"Popped" Collars

Here is an upturned collar on a trench at Miguel Adrover. Very adrogynous.

Source: Style.com
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Actually, the popped collar is really mostly associated with sports. Alot of fishers, tennis players, sailors, golfers, etc. would put their collar up so as not to sunburn their neck. Here's something from preppyjournal.com on the issue:
Before the early twentieth century, most shirt collars were turned up in some manner. Men and women alike wore tall, stiff collars (as much as three inches tall), not unlike a taller version of a clerical collar, made either of starched linen, cotton, or lace.
It was a symbol of like 'I can pay extra to buy a nice shirt with a high collar and have it very starched.'
First of all, popping the collar isn't considered a trend among preppies. Old and young preps have been popping their collars as far back as I can remember. It's something that's done naturally and without a second thought. It's the preppy way and it has nothing to do with being popular or any of the sort. Where the popped collar is trendy is with those groups who've never really identified with preppies to begin with or only temporarily at least. These are the groups who buy Lacoste polos because it's a hot item in the runaways of Europe for instance only to forget about them later when the next "in" thing arrives.
AMEN. I completely agree.
You will definitely score points among preppies if you wear your popped polo with a pair of madras shorts and Topsiders for example. Confidence, neatness and modesty also play a factor in how preppies wear their clothes. The cleaner the look the better. On the other hand, sporting a polo with the collar popped while looking like someone from a Girls Gone Wild video is definitely not preppy.Of course, the look can indeed be a sign that one identifies with being preppy. But that really only works if the requirement for being preppy is based on clothes alone. Be prepared to answer questions like "Where do you summer?"
God, I love that guy. He says everything so perfectly and truthfully. Hope that helped some of you on the issue.
On polos and collared shirts, specifically cheap teenage mall brands such as Hollister and Abercrombie, it looks plain old silly. I've seen girly versions with kitchy little designs on the back of the collar (such as turtles, dinosaurs and other ironically nostaligic icons) so you know it's supposed to be popp'd.

It's different, I think, with trenchs, bombers and other jackets since I've seen it on the runway successfully producing a somewhat futuristic, minimalist and adrogynous look.

Basically, once Abercrombie & Co. catch wind of a "trend", they immediately over-do and hype it up until it's nothing short of laughable.
Popped collars are officially annoying. No one will believe the number of people at my school wearing Hollister polos and popping that damn collar. :angry:
But it is different with jackets. The first one doesn't look too bad, but I'm not a fan of the others.

Celine Fall 2006


portrait collars? :huh:

Style.com Runway Review - Celine said:

....To be fair, her new collection compared favorably to a spring line that suffered from too loud colors, a numbing repetitiveness, and an over-reliance on styling tricks. (Although this show had the latter, too, in the form of wooden bangles stacked seven to a wrist.) One positive development here was the way the herringbone suits with portrait collars and cropped pants riffed on the current menswear trend. Her trenches could stand up to those of her competitors, too. And the show's wide crocodile belts will make a sexy contribution to that crowded category....
Popped collars are ok on jackets, especially trenches, but I can't stand it when somebody puts on an Abercrombie polo, pops the collar, and wears it with their shortest miniskirt and grungiest flipflops.

I agree with Veruka Salt, the ones that actually have designs underneath the collar are the worst. I've even seen them with 'PREP' or 'BRAT' written under the collar. Yikes..
i actually like popped collars when the back is up and the front is lying flat. they're not all that bad though.
i think the only time when popped collars bother me is when the collar isn't structured enough to stay up. the af/ae/hollister polos are so flimsy that the collar goes everywhere (including in the wearer's face) and he/she has to keep readjusting the collar.
then i'm just like.. what's the point? just wear it flat. makes life easier.

when i dress down my button down shirts, i pop the back of the collar, but i don't think i've ever seen anyone else do it with something besides a polo. people - no imagination these days.
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I'm not a big fan of the popped collar but sometimes I think it looks good on certain people.
Sometimes I find myself popping my collar but only if it's windy and my neck is cold. :lol:
i was in georgetown DC today and EVERYONE had a polo shirt POPPED collar. It was overkill. Clones everywere. Guys were wearing them like that too. The most popular color was pink!
I agree i think its pretty silly.. but when everyone in my school started doing it i couldnt really tell them in their face they looked stupid =P hope they stop soon cuz they do not know how silly they look..

Oh and another thing that looks pretty bad is when one side is popped up but the other isnt.. LIke, choose one or the other! Its like they wanna do it but they know its stupid but they do only one side. =/ pretty lame
I adore popped collars on outerwear and jackets. It gives of a somewhat moder and polished look. I've always noticed that in vintage movies where the men go outside and pull up the collars on their coats. It's a very nice difference.
Yeh on outerwear and jackets it is acceptable but on polo shirts. No!!!!! Damn you usher!
I think this topic is beyond redundant at this point. It's either "they're okay sometimes", or "they're so stupid." It's time to move on to a new topic of discussion...
I think this looks okay, if people can pull it off, otherwise it'll look like a tryhard.

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