One in every color?


Active Member
Feb 1, 2006
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What do you think of buying an item you like in every colour (or maybe just two).

I recently bought 2 pairs of shoes, each in a different colour and one of my friends just couldn't understand why i did so. My answer was, because.....they are comfortable and i like the style. Plus one pair looks more casual than the other due to colour, so i'd be wearing them on different occasions with different outfits.

Do you think its ok to buy things you like in more than one colour? or is it a fashion sin? :doh:

Over to you guys to discuss:flower:
i think its alright if its a basic, something you wear alot. i dont do it though (but i tend to buy very similar stuff over and over again)
I do tend to buy the same item in different colours (i.e. belts in black and brown; flat front pants in grey, black, khaki; shoes in every shade available - though usually black and brown, etc.) Some friends do notice - as if "aren't you wearing what you wore on Tuesday?" but it's always a variation. As long as the piece works and it can be combined with a lot of other stuff in your wardrobe, you're least that's what I keep telling myself :smile:
I would with some items. Why not? If something fits nicely I want more than one.
I have been trying to break away from this habit, but I do have a tendency to stockpile really basic pieces, especially shirts and things that I can layer. If it's something you'll get a lot of use out of, I see no reason not to buy it in multiple colors, especially if it's the perfect fit. With things like really comfy flats, t-shirts, sweaters, etc, I see no reason not to.
Sure, why not. :smile: I've done it with shoes. If i found trousers that fit me well, I'd definitely get one pair in every color I could get my hands on. (I have a lot of trouble with finding trousers.)
I see no reason why not! I'm hard pressed to find something I like in the first place, so when I finally do I tend to buy the piece in several shades.
I think it's completely justified with shoes, turtle necks, v neck sweaters, tights, and gloves. I mean come on, that's how things get boring and eventually worn out, by not having another option.
I wish I'd bought more than one pair of the same jeans in the past.. that makes so much sense!
I do this quite a lot - well usually only two colours, or two pairs of the same jeans when the fit perfectly and are on sale. I'm so particular about the shape or length of tops that it only makes sense to buy more when they seem ideal.

Several times it's backfired, though... the item suddenly seemed overplayed - it even seems to apply to wardrobes, that things inevitably lose value when they're more common. :ninja:
Yes, I do this for some plainer items. I have a day dress in both black and red, for example, but they seem really different on because I accessorize and layer differently with both. Actually, there's something very satisfying about buying things in pairs!
i've done it with american apparel stuff--i'll get the same t-shirt in black, white and gray. i'm more guilty of buying items in multiple sizes. i'll get my real size and then the same one in a size or two up for when i want to wear it loose.
i have the american apparel pencil skirt in three colors and i want more! i don't see any reason not to unless it's like a ballgown or something.
It better not be a fashion sin, because I do it alot :lol:

I have found that it generally doesn't work out for me with shoes, because the first color I bought is the one I really get all the use out of, not the color I go back for :innocent:

But with sweaters it has worked well for me. I've bought the same thing in as many as 4 colors. Of that batch of 4 short-sleeve sweaters--white, mauve, black, and navy--I still have the navy, a color that I don't wear much any more. I do still wear it occasionally.

I also bought a cardigan in ivory, brown, and charcoal. The ivory is my favorite, for some reason the charcoal shrank a bit when cleaned :huh:, and the brown I haven't worn much because, again, it's a color I'm not wearing too much right now ... plus I just don't like it as much. There were a couple other colors I liked better that were sold out already ...

So there you go, draw your own conclusions :wink:
I do it with t-shirts and some cardigans. *shrug*, I'm cool with it, and most times the t-shirts are like, two for one :shifty:
i usually find that i think that an item works best in a particular colour...
ie-blk patent leather-great
royal blue?...not so much...

so i just buy the colour i think is best...:P

on very rare occasions i will buy a simple sweater in more than one colour...
but that is usually only during a very good sale....
and even then...there is always one colour that i wear more...
so i probably could have done with just the one....

I do that quite often:ninja: multiple pairs of jeans that fit in several colors, washes, cardigans, all kinda colored Chucks:ninja: white, black crewnecks, Vnecks
I do this shamelessly when it comes basics. can't really picture myself wearing a skirt with blue prints and then wearing an identical one in green prints the next day, that would be.. hilarious :lol:. as long as they're merely complements, I'm okay with it.. not much on individual pieces as they'd lose the.. 'individual' value for me (and everyone else :ninja:).
I have found that it generally doesn't work out for me with shoes, because the first color I bought is the one I really get all the use out of, not the color I go back for :innocent:

Exactly! I have a pair of black sneakers that I liked so much, I went back for the brown and navy versions. However, when I get dressed everyday, I head straight towards the original black pair. :lol:
pretty much for basics and underwear only! for everything else i find one color i like most and stick with it. it's not even really a principle of mine. it's just that i'm not compelled to buy it in another color when i already found something ideal, etc etc. but of course, there are some exceptions.

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