Missoni for Target

ordering online may be the best bet for a lot of people as some of the items online will be online exclusives like the rainboots for 35$. :flower:
It looks like alot of the pieces are online only.

That's good to know! I'd rather avoid schlepping out to the target store near me (which may not even carry this line) if I can just get it online... I wonder if they will have free shipping? It better not be shipping priced by weight because I am buying so much of the houseware!!

That's unfortunate that there isn't an option to try on a great deal of the clothes in store. Many pieces look oddly fitted from the pictures, so I can only imagine what a disaster they could be in real life with regards to fit and size... good thing basically all I want is the houseware (most of it will go into my cube at work to bring some color into it^_^)
I really only want the throw, shower curtains and some of the other housewares (love love love the espresso set!)!
I seriously want that throw but the fact it's only $39 worries me slightly, especially when a cardigan is $49.99. How's the quality on items such as that usually? I'm not expecting it to be an immaculate vision of luxury homewares, but are we talking sort of the same as H&M standard?
this is what target says about availability:

The collection will be available from Sept. 13 through Oct. 22, 2011, at all Target stores and Target.com. Pending availability, select pieces from the collection, including a variety of online-only items, will be available for an extended run through early December at Target.com.
Fashionista just posted the lookbook here. I'm wondering are the men's pieces not included in the lookbook then?
Fashionista just posted the lookbook here. I'm wondering are the men's pieces not included in the lookbook then?

There was a "pouf" shown in a magazine, that wasn't in the lookbook either. So it apparently really doesn't have everything.
Their Facebook page stated it will be available in all stores, but with varied selection.
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according to target's tumblr thing there will be a 3 day pop up store in NYC during FNO...

Pop In to the Pop Up Store Madness
People! Get this. FASHION’S NIGHT OUT. September 8th. Put it in your calendars. Target kicks off a three day pop-up store to celebrate the launch of the Missoni for Target collection. That means you can shop the collection before it goes public on the 13th! Wait, it gets better. Angela Missoni and my BFF Margherita Maccapani Missoni will BE THERE. This is coming straight from my Target contact’s mouth, and I quote, “The first 20 people who spend more than $100 get the chance to take a family-style portrait with the Missonis themselves.” GASP. I need to go collect myself. See you on FNO!

22 days and counting…

With style,


that pop up store is going to be IN-sane!!!...

looks like i wont be touching any of the luggage...i dont buy anything known to contain lead. (racked.com)

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