Perez Hilton claims Black Eyed Pea’s front man Will.I.Am assaulted him!

As much as I agree with violence is never the answer, specifically to a guy running his mouth for whatever reason, you can't honestly be in total shock with the end result of calling a guy a ***, from Perez of all people. It's reality, you'd get the shxt knock out of you saying x amount of disgraceful comments to people, sometime or another, karma hits... literally.

Perez had just entered in a wrong territory by his own doings and Will took it another level, rather unnecessary and I most defiantly feel he shouldn't be going off scotch free. Perez on the other hand is acting incredibly childish with that rant on Youtube, if he ever took in consideration that perhaps maybe once, just once if he hold some class with celebs he's supposedly "friends" with he wouldn't be finding himself in this possession. The victim act is wearing thin, he's really not that innocent in this event.
I don't understand why Perez of all people would call Will.I.Am a '******'. I always got the impression that Perez would be against the use of that word. :S
he knew it would set him off. and frankly the fact that he lost his sh!t for being called a ****** says a lot about
I saw it today.. but watching it for more then 10 minutes.. :wacko: I wanted to punch him myself! :unsure:
(just kidding :innocent:)
I might normally agree, but this goofball walks around with a sign hanging around his neck that says "Punch Me".

:lol: I agree, not to mention he started the fight and called him certain slander that will receive repercussion among 'men' shall we say.

besides, Will I.A.M. is not the one who assaulted him, rather his manager.
I do not feel sorry for Perez Hilton at all; he had it coming.

This is a guy who makes it his life's career to gleefully mock and jeer people on his website, drawing disgusting sexual images on people's pictures, call girls "sl*t, ****, wh*re, b*tch, fat etc," and going on a verbal rampage against anyone who dares disagree with his holier than thou beliefs.

He's lucky that he hasn't been physically attacked till now. Most celebs don't say anything b/c they want to be on his "good side". His site reeks of bias and self-promotion. For him to use the word "******" is sheer hyprocrisy, since he considers himself some kind of Martin Luther King of gay rights.

I disagree that violence is never the answer. There are some rare few individuals in this world that truly deserve a good punch in the face.
:lol: I laughed at your last line. I agree there are some who deserve a good punch in the face though I don't think Perez is one of them. He just posted a letter setting out his views and apologizing for his use of the 'f' word but to be honest, I think his reasoning is flawed. He suggests he used the word because it was the most hurtful he knew, but it just comes off as a poor excuse. There's a thing called walking away, and he should have tried it. He also says he's never been a spokesperson for the gay community, but I think in a lot of ways he has taken on that platform and sometimes for good and sometimes for less good. What bothers me the most about his site, is that he comes across a misogynist. I don't care if he has a lot of female friends or not, since he started losing weight he thinks it's okay to jeer at woman about their size, about working out, about what is and is not appropriate sexual behaviour and I find that all disturbing. Regardless, I think he's hit a plateau and his continued negativity will be his own downfall.
Even before he lost weight he jeered at women about their size. I don't condone violence, but that doesn't mean I feel sympathy towards him and I don't think I'm alone. Him repeating the phrase 'violence is never okay' doesn't mean much when his view of what is and isn't okay is so skewed. In his opinion, it is appropriate to call underage girls (and adults obviously) 'sl*t' and 'wh*re', to call toddlers ugly, and to compare women's genitalia to meat. I don't think he should have been hit but there's no way I'm going to feel sorry for him.

It sickens me that he genuinely believes that bullying and taunting gay celebrities into coming out of the closet publicly, which is a huge personal decision, is a good thing for the gay community. If he was so concerned about gay rights then he shouldn't be playing up stereotypes, eg calling men 'fairy', 'girl', 'queen' and women 'man' '****' 'butch'. The only words I can think of to describe him are vile and repugnant.

Rich Juzwiak, the author of the blog fourfour, wrote a great article about Perez and I have to say I agree with every single thing he says, especially this excerpt:
I just kind of want to throw up my hands (or in my hands) and call out this character, this persona, this online half-person for what it is: bad for the Internet, bad for gay people, bad for the world. I can't help but feel like everything would be better off without him. I know that's a harsh and extreme point of view and believe me that I paused before typing that to actually consider him and his contribution to society. I'd go as far as to say I racked my brain and I've still come up with absolutely nothing positive or pro-social that he has brought to the world, at least on a public level (and keep in mind that I'm not following his every move, so I could have missed an act of philanthropy or two).
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I think the fact that Fergie and Will were so angry and want for Perez to post good stuff about their music just makes him more relevant. Don't they realize that they are giving him credibility as a music critic? He has already proved that he can move sales and is good at breaking new artists. But they took it to another level...
:lol: I laughed at your last line. I agree there are some who deserve a good punch in the face though I don't think Perez is one of them. He just posted a letter setting out his views and apologizing for his use of the 'f' word but to be honest, I think his reasoning is flawed. He suggests he used the word because it was the most hurtful he knew, but it just comes off as a poor excuse. There's a thing called walking away, and he should have tried it. He also says he's never been a spokesperson for the gay community, but I think in a lot of ways he has taken on that platform and sometimes for good and sometimes for less good. What bothers me the most about his site, is that he comes across a misogynist. I don't care if he has a lot of female friends or not, since he started losing weight he thinks it's okay to jeer at woman about their size, about working out, about what is and is not appropriate sexual behaviour and I find that all disturbing. Regardless, I think he's hit a plateau and his continued negativity will be his own downfall.

Very lame excuse.

Oh yeah he's never been a spokesperson?:rolleyes: So that explains how he condones other gay personalities who doesn't make a stand against H8 :rolleyes:

I think his fame has gotten to his head, now he just thinks of himself too highly. I hope that incident pushed his feet back to the ground
I think the fact that Fergie and Will were so angry and want for Perez to post good stuff about their music just makes him more relevant. Don't they realize that they are giving him credibility as a music critic? He has already proved that he can move sales and is good at breaking new artists. But they took it to another level...
I think he had less to do with their music, and more to do with the fact that Perez has been nasty to Fergie
Have you guys seen the video on Funny or Die with Breckin Meyer mocking Perez's video? Hilarious. NURVER! (I can't figure out how to upload the video and the link isn't working right either, sorry)
I don't understand why Perez of all people would call Will.I.Am a '******'. I always got the impression that Perez would be against the use of that word. :S

For him to use the word "******" is sheer hyprocrisy, since he considers himself some kind of Martin Luther King of gay rights.

It's kind of like Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy using the "N" word throughout their routines.

I haven't seen any PH videos and never will, but he reminds me of the guy (crybaby) that did the Britney Spears rant.
^ My gay friend who says the word ****** himself likened it to the N word debate as well yesterday.
When black commedians, or just black people in general use the "N" word, it is a term of endearment. It is NOT used as an insult ment to demean people. Or at least not in the same way it had been used against black people by thier oppressors.

Thats why Perez calling Will.I.Am a "******" is hypocritical, because he used the word as an insult. As if being a "******" was something to be ashamed of.
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GLAAD to Perez Hilton: Shame On You!


The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is speaking out against celebrity blogger Perez Hilton after he admittedly used an anti-gay slur (f—ot) in an altercation with of the Black Eyed Peas.
Rashad Robinson, Senior Director of Media Programs at GLAAD: “These are vulgar anti-gay slurs that feed a climate of hatred and intolerance toward our community. For someone in our own community to use it to attack another person by saying that it is, quote, ‘The worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear,’ is incredibly dangerous. It legitimizes use of a slur that is often linked to violence against our community. And it sends a message that it is OK to attempt to dehumanize people by exploiting anti-gay attitudes. We have reached out to Hilton and asked him to apologize for promoting this anti-gay slur and we would ask media outlets to avoid repetition of the slur in their coverage of this story.”
Perez responded, saying, “I am saddened GLAAD chose to victimize me further by criticizing me for how I non-violently dealt with a very scary situation that, unfortunately, turned violent. While I doubt I will get an apology from GLAAD, nor do I expect one, I would just hope people know how difficult it is to intellectualize a situation and think rationally when a thug disguised as a musician is screaming at your face and intimidating you. I am just very fortunate and grateful that nothing more serious happened to me.”
Pop culture chronicler Rich Juzwiak adds his two cents about Perez: “I just kind of want to throw up my hands (or in my hands) and call out this character, this persona, this online half-person for what it is: bad for the Internet, bad for gay people, bad for the world. I can’t help but feel like everything would be better off without him… I racked my brain and I’ve still come up with absolutely nothing positive or pro-social that he has brought to the world.”

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