Noemie Lenoir




I believe this is Noemie's brother-all pics from corbis
Honesty and corruption become fluid terms when a cop-on-the-take encounters more than the usual dose of stuff worth taking in "Gomez & Tavares." Well-cast actioner with an undercurrent of tough-guy humor is aimed at the youth market, but boasts more than enough intrigue to hold adult interest. If this tailored-to-entertain pic -- which pairs stand-up comic Titoff and rapper/thesp Stomy Bugsy -- follows in the big B.O. shoes of "La Beuze" and "Chouchou" locally, pundits may conclude there's a trend afoot.

Helmer Gilles Paquet-Brenner's enjoyably overblown "Pretty Things" (2001) -- from the novel by Virginie Despentes ("Baise-moi") -- gave Marion Cotillard a glorious chance to shine as twins at odds with fame. In his sophomore outing, he continues his penchant for gung-ho treatment of high-concept fare.
Amiable plainclothes cop Max Tavares (Titoff) gets kickbacks and protection money from half the smalltime crooks in Marseilles. In turn, he provides a steady percentage of payoffs to "Uncle" (crusty vet Jean Yanne), the equally amiable crook who more or less raised him.
Max has just cracked a huge case involving armed robbers when he's assigned a new partner, Carlos Gomez (Bugsy), an unflappable hardnose from Paris who's a one-man corruption-free zone. Gomez won't stand for Tavares' shakedown practices, which puts a crimp in the latter's dealings and fails to placate Uncle.
When a 62-year-old accountant is found hanging from the rafters of his living room with a four-leaf clover in his nostril, the dynamic duo are drawn into a case that calls for some fancy footwork with Internal Affairs. The dead man's estranged daughter, Paulina (Elodie Navarre), happens to be a stripper. Who-can-you-trust scenario has its fair share of surprises, some good fights and very good stunt work in a finale at sea. Though nothing on display here is terribly nuanced, the women's roles are as meaty as the men's, with enjoyable perfs from Noemie Lenoir as Gomez's sister, Gina, and from Navarre as the stripper whose brain cells are as shapely as her breasts. Widescreen lensing is restlessly edited to the edges of kinetic tolerance.
Camera (color, widescreen), Denis Rouden; editor, Bertrand Collard; music, Pierre-Alexandre Mati; art director, Alain Vessier; costume designer, Sandrine Weill; sound (Dolby), Antoine Deflandre, Laurent Chassaigne; assistant director, Philippe Bourdais; casting, Gigi Akoka. Reviewed at UGC Normandie, Paris, April 10, 2003. Running time: 109 MIN.

With: Philippe Lemaire, Daniel Duval.
Catwalk model Lily Cole, 19, is to be the new face of Marks & Spencer.

Cole was joined by the chain’s chief executive, Stuart Rose, for the launch of the spring-summer 2008 collection. The 19 year old will be the exclusive face of the new M&S Limited Collection, which goes on sale from January.

The flame-haired will also feature in an advertising campaign next year alongside the other high profile M&S leading ladies such as Erin O’Connor, Twiggy, Myleene Klass, and Noemie Lenoir.
Some £5billion was wiped off the share value of high street stores yesterday as a fall in pre-Christmas sales at Marks & Spencer sent jitters through the market.

The group reported a 2.2 per cent fall in the final quarter of the year, with clothing sales down 3.2 per cent and food down 1.5 per cent.
This was despite widely-acclaimed advertising for fashion, featuring models Laura Bailey, Erin O'Connor and Twiggy, and film star Antonio Banderas.
It was the first drop in sales for more than two years and dented the glowing reputation of recently-knighted chief executive Sir Stuart Rose, who has been praised for reviving one of the nation's best-known stores.
As the UK's biggest clothing retailer, M&S is seen as a bellwether for the high street and the reversal hammered home the changing mood in town centres and shopping malls.
After the news broke Next shares fell 76p to 1331p and Carphone Warehouse slipped 381/4p to 2993/4p. Kingfisher, which owns B&Q, was 10.9p lower at 115.3p and Debenhams 8p down at 633/4p.
The bonus for shoppers is that the trend signals an intensified battle for every pound spent, raising hopes of even lower prices.
Sir Stuart said retail conditions had turned more challenging in November and December.
He described it as the toughest market he had seen for a decade and warned the gloom could last until the spring of next year.
M&S shares plunged 19 per cent - 941/4p to 4091/4p - knocking £1.6billion off the company's market value. The slide left them a whisker above the
400p level of Sir Philip Green's aborted bid in 2004.
The dip in M&S fortunes came a day after the British Retail Consortium said retail sales in December had grown at their slowest pace in almost two years.
A survey from mortgage provider Nationwide yesterday showed that consumer confidence fell for the third straight month in December, reaching its lowest for almost a year.
There are mounting fears that the U.S. will slide into a recession this year and worries that the UK economy could slow sharply.
The strength of Britain's economy has been due in part to consumers' continuing appetite for shopping and running up credit card bills.
But this has been hit by the worldwide credit crunch and a slowing housing market.
Sir Stuart said customers were already finding life tougher.
"The cost of petrol has gone up, the cost of car insurance has gone up. . . everything has gone up except electronics and clothing," he said.
He called on the Bank of England to act decisively to cut interest rates and ease the burden on consumers.
He said: "A quarter-point cut will do nothing, we need at least a threequarter point reduction over the year."
Sir Stuart, 58, was parachuted into M&S in 2004 to fend off Sir Philip Green's advances.
The sudden reversal, after nine consecutive quarters of sales growth, raised questions about whether M&S would make the expected £1billion profit this year and when Sir Stuart will leave.
He refused to comment on that - but spent over £1million buying 250,000 M&S shares.


Noémie Lenoir jette l'éponge​
Noémie Lenoir throws in the towel


Claude Makelele l'a trompée.​
Claude Makelele was wrong.
Elle le quitte​
She leaves

BRUXELLES «Claude était un amant fantastique, et nous nous accordions parfaitement sexuellement, mais ce n'était pas suffisant pour lui.» Voilà ce que déclare aujourd'hui la top model Noémie Lenoir au magazine People en évoquant sa relation avec le milieu de terrain défensif de l'équipe de France, Claude Makelele, à laquelle elle a mis fin pour cause de tromperie .
BRUSSELS "Claude was a great lover, and we agree fully sexually, but it was not enough for him." That is what today said the top model Noémie Lenoir at People magazine in talking about his relationship with the midfielder Defensive of the French team, Claude Makelele, when it ended because of deception.

Tout avait pourtant bien commencé. «Il a eu une attraction immédiate , expliqua Noémie .
Everything had started well. "He had an attraction immediate Noémie explained.
Nous sommes devenus amants dès la première nuit de notre rencontre et nous avons senti que nous étions faits l'un pour l'autre.
We became lovers from the first night we met and we felt that we were made for each other.
Il était très romantique.
It was very romantic.
Il m'offrait des fleurs tout le temps et comme amant, il était irrésistible.
He offered flowers all the time and as a lover, it was irresistible.
Nous faisions l'amour tout le temps partout.
We were making love all the time everywhere.
« Seule ombre au tableau: «son obsession de la pornographie.
"The only snag: his obsession with p*rn*gr*phy.
Il avait une centaine de films, qu'il regardait tout le temps.»
He had a hundred films, he watched all the time. "

Mais Noémie était amoureuse...​
But Noémie was in love ...
Elle tomba enceinte. «Nous passions des moments si romantiques à Londres ou dans sa villa de Saint Tropez.» Puis vint le début de la fin. «Claude m'annonça que désormais nous ne ferions plus l'amour qu'une fois tous les trois jours.
She fell pregnant. "We spent so romantic moments in London or in a villa in Saint Tropez." Then came the beginning of the end. "Claude m'annonça that now we would love more than once every three days.
Il disait que c'était pour jouer mieux au foot, qu'il ne pouvait faire trop d'effort physique avant un match et qu'il avait besoin de préserver son énergie.» Puis Noémie réalisa que quelque chose clochait et découvrit avec horreur un téléphone secret. «Ce n'était pas celui avec lequel Claude m'appelait.
He said it was better to play football, he could not do too much physical effort before a game and he needed to preserve his energy. "Can Noémie realized that something wrong with horror and discovered a phone secret. "That was not one with which Claude called me.
C'est celui qu'il employait pour appeler d'autres femmes.
This is the one used to call other women.
Il y avait un message de l'une d'elles qui disait : «Je t'aime Claude». Ça m'a brisé le coeur.» Noémie a formé le numéro de l'une des jeunes femmes et l'a rencontrée. «Elle a appelé Claude devant moi.
There was a message from one of them who said, 'I love you Claude. "That broke my heart." Noémie brought the number in either of the young women and has encountered. "She called Claude front of me.
Il lui a dit: «Salut beauté.​
He said: "Hi beauty.
Es-tu libre ce soir?» C'était révoltant.
Are you free tonight? "It was disgusting.
Chaque seconde de ses journées était planifiée.
Every second of his day was planned.
Il savait très bien ce qu'il faisait: il n'a aucun sentiment.»
He knew very well what he was doing: he has no feeling. "

Elle se rendit compte ensuite que jamais Claude ne l'avait amené voir un match de Chelsea.​
She realized then that Claude never did see a match led to Chelsea.
Elle suppose amèrement: «C'est certainement parce que les joueurs l'avaient vu avec d'autres femmes.» La top a mis fin à leur histoire de 18 mois et a aujourd'hui bien l'intention de préserver leur fils, Keylan. «Claude n'a aucun intérêt pour son enfant.
It bitterly: "It is probably because the players had seen with other women." Top put an end to their history of 18 months and now has every intention of preserving their son, Keylan . "Claude has no interest for her child.
Heureusement, j'ai de l'argent, je n'ai pas besoin du sien.» Noémie conclut: «Il était l'homme avec lequel je voulais me marier, mais aujourd'hui je ne veux plus jamais le voir.»
Fortunately, I have the money, I do not need this. "Noémie concludes:" It was the man with whom I wanted to marry, but today I do not want to ever see it. "

Déborah Laurent​
Laurent Déborah

© La Dernière Heure 2005​
© 2005 The Last Time



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