ok I could write loads but its late so ill keep it brief.
Miranda always used to be the pessimistic character-it was funny and that was her thing---if she was real and she watched this movie she would tear it apart. I can only think her dramatic change in character is due to the happiness in her private life intertwining with the writing.
Its such a shame they didnt stay true to the characters real identities. They took what were potentially real women and turned them into complete parodies of what they once were.
Yes, samantha always enjoyed sex, but it was the funny stories and her quick wit that made us love the character--not BECAUSE she was promiscious--but its like they focused on her sex to get the laughs. The scene were she was surrounded by arabs after dropping her birkin and shouting 'yes! I have sex!!' was hilarious but also jarring.
The 'burka removal' scene was cringing. I dont doubt women that wear burkas own feminine pieces of clothing but for all 4 characters to stand gawping at 'this seasons vuitton collection' in a market in the middle of no where---just obscenely idiotic. & the clothes were awful!! Rich arab women are known for buying couture pieces but they dont stomp around in them under their burkas!!
Carrie was positively awful regarding the whole nagging big thing--if they wanted to portray her as the worst wife ever they did a brilliant job! Big bends over backwards to please her and when she is given gifts her reaction is 'jewelry wouldve been nice'. OMG. horrendous!
They must have been forced into making this movie for the money because there were so many flaws im sure michael patrick king and SJP would've originally been against!!
I enjoyed it JUST because it was SATC but like i read...'if theres no sex, and no city...is it really sex and the city??'