Seattle Street Style

Does anyone know who that woman is in #176??

She looks sooooo familar. Is she a newscaster or the wife of some famous sports person?

Maybe she just looks like one of my Mom's friends or something? It's sort of making my brain hurt. :p
Eric, you know we both actually see good style around the city. It just doesn't get translated to this thread..
When I wear anything halfway interesting I get totally stared at like I'm some sort of confused (after all I am a man, though, and I am expected to dress down). So, it's that perspective along with what I see every day that gives me generally neutral idea about the state of fashion in Seattle.

However now that avant-garde is everyone's favourite word I am noticing a little bit more homemade effects, fun clashing, deliciously awful palattes, etc, but this is still on the quiet for the most part.

I think that ultimately Seattle does have style. It just doesn't receive new and different things very readily. It has to be broken in, and this imparts a caution in how people assemble themselves day to day.

Hey you need to come to my house on inauguration day. Call me.
There was a bluish-purple man in QFC yesterday. And by that I mean he was wearing bluish-purple from head to toe. His suit, his shoes, his bag.. and yes, his hair was even bluish-purple. He was pretty magical. I was going to ask if he'd grant me a wish..

I think I'm going to my boyfriend's friend's house on Tuesday. But I will call you. I was just thinking about you whilst I entered your number in my.. new phone! ;)
I was watching the news and I noticed that I was wearing the exact outfit as the governor. I felt really bad about that :lol:
He changes colours every few weeks. Sometimes he's multicoloured. I've never seen him black. His name is Mark. Blue mark, red mark, etc.
Is the Purple man older? I think he's an old hippie...does he have a purple beard or a beard that matches his outfit whatever all-over color he currently is? :lol:

Let's make friends! this city (I'm here off/on) is so devoid of most stylish people, you really have to look. I get stared at all the time too, except now that it's winter, people are bringing out their knee-high boots (I, as an equine enthusiast/horse rider/owner wear them often around the city year-round and have been since I got my horse in '05)

But yes, sigh. I come back from California (San Fran or L.A. where I dont get any looks) and I feel like I'm in Kansas or the midwest with all the stares. :rolleyes:
I haven't seen "purple man" in years because I don't live on The Hill anymore. Last time I saw him he was red, the beard and everything. It was really quite shocking.

Is he back to purple now? Maybe he had a job interview the day I saw him :)
I haven't seen that purple/blue/red man in ages! Glad to hear he's still around.

Then there's also the dancing bearded scarf twirling man (always around in the Summer) as well as the infamous Dee Dee Rainbow. I actually spoke to her once at the art museum, she used to party with George Clinton, which made all the sense in the world to me. She was wearing A LOT of glitter.

And people say there's no style here. Ha! :p
LetThemEatCake. . . Add me on facebook. . .

Cygnenoir. . . Did you know that ribbon man shows off his penis all of the time? Yeah, I was surprised to see that at the post-election street party. . .
Cygnenoir. . . Did you know that ribbon man shows off his penis all of the time? Yeah, I was surprised to see that at the post-election street party. . .


<fingers in ears>

*la la la la donotwanttoknowaboutthat la la la la la*

^ when you guys are referring to the ribbon man, are you talking about the grey-bearded guy who wears skirts cut into tatters? i think his name is gunther? he always shows up and dances at the summer festivals.
Last Summer I saw that ribbon man at the Capitol Hill Block Party and he had somehow acquired two protégés.

Two pretty girls in bikini tops and ribbon skirts were dancing with him. I was a little surprised and wish I knew what they were thinking. Were they his friends? His daughters? Were they being ironic or serious about dancing with the (apparently sometimes naughty) ribbon man? They had clearly planned their ribbon skirts in advance though - not a spontaneous moment!

And more annoyingly, three dancing ribbon people take up A LOT of space when you are trying to watch a band. :blink:
^Haha, that's funny!
I'm wondering if you guys are referring to the scarf man. Anyway, I saw an old friend today who was telling me that she is doing a print in her printmaking class of this guy..
oh, Seattle haha.

Anyway, I found this blog of a stylish woman living in the Seattle area:
Seattle style blog, mostly around Capitol Hill
It's My Darlin'

I think it's a pretty accurate picture of Seattle style. Comfort with a big dose of hipster. Some of the coolest pics are of people visiting from elsewhere!
^ yea, it's nothing so grand. every time i saw one with a real sense of individual style, i'd look at the caption and it would be people visiting from other cities. :lol:

though i kinda like the outdoorsy style that you might see, particularly in the summer. that look doesn't really appear on this blog, though.
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Seattle style blog, mostly around Capitol Hill
It's My Darlin'

I think it's a pretty accurate picture of Seattle style. Comfort with a big dose of hipster. Some of the coolest pics are of people visiting from elsewhere!

I agree, although it scares me that I know so many people on this blog. And then I wonder why I've never been on it and get all conflicted! :lol:

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