Overrated Movies

^ I haven´t seen "Shutter Island", but you can tell it´s Dicaprio, being so serious, so "artistic". I don´t understand why can he do a movie more lightdown. He tries so hard to get an Oscar, that´s why he doesn´t get it. :innocent: Also think Scorcese is overrated. :lol:
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I agree with every movie listed above, and Crazy Heart.

Was Crazy Heart even highly touted? :unsure:

To me Crazy Heart didn't get the attention it deserved; Jeff Bridges, on the other hand, did.
Harry Potter movies, Twilight saga etc.
I hate that kind of movies!:sick:

I have a sort of affection for Harry Potter because I grew up with it, but I agree!! I never really liked the any of the movies. I don't like the books either.
Don't even get me started on Twilight :rolleyes:
^ I haven´t seen "Shutter Island", but you can tell it´s Dicaprio, being so serious, so "artistic". I don´t understand why can he do a movie more lightdown. He tries so hard to get an Oscar, that´s why he doesn´t get it. :innocent: Also think Scorcese is overrated. :lol:

My sentiments exactly. I haven't seen Shutter Island yet -- the day I pay to watch a DiCaprio movie is... no, that just wouldn't happen -- so I can't comment on it specifically, but having seen several other DiCaprio movies, his collaborations with Scorsese have always been a letdown after another, particularly in light of how fiercely their working together is emphasized with every new movie they make, as if they were unparalleled in brilliance by default. The Aviator is one of the most overrated films I know. What could've been a brilliant film about an intriguing true story was botched by almost an hour's worth of extra, dragging storytelling and an unconvincing lead performance. There was a time when DiCaprio delivered good performances, but he has long since passed that mark, and his most recent work, onscreen and otherwise, has to me felt increasingly insincere.

Not to push anyone's buttons. It's just how I honestly feel about him. :lol:

^ No Country for Old Men was soo boring, it was almost intolerable!

Yes! It was really disappointed by the film, by the pointlessness of the entire story. Although there were a couple of surprises storytelling-wise, there was simply no coherence in the movie, nothing to awaken interest beyond Javier Bardem's unflattering do. It's amazing how little you sometimes have to do to get an Oscar these days... :rolleyes:

I also want to bring up Superbad and Pineapple Express here. Both were touted as being sidesplittingly hilarious, like American Pie, but less dumb. Apart from a couple of moments in Superbad, I don't recall having chuckled once watching either. Apparently, literal comedy and (continuous) references to genitalia don't fall under my category of "funny". But again, I guess that's just me.
Shutter Island wasn't THAT bad, at least I didn't get bored. But kinda predictable. Leo was good, sort of. His best performance as far as I'm concerned was in Blood Diamond.

I completely agree on No Country for Old Men. It felt so stiff and forced, it made concentrating on story very hard. I think it was nominated for Oscar, when I heard that I was like... WTF? :blink:

And I hated Pineapple Express. It's beyond me how it got so many good reviews, but I suspect that it has something to do with the fact that James Franco is supposed to be like an acting god.

People on IMDB boards would eat me alive for saying things like that and dissing Academy Award nominated movies. :lol: Gotta love tFS! :blush:
500 days of summer, Slumdog millionaire not to even mention Twilight and all the other teen movies.
wow, i thought no country for old men was amazing. i love all the coen brother movies.

but yeah, i despised the hangover and pineapple express...i hate those kind of movies about total losers who are like "yeah man, let's get high!!" hahahah so funny. i want to be just like you. :rolleyes: and i don't think james franco is a good actor, sorry.
Ugh I agree about the Hangover! It felt really forced and then when I complain about it everyone is like well it's a "dude" movie you wouldn't get it. :rolleyes:
Ahh happy to see that im not the only one to have hated avatar! It was soooo over hyped!
Now that i think of it, the hangover wasnt that hilarious, even though my friends all came out quoting every bit of it. I prefer superbad to that. (i can understand people thinking it was over rated, but i wasnt expecting anything from it. Actually i had never heard about it. :ninja:)

over movies that i didnt like were casablanca (i was expecting a lot more since 2nd or 3rd of afi top 100) , scarface (too kitsh for me), american graffiti (too long and no real story (or too many small things right and left) and come on! Georges lucas and coppola?! Couldve done way better!), burn after reading, mars attacks! (pointless, and kinda stupid...) and to finish the ugly truth.
( i feel like a negative person with all of these comments, i have to find the good movie thread :D)
I finally watched The Lord of the Rings a few days ago and I was pleased and disappointed at the same time...
pleased because I enjoyed them and they were actually good but disappointed because I was truly expecting something out of this world....
I finally watched The Lord of the Rings a few days ago and I was pleased and disappointed at the same time...
pleased because I enjoyed them and they were actually good but disappointed because I was truly expecting something out of this world....
:lol: For that time it really was.

I'd say Avatar too, Twilight and half of the one listed there (I don't like Cameron's and Scorsese's movies..)
wow, i thought no country for old men was amazing. i love all the coen brother movies.

but yeah, i despised the hangover and pineapple express...i hate those kind of movies about total losers who are like "yeah man, let's get high!!" hahahah so funny. i want to be just like you. :rolleyes: .

Thank you. I thought i was the only one.
Judd Apatow films are the worst of the worst. I simply do not get why they are so hyped and used as some sort of reference. "Not as good as Knocked up or the 40 year old virgin", the critics say. How terrible does film need to be to be worse than those two. What is so funny about watching idiots?

And I have to say I used to Love Freaks and Geeks.
I didn't care for "Titanic" either. My friends loved that thing...I was so bored watching it. It was a big disappointment.

"No country for old men" - could not even finish this one, wasted 20 minutes watching it

"The Lord of the Rings" - worst experience at the movie theather ever, after 10 minutes I was ready to leave :yuk:(Why didn't I?! I was so stupid...)

I am probably gonna kicked out for "saying" this but I didn't care for "Black Swan" either, the movie was not bad. Just wasn't as good as the reviews I read said it was. Better than "Requiem for a dream", my a**!
Oh gosh- I'm so happy I'm not the only one who didn't like Avatar! I thought the concept wasn't that original and so I refused to on principle see it in theaters even though everyone else was seeing it. So I waited to see it on dvd. And although everyone raved about it I didn't like it at all. Plus I found it just to be a retelling of Pocahontas but with "special effects." And I think some aspects of the story were highly offensive too, the native people were doing perfectly fine without the people from Earth. It's the same ol' story always told from the same point of view...

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