Mizuki (20) and Vesa (23)
Mizuki: "I have my dresses made up outside Finland based on my own designs, because I want them to be unique. This dress is a mix of all my favorites."
Vesa: "First I was inspired by German gothic style. Then my style developed into more eccentric. Nowadays I'm inspired by 18th century aristocratic styles. Lareine is my style idol."
I don't really know is there anything worth of posting in that new set. They're all just the same that we have seen here before and it doesn't, in my opinion, even represent the STYLE in finland.... But I have to say that picture above is the most horrifying picture of all hel-looks pictures. And the girl's wig (isn't it wig?... it must be) is just horrible I can't understand how she didn't even put it on well.
Reetta (14) and Elina (14)
Reetta: "I bought this dress in Osaka, Japan. It cost about 150 euros. The shoes and our parasols are from Japan, too."
Elina: "I made this dress myself. I found the patterns in a gothic lolita paper. It took two days to finish the dress."
These "roritas" have done their job well and I think they look so cute and lovely though it isn't finnish street style at all. I can't believe they're just 14. They really look sophisticated and nice.