I don't really understand how speaking out about stereotypes would hinder non-European models from getting work. keeping quiet while models are only being used in caricature-like perpetuations of stereotypes is part of the reason non-Euro descent models are still being sidelined. Imagine if Caucasian models were only used in trailer park or "Old Country" themed works. Yes, people exist who have those things as part of their culture, but any one with common sense knows that models of Euro descent are able to portray beauty and variants beyond those ideas. The same goes for models of African/Asian/First Nations/etc. descent. Instead of only being hired in tribal/hip-hop/geisha themes, all models should be able to show their talent in portraying other ideals. There are so many talented models who aren't even given a chance or are waved away at the first site of their brown skin, and only thought of when some arbiter of fashion decides they're "inspired" by some appropriated culture that instead of paying homage to, they exaggerate to the point of derision.