"Popped" Collars

i have to confess, i have no idea where the trend comes from, and the this look is so completely, totally, entirely frrigin uncomprehensible to me! makes me go.."aa, what?" i just don't get it, it's become second nature for people to pop their collar, like brushing your teeth.

i say, rebel and put down your collar....or dare i say button up your polo?:ninja:
popped collars are really tomboy. theyre also great with short curly hair
only time I dont pop my collar is when wearing a formal shirt.....otherwise, it's always upturned, simply becoz it i prefer it that way.......
lovesit said:
lol do people still do this? :lol:
Its a mystery isnt it? Its another question of why uggs evolved into fugly mukluks. :lol:

But back to the topic, I feel collars should only be "popped" (I hate that term) on jackets and coats, no way with collared shirts, its too try hard preppy for my taste, or 90% of tfsers for that matter.

Good for example:






I think the last picture says it all ;):ninja:
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ChinaLove said:
Some of you guys are so dramatic... is it that serious?
I get so confused with this board sometimes. You have some people saying that fashion is about diversity and expression, and to wear whatever makes a person comfortable, but sometimes, something so horrid like popped collars comes along and all that junk about wearing whatever you like goes out the wondow.

Karma for you! ^_^
What is worse than a popped collar? A popped collar with no neck. I seriously have kids in my school who pop their collars and the collar covers half of their face. :rolleyes:
I pop the collar on a jacket and on a skivvy ( occasionally ), but that's it.

Popped collars on shirts looks extremely dorky.
im guilty of this quite alot of the time :innocent:

but i wouldnt actually pop my collar, i would just put a top on and leave it how it is, crumpled i guess. but i will put it up if its cold...am i weird?
JR1 said:
im guilty of this quite alot of the time :innocent:

but i wouldnt actually pop my collar, i would just put a top on and leave it how it is, crumpled i guess. but i will put it up if its cold...am i weird?

no you are not weird!!! I do it to if im cold especially if i don't have a scarf on but most people that pop their collars(polo shirt) in summer is terribly GAY.
I despise popped collars, but no so much for the actual look (though it is dumb, IMO), but for the type of people I know who do this. The guys I know who pop their collars are complete d-bags who actually think it automatically makes them or their outfits look cooler. :wacko: It's not a "cool" switch, guys. Nothing works that way.
I think that if it isnt done along with wearing pleated khakis or something else insanely preppy it can look cool. Especially on girls. I think it can make the structure of the shirt interesting. Also, the point of collars on shirts originally included being able to "pop" the collar and keep ones neck warm or whatever and I think that if people are going to use other vintage techniques to personalize their style, then why not use that? But it has to be casually done, and not done all the time.

It bothers me when rich preppy guys do it with tight polos because they think it looks hot though! LIKE THIS EWW:

oh and Heres a funny cartoon:

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