I usually like Katie Grand's magazines, not all equally, but the price is way too high with that one and the last time I bought one of her mags was... LOVE magazine - it says a lot.
Sure, the covers are nice, it looks promising and interesting and everything else you could ever imagine. But at that price? No, thanks. Last time I caught myself buying some rather "expensive" mag, was Purple's anniversary issue (the single word "anniversary" should have taken me far away from it). It looked good, like a thick book and all, but was that worth 40€ (if I remember well)? Not at all. Some lovely photographs here and there while barely anything remotely interesting to "read". A waste of money and its size is way too big for my small flat, haha.
So, not for me, I'll pass on another issue of Perfect, once again, and rather spend 2€ for Citizen K (twice its price compared to last decade, what a shame from them haha!) so at least I can make some collage out of its pages!