new to makeup

Oct 15, 2010
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hello, ..

I'm fairly rubbish with makeup (as in I'm terrified of looking over done, fake, etcetera) so I err on the side of caution (sometimes for too much.) I'm also scared of screwing up the application...I'm sort of wobbly handed when doing anything intricate witbh lips, cheeks, eyes. Normally I just settle for Laura Mercier tinted moisuriser and bodyshop mascara...which is fine for you know, day to day, but sometimes I want to try something else.

I see the things other people, my friends, my aquaintances, people in the edia do with makeup, and th chameleonlike charms it grants them, as well as the way they use it to express their identity.

I like natural(ish) makeup, but I'm also in love with eye makeup (the lips can go to hell as long as I can define my eyes.) I love smokey eyes, doe eyes, instense eyes,anything with eyes, although I don't have the confidence to do it, as I seem to just make a real mess every time I try...

I have some money (for once) and want to buy some amazing, unique makeup. I'm super tempted by the Becca fallen angels pallette ...
just because it looks so beautiful and romantic, plus there's a sort of literary, philisophical connection which I like...the idea of fallen angels

However my gorgeous friend Siobhan tells me that Becca makeup is over priced and over rated and she says I should go for a Bare Esentuals starter kit....

Am now so confused...I also like looking at the Guaerlain and Chanel counters...although am not convinced about these brands either...

Any advice from you beautiful makeup conosseurs would be amazing and lovely, thankyou guys.:heart:
I think practice makes perfect when it comes to makeup application, as with most things in life. If you have a few nights spare at home, try watching a few how-to videos on youtube to get some application ideas, and then practice for yourself in front of the mirror ^_^

Also, product wise you should buy what appeals to you, but try to buy items that you know you will get use out of. I am often drawn to beautiful coloured eyeshadow palettes, but as I stick to neutrals and the occasional purple on my eyes I tend to steer clear of buying anything outside of that realm.

If money is an issue in the future, there are a lot of inexpensive yet great quality brands out there that I would recommend. NYX is a popular choice at the moment. As for a starter kit, if you're looking for something that is going to offer you amazing value for money, this Coastal Scents kit can't really be beaten.

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