Natalia Vodianova

This week Natalia is helping Elena Perminova raise funds in order to provide life saving surgery for a little girl from Nizhni Novgorod. Auction can be followed @sos_by_lenaperminova.
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Andreas Rumbler. He and his wife Sandra (who's sitting next to Natalia as well) are very close friends of hers. The couple are also big supporters of Naked Heart Foundation.

They seemed a little too 'cozy' for comfort. Her hand on his knee and both tilted toward each other. :rolleye:
press conference in St. Petersburg on September 21, 2015

Dear friends! Today at a press-conference in St Petersburg we’ve officially announced the next stage of our joint project with the Department of Education of Nizhny Novgorod,. As a result of our work, 110 children with autistic spectrum disorders, who were previously considered “unable to learn” now can go to schools, make friends and learn new skills. We’ve attracted attention of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and we hope that in future we would see the evidence-based methods we’ve implemented as part of the official state standards of education.
Now we are moving to kindergartens! We want children with special needs to be accepted there and to get prepared to go to schools.
We would like to thank everyone who is involved in this project: our teachers, experts, coordinators, the Naked Heart Foundation Family Support Centre, the Department of Education of Nizhniy Novgorod, and our partners Gazprom Export. Thank you!

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St. Petersburg Open 2015

vk/babolat_russia, instagram/arturmadzhar/erpyleva97/forever1_alone
St. Petersburg Open 2015 gala dinner at Four Seasons Hotel Lion's Palace St. Petersburg

twi/AndreyRublev97, instagram/alexbelov
facebook video
Доброе всем утро! собираюсь в гимназию номер 46, жду встречи с педагогами и детьми, хотя очень волнуюсь, так как без улыбки я сама не своя. #улыбайтесьчаще #неволнуйтесьдорогие #зубнаяфея #скемнебывает#всемздоровья

google translation
Yesterday evening, the media had spread frightening news - Natalia Vodianova hospitalized in St. Petersburg with a suspected stroke. Fortunately, the terrible diagnosis was not confirmed. Yesterday Natalia hastened to reassure subscribers, writing directly in the ambulance video message. In it, she confined phrase: "It's okay, do not worry! If you hear something that's not true." Today on her Facebook page, she has published a new video, which already told in detail about yesterday's incident and his health.

"Good morning, dear! Thank you to all those who suffered yesterday. In fact, it was suspected stroke, but nothing happened. Nothing wrong. Doctors say it all locally. The fact is that before coming to St. Petersburg, I went to the dentist, and apparently, I did fail anesthesia and touched a nerve. It is either paralyzed, well, something's wrong with him, so I can not smile." Natalia says in the video.

It should be noted that in St. Petersburg Natalia attended a press conference on the work of his charity fund "Naked Heart". In the near future it is planned to launch a new project for the educational program for the staff of pre-school institutions, who will work with children diagnosed with autism.
September 22, 2015

google translation
And while Natalia lot to do in St. Petersburg: just today, she will visit the 46th specialized school Kalinin district of St. Petersburg, known as the "Center of Rome". The visit was not accidental: it was in the St. Petersburg school teachers are trained in Nizhny Novgorod, working on a special program, through which the Nizhny Novgorod children with special needs can attend regular schools together with other children.

instagram/zhidkovskiy, vk/Oksana Vasilyeva
Behind the Scenes of Annie Leibovitz’s Groundbreaking Pirelli Calendar Shoot With Patti Smith, Serena Williams, Yoko Ono, and More

It’s pretty safe to say that 2016’s Pirelli Calendar will be unlike any other before, and the reason is simple. This time around, the project has traded in its tried-and-true formula of exotic locales and the world’s sexiest women for something unexpected: intimate portraits of 13 women who are shaping the world today, clothed and photographed by a female photographer. It’s not just a step in a new direction, but a giant leap. Shot by Annie Leibovitz, who also lensed the 2000 edition, the calendar features Yoko Ono, Patti Smith, Serena Williams, Fran Lebowitz, Amy Schumer, Tavi Gevinson, Ava DuVernay, Natalia Vodianova, Agnes Gund, Kathleen Kennedy, Mellody Hobson, Shirin Neshat, and Yao Chen as the women changing society today.

“I started to think about the roles that women play, women who have achieved something. I wanted to make a classic set of portraits. I thought that the women should look strong but natural, and I decided to keep it a very simple exercise of shooting in the studio,” Leibovitz said in a release. “This calendar is so completely different. It is a departure. The idea was not to have any pretense in these pictures and be very straightforward.” Needless to say, those looking for tropically set nude photos are in for a surprise.

Not that that matters. The gravitas of Leibovitz’s project and the all-star cast of women she gathered to pose for the calendar could make a Pirelli fan out of anyone. “I’ve seen a few of the photographs and they’re striking,” said newly deigned calendar girl Patti Smith. “I have no idea what the average recipient would [think], but I think that they should appreciate a bold move. We’ll see.”

Inviting influential figures for a shoot usually associated with nudity wasn’t as hard as might have been expected. The chance to collaborate with Leibovitz proved alluring for many of the calendar’s subjects and also served as a guarantee that the pictures would celebrate women for more than their sexual appeal. “I think it’s hard to deny Annie’s invitation,” explained Chinese actress and Weibo’s most-followed user, Yao Chen, through a translator. Tavi Gevinson, who had her hair cut into a pixie style on set, echoed Chen’s sentiment, adding, “I feel completely unworthy . . . I’m honored. I think it’s amazing to be a part of this group of women who are being celebrated for so many different things in something that’s traditionally celebrating one thing—which is also great!”

For Patti Smith, the choice to sit for Leibovitz was something of a no-brainer considering their shared history. “It was fantastic because I’ve been shooting with Annie since the ’70s, and so we’ve been through the trenches together,” she mused following the shoot, noting that her favorite photo of herself onstage was shot by Leibovitz. “I was very surprised that I was asked, and I was very proud that I was asked, and I think that Annie is doing something unique and different, and Pirelli is making a bold move,” she continued, adding, “I look at Annie’s project not as a protest, but as a celebration.”

The full calendar won’t be revealed until November 30 in London, but you can get a glimpse of Leibovitz’s celebration of femininity in the exclusive behind-the-scenes photos in the slideshow above.,
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meet Ulyana, she is 4 and she suffers from a very complicated form of the congenital heart disorder and needs urgent surgery to renew her heart valve and artery. Together with @lenaperminova we joined forces to raise money to save Ulyana. I have put together inviting lots andexciting experiences for @sos_by_lenaperminova instagram auction. Come and see, may be you want to spoil yourself or indulge someone youlove. This will help us to save this child.


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