Overrated Actors

I wouldn't say Dan is overrated. I mean, it's not like he's been nominated for an Oscar or anything, but I feel he's rather untalented. He seems to be an interesting bloke in real life - comes across as grounded, well-read and well-adjusted, but he was miscast as Harry Potter. Actually, I felt he was perfect as Harry in the first three movies, but then he just didn't grow up to look anything like how Harry Potter is described in the books. As often as not, Harry comes across as wooden in the films, or unemotive.

TBH, barring Rupert Grint, neither Emma Watson nor Dan Radcliffe do justice to the characters of Hermione and Harry. The Potter movies are peppered with an embarrassment of riches when it comes to supporting actors (Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, Richard Harris, John Hurt et al), but they got 2 out of 3 right when it comes to the main cast.
I wouldn't say any of the Potter trio could be considered "overrated,"
because none of them have ever been praised for their acting.
People have always considered all three of them to be quite mediocre.
The only time I've heard any of them get praise is in recent years with their performances in the last Potter film and Dan with his performance in Equus in How to Succeed.

They're all still very much proving themselves in this business.
The same somewhat goes for Blake Lively, I've never heard her acting praised by anyone.

I think I'm going to add Diane Lane to my list. She's not that great.
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I love her, but I'm going to have to say Dianna Agron is incredibly overrated by her fan base. She's a good actress, but nothing great imo.
Angelina Jolie in my opinion is way overrated. Yes I love her gorgeous looks but really she isn't that great of an actress. Her roles such as Girl Inerrupted were great but really in all her films she relys on stunts and special effects to make her look cool. I just dont think she is a serious actress more of an entertainer kind of thing. Also I think she is kind of fake with the whole 'I am a guys girl, I dont have any women friends' thing. If she doesn't have any female friends when she is a female she must be a real b*tch. I think she tries to sound all down to earth, cool, and a tomboy(I think she really likes male attention) but really she comes off trying really hard to get people to like her. Also like I said I dont know her and this is just how I feel she comes off. BTW if it wasn't for her looks she would not be in Hollywood. Again just my opinion.
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Gwyneth Paltrow - has ruined so many movies for me. Even in Iron Man movies she was horrid, Johansson seemed like acting goddess next to her. :rolleyes:
Adam Sandler - never seen him play anything good, he gets easy comedy roles and blows those. Not saying he's regarded as great actor, but I don't even think he funny, which he is supposedly famous for.
They both take the crown, I my eyes even Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts have had some enjoyable movies (as in, I didn't cringe watching them), mostly in their younger days when their heads weren't as filled with overblown egos.

Matthew Mcconaughey, Kate Hudson, Ben Stiller, Michael Cera, Halle Berry are also a couple people I don't think are worth the hype and I can't think of one good role they'd had. :unsure:
^I agree with Kate Hudson and partially with Gwyneth Paltrow (she's so miscast in Iron Man) and Adam Sandler (I don't think his actual acting has ever been praised).

And I've never gotten why people don't like Michael Cera. He's not brilliant, but he's enjoyable. :)
^I think that some actors/actresses like Kate Hudson have one role in their careers that are perfect for them, so they´re great in them and then they built their careers on the hype of that one role but they´re just regular actors...
^I think that some actors/actresses like Kate Hudson have one role in their careers that are perfect for them, so they´re great in them and then they built their careers on the hype of that one role but they´re just regular actors...

Absolutely agree. Some actors are not that great, but they land a great role, in a movie that for some reason got lucky. I mean movies can be lucky or unlucky. I´ve seen some overhyped movies win Oscars and GREAT movies get only lukewarm reception.
God forbid these kind of actors get an Oscar nomination, or worse an Oscar too early in their careers. They get overhyped and from then on it´s just sad. They try to make some blockbuster movie to cash on the hype, and those movies are usually bad. To erase that, some of them try go the indie way, and then it´s sooo sad.
It must be difficult to manage a career knowing your prime is behind you.
To me this happened to Hillary Swank. She is a good actress, I would´t say great, but TWO oscars???

I think this happens also to some TV stars. They do really well in a good show, well written and with consistent caracters. But they do only average in just 120 minutes.
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Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks (<---OMG he's just the worst :ninja:). All equally bad at acting imo as I've only ever seen them play themselves. Especially sad when they try to play parts that are so overtly not them, but their non-acting-self just seeps through and it's confusingly embarrassing (actually Jennifer doesn't even bother trying these roles to be fair; at least she knows her limitations).

Gwyneth has also made me feel "uncomfortable" in the past but has eternal forgiveness for being so utterly mesmerizingly smokingly sulky in the Royal Tenebaums :heart:...I walked out of the cinema and has 12 inches of hair chopped off after seeing her in that, and she (Margot Tenebaum NOT Gwyneth Paltrow) was my role model for waaaay too long. Probably still is a bit :shock:
Gwyneth has also made me feel "uncomfortable" in the past but has eternal forgiveness for being so utterly mesmerizingly smokingly sulky in the Royal Tenebaums :heart:...I walked out of the cinema and has 12 inches of hair chopped off after seeing her in that, and she (Margot Tenebaum NOT Gwyneth Paltrow) was my role model for waaaay too long. Probably still is a bit :shock:

Happened to me too. I still "forgive" GP many things from the recent past because I loved The Tenenbaums, Emma (yup), Sliding doors, Ripley and some more. But those happened waaaaay over a decade ago.
Gwyneth Paltrow isn't a bad actress at all imo.
I love her performance in most of the films I've seen her in.

She's just miscast in a some roles like Iron Man and just over-hyped in others like Country Song.
But I checked out her IMDB profile to refresh my memory and I liked her in pretty much all of her films.
in general actors nowadays are VERY overrated. there are a lot of style but no real substance or actual acting talent. it just seems that if you're young pretty & the latest "hot thing" that's sufficient start a career but that doesn't have staying power.
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imo some of the MOST overrate "actors" out there in no paticular order (feel free to add you're own):

blake lively (plus the rest of the cast of gossip girl)
megan fox
anyone named jessica (simpson, alba, biel)
zac efron (the whole cast of high school musical)
chris hemsworth
lindsay lohan
olivia wilde
the cast of glee are soo bland
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a few others i forgot to mention:
demi lavato
miley cyrus
the duff sisters
anyone named jennifer (aniston, lopez, & garner)
taylor lautner
ryan reynolds
matthew mcconaghey
george clooney
ben affleck

and a few that started off solid but really have gone down hill:
halle berry
scarlett johansson
kate hudson
salma hayek
penelope cruz
angelina jolie
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Happened to me too. I still "forgive" GP many things from the recent past because I loved The Tenenbaums, Emma (yup), Sliding doors, Ripley and some more. But those happened waaaaay over a decade ago.

Thank you :flower:. Sometimes I feel like an over-indulgent family member towards Gwyneth because of our hair-history together (only time I've ever gone short)...but yes, it's been a while now, so the forgive & forget thing may well be overrated in light of her recent crimes :unsure:
@modelista: I agree with everyone you listed with the exception of George Clooney (I think he's brilliant and deserves the praise. He gets better with age. Plus, he's focusing a lot on directorial projects nowadays).

I also disagree with Angelina Jolie to an extent.
I think she's very talented, but she hasn't really been given a meaty role since Changeling.
I'm hoping the new rumored Cleopatra film with David Fincher will let her show off her A-game again.
I generally find James Franco to be overrated. I see so much 'duhhhhh' behind his eyes at all times and he comes off really hammy. Blake Lively just sucks as far as I'm concerned. And Natalie Portman does the 'look at me, I'm cute and sad :(' thing and that's about it-- way overrated. :innocent:
I'm not aiming this at anyone here I just want to get this said. There's a difference between someone who just can't act and someone who hasn't diversified with the roles they've had. George Clooney, for example, has two types of characters he usually plays. The smooth, slick Danny Ocean type charmer or the very serious Syriana type of role. He bounces between those two types of character but it doesn't mean he's a bad actor, he does them both really well. The same goes for someone like Angelina. She's very type cast in many ways. But you pull apart what she's doing on screen, separate it from the film, even something as naff as The Tourist, and she's damn good at what she does. Even if that is being a female action star. Blake Lively on the other hand just can't deliver a line!

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