Morrissey / The Smiths

yes.. i think it was like that when i saw him a couple of years ago.

and songs are almost always better live, or maybe its just because i get so happy at a concert and everything sounds good..
I've been obsessively checking tourdates in hopes he has added ones for California (in addition to Coachella) but no luck yet :(

Anyone know/heard anything? I'm very impatient :lol:
I can't stop listening to 'The Queen is Dead"

I also love this charming man! I bought a cd with about 50 songs from the Smiths-and I love every single song on it. Well except for one (Vicar in a Tutu) Amazing album, thesmiths are deffinately one of my favourites.
I haven't been able to stop playing Big Mouth Strikes Again, This Charming Man and Hand in Glove. I absolutely love Johnny Marr, as well as Andy Rourke. I love Marr's melodies and precision, and I love how the bass lines weave around them. Rourke is a very vital but underappreciated component of The Smiths.
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^agreed on Rourke's underappreciatedness

Johnny Marr's guitar blows my mind. Cemetery Gates is the song that really got me into the Smiths, but basically anything off the Queen is Dead is great. This Charming is another one of my favorites, and Still Ill is great as well. I just got my hands on Meat is Murder, I can't wait to give it a listen.

I'm so jealous of my father, who was a Smiths fan in the 80s and was actually able to see them in concert.
I LOOOOVE Andy Rourke. I am being 100% honest when I say I think he is the best bass player I have ever heard. And Marrs guitar is so unique and I agree with miss mod about being mind blowing. I love the instrumentals so much! The Draize train is my favourite :)

I have all the Smiths songs on cd but none of Morrisseys, I will buy one really soon...What do you think is his best album? or should I just get a complication of Morrissey hits?
as I live and breathe
you have killed me
you have killed me
yes I walk around somehow
but you have killed me
you have killed me

best morrissey albums in my opinion: your arsenal, vauxhall and I, you are the quarry
almost all morrisseys records are very very good, i can't say which is the best. but i always loved vauxhall & i, bona drag and you are the quarry a bit more than the others.
Thanks :D I didnt get the chanse to read your Replies before I went Shopping and I bought Viva Hate, as just a random choice.

Im planning on getting them all so ill pick on eof your guys suggestions to buy next

Every Day is Like Subday is a great song from the album I just bought!
What Difference Does It Make has been on all my playlists recently

on mine's too. i love this song badly; though my favorite smiths song is there's a light that never goes out
smiths is definetely my favorite band
Sing me to sleep, sing me to sleep
I'm tired and I want to go to bed
Don't try to wake me in the morning
'cause I will be gone

Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I really want to go

:heart: I love this song with every fiber of my being.
^ i totally love that song too. it's so sad and touching, i really love it :heart:
How has this thread been dormant since December?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Smiths! Every time I listen to 'How soon is now' my heart breaks a little :heart:
Aw.I love the smiths
My favorite song by them is
"That joke isn't funny anymore"
and the one I like less is "There is a light..."
it's good but overrated.

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