Revillon F/W 2006.07 Paris

everything seems right to my eyes, i love every single of the outfits.
how i wish i could wear this...
i love this collection alot! although i'm not into fur, but honestly he can handle fur become chic with new structure and cuttings.
New era of couture, strong of minimal touch and subtle colourway but no more grand & sparkling only.
j´adore dior said:
the same fur debate as always is starting here, revillon furs probably come from saga furs or scandinavian furs in general wich are the best furs in the world and there for the animals are well taken care off before they are killed for the pelts (saga furs has some videos too, saga minks die instantly when killed with 02 and foxes in 4 to 10 seconds when anally electrocuted) surelly much more than the cows, pigs and chickens most of us eat daily, fur is my guilty pleasure i hate to admit, i´ve always found it extremely beautiful but i always fight against that because it comes from a dead animal but i think that in a fair world no animal should be raised and killed for human´s to eat or dress with but before that happens i strongly recomend NOT to buy Chinesse exported furs, where foxes and minks, if not dogs or cats are slaughtered in an extremely horrible way for their fur.
perhaps the deepest irony of western "civilization" - we will treat you well... before we kill you. sometimes i don't know what's worse, wearing fur and admitting that humans are imperfect and aggressive, or being a vegetarian under an escapist illusion of human perfectability.
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alright, this fur thing has got to stop - it's not even a completely "moral" issue for me...i think it LOOKS tacky. i love all of this - the shapes and drapes, the high, wide necks, the far side-buttonings - that aren't fur.

but thank you, regardless, for the pictures :)
from iht

With furs shaped to suggest a slip-and-slide across the body, anchored with ribbon bows, Rick Owens sent out an autumn/winter collection for Revillon. The designer's aesthetic is now as enmeshed with the august Parisian house as the furs were swallowed into the putty-colored jersey dresses, alpaca coats and soft jackets. The show was inventive, cool and clever - and Owens must hope that there are enough wealthy, stylish, modern women to get his particular take.
faust said:
perhaps the deepest irony of western "civilization" - we will treat you well... before we kill you. sometimes i don't know what's worse, wearing fur and admitting that humans are imperfect and aggressive, or being a vegetarian under an escapist illusion of human perfectability.

These days being just vegetarian doesn't cut it, you have to be vegan if you want to be guilt free (if you know how eggs and milk are farmed you would understand why eating those things can be just as bad as eating meat). But even then there are the all the animal products used in non food items like textiles and plastic materials. That isn't to say one shouldn't bother, it's just a difficult issue.

Besides that, there is something romantically morbid about using exotic animal skins/feathers/ and furs to clothe yourself. Obviously it is gross and awful but where would the world be without ostrich feathers, pressed leather, and clean crisp fox furs? With that gothic allure and supernatural undertone who else could design for such an esteemed fur house other than Rick Owens?
I adore this collection. Gorgeous models, gorgeous styling, beyond sumptuous furs and textiles...

I miss this kind of work from Rick. Oh, well.

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