I've been so knee-deep in prepping for tonight, only saw this now on BBC! Truly shocked at the news. RIP Stella.
I can never claim that I was a huge Stella fan, or that she was the kind of model I followed closely,
Neither can I, to be honest. But as with Daria, I respect and appreciate the work they've done and the fact that they've always led grounded, private lives. Someone also posted earlier that she always seemed omnipresent in the industry, I'd like to add 'without being in your face'. Just there, quietly booking shows, covers and campaigns. And all of that probably led to their success and respect in the industry. You'd need a coffee-table book to encapsulate all her work!
via Daily Mail, I really feel for the kids, this can't be the easiest time to process something of this magnitude.
'I saw her recently out on her horse, and we had a good chat. She seemed well, but did say she was very worried about [the impact of] Covid [on fashion] because she thought it might mean she never worked again.
'She said that by the time people were allowed to travel again and the catwalk shows re-started, she would be regarded as too old. But that was the only thing that gave the impression she wasn't completely happy.'
And I have to say, I'm once again appalled by The Sun already turning out hit pieces on David Lasnet. Tasteless!!!