Overrated Actors

Keira has very little natural talent but she's learnt how act better over the years, luckily she's beautiful so had the opportunity to do so but I don't think she's a natural talent at all.
James Franco surprised me in 127 Hours but I don't think he's very versatile or anywhere near as good an actor as he thinks he is. Also I don't find Ryan Gosling as good as he's made out to be either.
woody harrelson make more sense lol.. but i wouldn't consider him an actor to begin with. i've never heard even described as one. but i disagree with about keira knightley & ryan gosling. i've found they given strong heart felt performances
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Keira has very little natural talent but she's learnt how act better over the years, luckily she's beautiful so had the opportunity to do so but I don't think she's a natural talent at all.
James Franco surprised me in 127 Hours but I don't think he's very versatile or anywhere near as good an actor as he thinks he is. Also I don't find Ryan Gosling as good as he's made out to be either.

Agree with pretty much everything you said except Ryan Gosling, and Knightley's looks. I've never thought she was especially beautiful. She has a really angular face that isn't always photogenic. However, have always loved her style. For the most part anyway. And I can see why people think Gosling might not be that talented because he inhabits his roles in a way that it seems like he's playing himself. But I would say that's just subtlety. He's got so much emotion in his face and in his eyes. There's a scene in Half Nelson at the end where he's in a hotel and his student is selling him something we do not speak about here, and he has no lines. His face is natural acting at its finest, IMO. You can't teach that.
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Keira has very little natural talent but she's learnt how act better over the years, luckily she's beautiful so had the opportunity to do so but I don't think she's a natural talent at all.
James Franco surprised me in 127 Hours but I don't think he's very versatile or anywhere near as good an actor as he thinks he is. Also I don't find Ryan Gosling as good as he's made out to be either.

I agree about Franco. I've never realized just how cocky he is until recently.
He thinks way too highly of himself. There's nothing wrong with having confidence, but he's quite arrogant and I think that's going to hinder him.

And I agree about Keira growing as an actress, but I think all of them have to do that.
No great actor had the same level of talent as when they first started out.
What videos are you guys watching? Everything I see of him, he's half asleep!:lol:
Russell Crowe - seriously, how many times has he played something other than "tough guy who's really good inside and has a heart of gold"?

That is so funny but also so truth. He is a gladiator in almost every movie :sick:

Other: Tori Spelling - not sure if she is still doing acting but when I first saw her in Beverly Hills 90210 I thought :yuk:
Are you saying Russell Crowe is a bad actor? As in not being able to deliver lines believably, not inhabiting a character, not living in the moment? Or are you suggesting he's over-rated because he hasn't particularly diversified the roles he plays? I've said this before but I don't believe a lack of diversity on an actors CV always constitutes being a bad actor or indeed being over-rated. Certainly not in Russell Crowe's case, he might always play the tough guy with a heart of gold roles but he's damn good at them if you ask me. Look closely at most actors CV's and you'll find that they all have a comfort zone of a type of character they like to play. Generally they'll find something within many of their characters and correlates with others. Cate Blachett, for example, will generally go for the strong, independent woman with spirit. Kate Winslet likes ordinary women with a darker side. Not always but start examining CV's and you'll see there's a thread through them all. That wasn't a rant at anyone in particular btw! lol It's been a long day at work!
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Russell Crowe can act. He's not overrated in my opinion.
You don't really even hear much about him until he has a film coming out.
If anything, I would say he's more underrated. His talent isn't utilized enough.

Someone who's a bit of wannabe Russell Crowe and can't act at all (imo), but whom a lot of females seem to love has got to be Gerard Butler. :sick:
Crowe can act, but I don't find him particularly interesting to watch. The exception would be A Beautiful Mind. This might not be popular, but at times I think Sean Penn is overrated. His early work is awesome, but lately he's so boring to watch. Either I've watched him too much or his private persona is beginning to taint his work for me.
you know who's really horrible?? Nicholas cage!! I don't know why he's continually getting hired but to me, as soon as i hear about a film that sounds mildy interesting then i find out he's involved in anyway it just kills all desire to see it.

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^he´s now doing very mediocre movies, pretty much the same over and over again but I´ll always remember him for the great work he did in Raising Arizona :)
^^Nicholas Cage...Oh my God!
Some time ago I was bored surfing the channels of the TV and I stumbled upon a where the guy played by N. Cage...remembered his childhood when he had met a girl who now was all grown up and she was....Eva Mendes!!!

Who in his right mind can think that Nicholas Cage can play a guy roughly Eva Mendes´s age???

He is an old guy over dyed and with BAD wig job who insists in playing roles waaaaay to young for him.

His prime is way over. In the last ten years he´s only done very lame films..
^^that´s Ghost Rider, I think he was older than Eva as a teen.
He had a lot of financial problems.,maybe that´s the reason he´s doing this action crappy movies? he really needs the money...

Chris Colfer ... I don't understand his Emmy nomination

imo that´s got to do with the character that he plays more than his acting skills... HW can be overly PC :innocent:
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Without reading this thread, I am pretty sure Jennifer Aniston has been mentioned several times. She annoys me sooooo much
nichola cage is something so annoying.
he is just bad bad bad.
even when i see his face
it makes me wanna puke.
Keira Knightly. I don't know if it's because she has a British accent or what, but I don't get the rave. On imdb, people went crazy when "A Dangerous Mind" trailer premiered; they were already calling out for her Oscar WIN. I'll reserve judgment for when I see the film, but it's already looking like she's gonna overact to the max and her accent is...debatable.
I really like her in PotC, and from what I've seen of her, that's where I think her acting shone most.
For some reason, I've always felt like she's a bit unnatural in period dramas, especially Pride & Prejudice and The Duchess. It might be her line delivery or her posture or the way she moves, but there was always something not quite right about her in period dramas. I did like her performance in Atonement, though.

Russel Crowe and Gerard Butler look alike to me.:lol:

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