
thank you for covering, I'll post reviews et all tomorrow!
can i sign up for next season as either kinga rajzac or suzanne diaz, which ever one isn't taken? :flower:
I know :P
and I'm writing them now.....

the next challenge goes by the name of apres moi le deluge - after me comes the flood :shifty:
I think that I'm going to have to leave the game. It's been fun, but I don't have too much time on my hands these days, and challenges have been taking over a month.

If anyone wants to take over Natalia permanently, feel free.
BUMP...please inject some speed/fun into this game asap :neutral:

Sorry to see you go morgan :(
Maybe I'll take over Natalia if my computer problems go better? She's like my ultimate favourite! :smile:
morgan38 said:
I think that I'm going to have to leave the game. It's been fun, but I don't have too much time on my hands these days, and challenges have been taking over a month.

If anyone wants to take over Natalia permanently, feel free.

Thats such a pity :(!

Has indie been online recently? Maybe shes having computer trouble.
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Please come back to us, indie, and let's move on - we don't want this game to die away... :unsure:
ok ok I'm back to finish!!!
and I really really have thought about doing the reviews every day in past two weeks and I just have to finish then now because I have yet another busy weekend ahead! Just wait for an hour!
I have one problem though....I cannot see martas, irinas and anjas pictures anymore :doh:
Welcome back!

Right lets see if I can help...

Marta - I can't see the pictures until I click on them and then it takes me to...


Irina - Not sure what I can do as Milamar's done a beautiful spread with them but have managed to find one of the photos on or I just did and now cant find it. hmmm.... ok its now an attachment so hopefully should show up.

Anja - Same system i guess? okkee.... Oh noo, I cant see it at all! Maybe I'll remember them on the site, i'll have a go



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