
Indie, I guess we're ready for the elims and next round! Let's finish this edition before the summer drives us all away from our computers. :wink:
hi i just wanted you to know that i'm almost done with everything so tomorrow you'll see all the missing things like reviews etc! I'm terribly sorry!

My dad pulled the internet plug out for two days and I was so angry and that’s why this wasn’t here at the time it was ment to be – apologies.
Now here is for you! I’m really sorry, I really couldn’t believe that summer could actually drive me away from my computer but I guess I was wrong....and one day I noticed that I had to log in to tFS, instead of the friendly you last visited-thing. Sadness. BUT! Firstly, here are the reviews.

Marta Berzkalna – Mr-Dale

I love this. Marta looks so innocent and fresh and young in the first picture but I’m not too keen on the second one. I do love the polaroid part; the polaroid picture really gives the impression of speednes, it’s like they don’t care whose pictures they are taking, and the next picture is heartbreaking but followed by really nice bouncy kick, like she really wants to be treated the way she deserves. Next picture is kinda obvious, Marta with other fresh models but it’s really nice. The last picture is kinda random to me. Though the picture-bunch didn’t come as a whole to me, I really love the polaroid part.

Anja Rubik – Milamar

Amazing. You have really found the right pictures for each line and it really comes togheter. Each picture seems to be my favorite...Seeing Anja every time reminds me of how world can be beautiful at times. Wow. I also like it how the ‘so come on’ picture is so diffrent from the other pictures and entries. She got the job, or atleast that’s how I see it. My most favorites are the party picture and the last picture – the morning after. It’s so devastaing, she really seems to break down...and the contrast with the party picture is wonderful. For you!

Shannan Click - 5avenuemarceau

This is again so madly diffrent and I’m totally attracted to it. The last shot is so beautiful and it wraps everything togheter in such a nice way. She looks so sweet and innocent in the first picture, followed by the second picture which has many messages. I also like the polaroid part and the ‘so come on’ picture, where she is ready to be shot, in all the costume-ish and pretentious fashion gear. The next picture shows her funny side and I’ve already told what I think about the last one. Great work! You’ve managed to show Shannan in so many situations, she is really capable to change, very versatile model.


So after a long wait, who makes it to the final two? To be honest, none of these models have been my favorites before VNMT, but you’ve changed that totally! :bouncy:


The first girl to make it to the final two is.........:shifty:

Anja Rubik and Milamar!!! Congratulations!:D

The second girl to make it to the final two is......

Shannan Click and 5avenuemarceau! Congratulations to you too!!:flower:

So, I’m sorry Mr-Dale and Marta Berzkalna L :flower: But I want to thank you of introducing me to Marta – I seriosly had never heard of her before this and she is so beautiful and edgy, the model for my tastes. Your entries have been enjoyable too, every single time. Thanks for being patient and most of all, thanks for participating :heart: !
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Indie, I'm really thrilled reading your review for the last task - thank you for selecting Anja for the finals! Congrats 5avenuemarceau (chapeau bas!) and equally Mr Dale - it's really sad to see you go as watching your entries was always great fun, it also let me appreciate Marta's work as a model.
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Wow, thanks so much! I can't wait to get on with the finalo challenge, congratulations Milamar.

Marta is such a beautiful model I never knew, Mr Dale you have posted some of those most breathtaking entries that have made me really interested in her :flower:
The final challenge will be here some time tomorrow - and I'm going to keep this promise because I've got internet connection, time and lots of ideas so!
Yeah :( And seems like I'm not full of ideas either...hmmmm gotta think about something and fast.

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