^ I haven´t seen "Shutter Island", but you can tell it´s Dicaprio, being so serious, so "artistic". I don´t understand why can he do a movie more lightdown. He tries so hard to get an Oscar, that´s why he doesn´t get it.
Also think Scorcese is overrated.
My sentiments exactly. I haven't seen
Shutter Island yet -- the day I pay to watch a DiCaprio movie is... no, that just wouldn't happen -- so I can't comment on it specifically, but having seen several other DiCaprio movies, his collaborations with Scorsese have always been a letdown after another, particularly in light of how fiercely their working together is emphasized with every new movie they make, as if they were unparalleled in brilliance
by default.
The Aviator is one of the most overrated films I know. What could've been a brilliant film about an intriguing true story was botched by almost an hour's worth of extra, dragging storytelling and an unconvincing lead performance. There was a time when DiCaprio delivered good performances, but he has long since passed that mark, and his most recent work, onscreen and otherwise, has to me felt increasingly insincere.
Not to push anyone's buttons. It's just how I honestly feel about him.
^ No Country for Old Men was soo boring, it was almost intolerable!
Yes! It was really disappointed by the film, by the pointlessness of the entire story. Although there were a couple of surprises storytelling-wise, there was simply no coherence in the movie, nothing to awaken interest beyond Javier Bardem's unflattering do. It's amazing how little you sometimes have to do to get an Oscar these days...
I also want to bring up
Superbad and
Pineapple Express here. Both were touted as being sidesplittingly hilarious, like
American Pie, but less dumb. Apart from a couple of moments in
Superbad, I don't recall having chuckled once watching either. Apparently, literal comedy and (continuous) references to genitalia don't fall under my category of "funny". But again, I guess that's just me.