterns ever!!

i love the bright pants and that SCARF AAAAHHHH

i just like the boldness AND THAT BELT WAAOOO

ill content myself with these, tell me what u think and PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE I CAN GET THOSE SHOE/ESPADRILLE/SANDAL MUTATION OF HEAVEN! i live in montreal n i have no clue where i can get em!B)
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they're all pretty horrible, but i quite like raincoats, and i think it'd look cool this fall if men start to wear them. albeit longer, patent red ones :)
Interesting mix.

I love the colors and the mix-matched patterns are not that bad actually.

Thanks for posting.
I was wondering where could I get some hott white pants from and the capri type of pants.
milkeyedmender said:
oh my gosh i want everything on that site!

some good examples of how to use the low crotch pants too, i can't believe it but i think this look might be growing on me!

O my god, I'm also starting to want them..........:shock:
I use to think they were horrible but after looking at that website I fee like I'm in love. I would so like to try that out with a loss t-shirt. Hmm... I wonder were I can find some.
TM85 said:
I was wondering where could I get some hott white pants from and the capri type of pants.

k now u interest me lolol Kapris r godsent and i :heart: them so very much, ya so i dont know where u live and it depends how much ur willing to spend cuz the less expensive would be brands such as west coast(its ALL good there, they even have lint kapris) simons i know has 2 racks full as i had an orgasm when i went (...) and urban behavior MAYB outfitters but doubt it, u could also find some (more expensive ones) in like energy, diesel, dior, prada all top line stuff.

But white is in so it wont b that hard to find, gluck
filthy_gorgeous said:
k now u interest me lolol Kapris r godsent and i :heart: them so very much, ya so i dont know where u live and it depends how much ur willing to spend cuz the less expensive would be brands such as west coast(its ALL good there, they even have lint kapris) simons i know has 2 racks full as i had an orgasm when i went (...) and urban behavior MAYB outfitters but doubt it, u could also find some (more expensive ones) in like energy, diesel, dior, prada all top line stuff.

But white is in so it wont b that hard to find, gluck

I actually got a pair of cute white Calvin Klien pants from Strawbridges for $4.90. They are having this huge sale! There was stuff for like 80% off. I had bags of stuff but I dont know if I want to have them cut off though. I just took a pair of my old gap jeans to the cleaners to get cut off. I cant wait to see how it turns out.:D
wow, mjölk was a really hot brand.

For SS06 I like;

Paisly pattern
Pastel colors
Skinny jeans
White sneakers
Yellow jeans is also really fresh
yulske said:
i think something that should change in fashion ( but unfortunately probably never will) is the whole arrogant and "im too good for you" attitude...really not cool.
God, I 100% agree with you! Fashion should be about creativity, and expression, and art. It shouldn't be polluted into one more thing that people can use for vanities sake. All people in America care about in this post-modern age is appearing vain and narcissistic and sociopathic.... I'm so sick of it!!!:angry:
MyNameIs said:
Question. Are striped suits still ok to wear?

That's like asking if navy or grey is still okay for's a stapple so it's always okay, stay away from strippy everything though...
model_couture said:
Fashion should be about creativity, and expression, and art. It shouldn't be polluted into one more things that people can use for vanities sake. All people in America care about in this post-modern age is appearing vain and narcissistic and sociopathic.... I'm so sick of it!!!:angry:
Good statement! :)

It's unfortunate that it's such a taboo for men to have fun with fashion in the U.S.

If there wasn't so much phobia about the body in general, style would be much more free.
Just wanted to add:

Japan seems to get the idea about having fun with fashion--some of their street fashion may look utterly rediculous, but one sure can't claim that they're not having a good time. This is not to say that people should go out and try to wear the most rediculous looking outfit, but it is to say that people shouldn't be afraid to wear something if they think it looks good and if they enjoy it for whatever reason. If for some people that actually does mean going out and wearing the most rediculous thing they can think of, then so be it, at least they're having fun.

It's unfortunate that men get called "metrosexual" if they enjoy style. Women are "allowed" to take so many more chances--or to say it better--have fun with it without having negative reactions from society.

There have been many things that I wore in the past that were actaully fashionable at the time that I wouldn't even think of wearing now because my tastes have changed, but during the time I wore them I enjoyed it and thought they looked good. I've also worn a lot of things that I knew weren't fashionable at the time but just liked. When I do that, I enjoy watching the reactions from people, it tells me how flexible style can be for the area, and even if a miniscule amount, in what ways society's attitudes towards style is changing. One thing might get really bad reactions most of the time and another thing might get favorable reactions most of the time, while either of those styles might be just as extreme when put in contrast to the "norm". The reactions to those same exact things could be completely the opposite 10 years later.

It's fun, it's harmless, and the more people that have fun with it, the more of a chance that having fun with style could become a trend.
Some items I desire, whether or not they are a trend is another thing though:

I love the Varvatos trench in his S/S '06 adds, but personally I want one in a lighter weight fabric, than his in leather, double breasted and cropped higher to the waist.

Also light weight scarves which will dandify even jeans and a t-shirt. I make my own accessories so I just got 2 yards of cool grey jersey blend fabric that I am going to cut down to the right width, leaving the edges raw so they roll.

There seems to be a Desert Chic thing going on for men again, which comes in and out every other year apparently, with henleys and safari inspired jackets and Mason's pants and all that ish.

Fashion wise it seems prints are making a stir at Burberry(which I really dig) and especially Prada's star print shirt. Don't know, actually doubt, if this will translate over to the common man on the street though.

Things that I think need to take a rest in Men's trends is vertical striped dress shirts like Etro's bread and butter, and all the knock offs there of. Also this over designed, metrosexual style clothes had their 15 nanoseconds and now it's time to stop it.

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