Noemie Lenoir



i don't usually like noemie's style but i have to say she looks flawless here. (jess is reminding me of naomi there too!)

thanks for these, usual!
too good for him, honestly. i haven't seen any recent ones of them together though so i'm getting my hopes up lol
^exactly. it's not even that he's so incredibly ugly...his attitude when it comes just seems to be ****.
Ever ended up completely stranded in Marks & Spencers’ lingerie department, without an exit strategy or the faintest idea how you ended up there? It happened to Father Ted, and it’s a situation that is frequently occurring up and down the UK, due to the enticing promotional efforts of Noémie Lenoir.
The twenty-eight year old supermodel, also known as Mrs Claude Makélélé, is pictured above shooting her latest M&S campaign with former reality TV star Myleene Klass. It’s the latest of Noémie’s numerous assaults on the high street - she’s previously made your girlfriend want skimpies from NEXT, the GAP and Victoria’s Secret. She’s also been in several films, including Rush Hour 3 (the rubbish one) and After the Sunset (one of Pierce Brosnan’s more ‘crap’ efforts).

Noémie and Claude have a young son named Keylon, who will be three years old on Saturday. Awww.
Spoiler bonus: Here’s a lovingly-compiled fan tribute to Ms Lenoir’s photographic canon.
"Claude was a great lover, and we agree fully sexually, but it was not enough for him." That is what today said the top model Noémie Lenoir at People magazine in talking about his relationship with the midfielder Defensive of the French team, Claude Makelele, when it ended because of deception.

Tout avait pourtant bien commencé. «Il a eu une attraction immédiate , expliqua Noémie .
Everything had started well. "He had an attraction immediate Noémie explained.
Nous sommes devenus amants dès la première nuit de notre rencontre et nous avons senti que nous étions faits l'un pour l'autre.
We became lovers from the first night we met and we felt that we were made for each other.
Il était très romantique.
It was very romantic.
Il m'offrait des fleurs tout le temps et comme amant, il était irrésistible.
He offered flowers all the time and as a lover, it was irresistible.
Nous faisions l'amour tout le temps partout.
We were making love all the time everywhere.
« Seule ombre au tableau: «son obsession de la pornographie.
"The only snag: his obsession with p*rn*gr*phy.
Il avait une centaine de films, qu'il regardait tout le temps.»
He had a hundred films, he watched all the time. "
Mais Noémie était amoureuse...​
But Noémie was in love ...
Elle tomba enceinte. «Nous passions des moments si romantiques à Londres ou dans sa villa de Saint Tropez.» Puis vint le début de la fin. «Claude m'annonça que désormais nous ne ferions plus l'amour qu'une fois tous les trois jours.
She fell pregnant. "We spent so romantic moments in London or in a villa in Saint Tropez." Then came the beginning of the end. "Claude m'annonça that now we would love more than once every three days.
Il disait que c'était pour jouer mieux au foot, qu'il ne pouvait faire trop d'effort physique avant un match et qu'il avait besoin de préserver son énergie.» Puis Noémie réalisa que quelque chose clochait et découvrit avec horreur un téléphone secret. «Ce n'était pas celui avec lequel Claude m'appelait.
He said it was better to play football, he could not do too much physical effort before a game and he needed to preserve his energy. "Can Noémie realized that something wrong with horror and discovered a phone secret. "That was not one with which Claude called me.
C'est celui qu'il employait pour appeler d'autres femmes.
This is the one used to call other women.
Il y avait un message de l'une d'elles qui disait : «Je t'aime Claude». Ça m'a brisé le coeur.» Noémie a formé le numéro de l'une des jeunes femmes et l'a rencontrée. «Elle a appelé Claude devant moi.
There was a message from one of them who said, 'I love you Claude. "That broke my heart." Noémie brought the number in either of the young women and has encountered. "She called Claude front of me.
Il lui a dit: «Salut beauté.​
He said: "Hi beauty.
Es-tu libre ce soir?» C'était révoltant.
Are you

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