You didn't understand what i meant, I'm not defending transphobia, I'm just stating any idea of disagreement with ANY minority can be expressed by anyone without hurting people. For example I'm gay, and I don't expect EVERYONE to accept it, specially religious people, but hey! actually, I don't give a f.... if they don't and express it to me, as long as they're respectful, in other words just no verbal or physical violence while expressing themselves. I've conversed with religious people who have told me what they think about me being gay without being hateful, I just don't believe in their ideologies and they don't believe in mine. Who cares? We can still be nice to each other.
People these days GO crazy if anyone disagrees on them, mainly because of the way disagreements are expressed.
In Snejana's case, she was blaming trans people as a bad example for children, that's different, she's being ignorant and rude and letting the world know about it. You have your right of disagreeing with anyone if you want, just don't be rude at them. See? That was my point.
In order to be tolerated, you need to tolerate... and that includes people who think different from you. You don't have to say you're sorry for thinking different from me. You're in all your right as long as you're not hateful. End of story.