Sex and the City 2

I just read that it was quite bad in the paper today, but maybe I'll go and see it with my cousin..
Just saw it. It was released today in France but the theatre was practically empty (early screening though).
I HATED it. I'm so, SO disapointed. As a huge fan of the show and as someone who really enjoyed the first movie, I feel like this one raped the characters I loved so much. Carrie was so annoying and obnoxious and so was Charlotte. "How do women without help do it?". Cringeworthy and down right patronizing. Miranda, well, she was so not "Miranda". Thankfully, Samantha was on fire and saved the movie with her one-liners. I found the display of luxury disgusting and tacky. Of course, the 'SATC' franchise is about fashion and style and that's one of the reasons I love it so much, but it had always been subtle (well, not always). Or at least it was about the plot, or confidence and style and not just display. Carrie was this girl who would not eat or pay her rent to get Manolos, not that bored and boring rich woman. I won't even talk about the lame attempt at feminism with the Abu Dhabi scenes. It could have been a really interesting idea or message, this concept of universal sisterhood and feminism. But it was executed in a tasteless, ignorant and offensive way.
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^ you read my mind. i've got nothing to add. Samantha rules and half-saves the movie, thankfully!
....basically the plot is that there is no plot. They had to conjure some really annoying complaining from the main characters to have them leave to a massively luxurious
I'm pleased that there were a Charlotte-Miranda scene.. I don't recall those who ever having a scene together.

I hated the 'I am Woman' scene - it reaked of 'aren't we just fabulous ..lets make the movie into a musical!'

I second both statements...

The scene with Charlotte & Miranda was very good...

And I didn't like the karaoke scene, either. Ugh. I know it's just supposed to be fun, but it was too much for me.
Im watching it tomorrow, really cant wait.
Just came to say..
Miranda looked fabulous :woot:
Carrie didn't smoke once throughout the film did she?
I missed NY!!
I was disappointed with a lot of the outfits.

Carrie had the best clothes of course. I especially loved her sequined tee with the miniskirt she wore in her apartment and the black dress she wore when she dragged Big to the premiere. Are there really women who walk around their apartments in 5-inch heels all day?

My favorite outfit was Miranda's all-white blazer/with long skirt and hat when they went sight-seeing Abu Dabi.

The movie itself was soooo long. I was bored by the end. I thought Samantha was so disrespectful to the culture of the country with her behavior.
Ok so after reading all the reviews here and everywhere I went in having really low expectations and came out really enjoying it. I laughed in all the right places and overall it was a good night out etc.

The fashion wasn't as good as the first one but still amazing. Miranda's all white market shopping outfit was fantastic. I think this time she was the best dressed especially at the wedding. That dress was sexy but still classy. OMG Carrie's hair at the wedding was atrocious. When she put on the crown thing is got even worst. The decor was to die for. I want Carrie and Big's coffee table.

Charlotte and Miranda bonding was good and I was so angry at Miranda's sexist boss. What a d*ckhead. The braless nanny was so funny. Of course that would happen to uptight Charlotte. Kim did a great job as Sam and I agree SJP needs to stop tanning.

There were quite a few extra's that I recognised. Like the guy who hit on Big was Michael T. Weiss who was on a few TV shows in the 90s and Miranda's collegue was Neal Bledsoe who was Tyler on Ugly Betty. The Miley and Penelope cameo's were lame. It was quite sad how underused the men bar Big were. This really was all about the girls.

The worst bit was the Adian thing. I mean going on about how great your marriage/life is and then kissing Carrie. WTF. And I'm suprised she didn't get into trouble wearing that Roberto Cavail dress.

I think the critics were a bit harsh when it came to some things. While I will admit there were times when I did also cringe when it came to Samantha and the culture and our cinema was silent most things were harmless like the girls singing "I am Women". Really now what is offensive about that. I saw it as just a bit of fun. It's karaoke for crying out loud.

Anyway that's my two cents.
I saw it wednesday, the theater was packed and a few guys as well. I liked the movie although the fashion was better in the first movie.
A lot more jokes this time. Sam was really given the spotlight but i thought that Miranda was underused. It's just a fun movie, i laughed a lot. The series will always be better than any movie they make of satc. Critics should see it for what it is: summer chickflick.
Carrie's hair at the wedding was atrocious.

SJP always looks TERRIBLE with her hair pulled back like they had at the wedding. Why the heck can't they see that??? She can pull off a heck of a whole lot, but when it comes to her hair, to me, there are only certain ways it should be worn in order for it to be flattering on her. But also, I think some of SJP's look in the movie is due to her smoking.

I was so angry at Miranda's sexist boss. What a d*ckhead.
I thought that was a good moment, in the meeting... a strong moment. Miranda isn't a character who takes somebody's crap, so that was a good moment for her to have.
I liked the movie, enjoyed it a lot. But it could been so much better.
I really thought I was going to hate it after so many people have been putting it down but I really loved it! It was like visiting old friends you hadn't seen in a long time. It wasn't as great as the first one but I was entertained the whole time. Samantha really stole the show! Soo many one liners! It was like a long episode but idgaf tbh I could watch that show all day.
I thought that was a good moment, in the meeting... a strong moment. Miranda isn't a character who takes somebody's crap, so that was a good moment for her to have.

Oh yeah that was good. I loved when she put her own hand up all "shh". I wish that scene was longer and she had of ripped him as new a-hole.
There were quite a few extra's that I recognised. Like the guy who hit on Big was Michael T. Weiss who was on a few TV shows in the 90s and Miranda's collegue was Neal Bledsoe who was Tyler on Ugly Betty.

I was literally like :blink: The Pretender is hitting on Mr. Big! :woot::rofl:
Big was perfect this time! I really hate Carrie for being so unreasonable.
I yapped a big "I Know!" when Big said "What do you want from me?!"

Overall though I thought the movie was pretty lame. I've never noticed how bad Kristin and Cynthia's acting skills are until this movie, especially that 'sip! and now tell me' scene! I was just left feeling so awkward.

Samantha on the other hand was always so delightful to see. But it also highlighted the fact that the movie had nothing strong to tell and the only thing left entertaining was Sam's hormone enhanced sex drive.
^ I actually think Cynthia is a great actress... I thought that scene was good.

Not sure where they heck they could go if they ever considering a third film.
Does anyone have a movie poster where there´s a leg on profile wearing high heels and stepping on a football (soccer) ball on a field?

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