Stella McCartney for Target Australia

Woah what an odd choice...does she even know what Aus Target is like ? I guess they're trying to change their image though to fit the American one.
^ Not odd at all!!!! I guarantee you the collection will sell out in seconds. It has already been all over the media here today, on the news and on current affairs programs. I'm strategically aligning myself for an enourmous plan of attack at Target come March 12th!!!

As for quality, couldn't possibly be any worse than celia for topshop. My goodness, i wore those things once and they became threadbare!

This is really exciting for us!! I'm sure there'll be stuff on for those outside australia...

As for Target Australia, a number of designers have been doing stuff for them, why not Stella? I can't imagine Target oz is much different to US Target and they have Proenza!
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haha not at all
but target in australia is pretty damn my opinion anyway :p
Of course Jun! My only problem is: I have just realised I will be in EUROPE on a buying trip on March 12th!! How sad is that? I am trying to rope hubby in to go for me. Once the catalogue goes up on the 5th, PM with what you like...
morriseel said:
Of course Jun! My only problem is: I have just realised I will be in EUROPE on a buying trip on March 12th!! How sad is that? I am trying to rope hubby in to go for me. Once the catalogue goes up on the 5th, PM with what you like...

Oh I didn't meant to cause offense !

Just the Target that was near me was basically an upmarket K-Mart. I lived in Adelaide for over a year last year. Btw what was the Myer take-over like what new brands did they get in ?

I'm jealous because I do love Alice McCall but her stuff isn't really THAT expensive.
I'm so taking the day off work and saving a few pennies - the trench and v-neck knitted sweater dress are gorgeous!!!!! I am so excited - I think I'm a bit hysterical - no big designer cheap-o stuff ever comes here - praise to Stella.
Yeah, Alice McCall is not a massively expensive label - so to do a target range was a bit like why bother - it was such AWFUL quality - really that stuff was only good for little 12 year old girls to dress up like their fashonista sisters
wow....i'm suprised....
didnt expect this at all....

i'm curious to see what the stuff will look like....
i'm sure every girl and her mother here in sydney will be wearing it...
same with the alice mccall stuff.....
i'm sure it will be sold out within a matter of moments...
unexpected i agree
can't wait to see this in stores
australia isn't so bad you know
dont really know what to think about this - im kinda excited!!! but if history repeats itself this stuff will be snapped up in no time!!!
i wanna see what the trench coat looks like - hopefully its reasonably good quality!
City_girl, are you aiming to go on the first day? Where? I was thinking Carindale...
Finally a worthwhile designer doing a collaboration in an Aussie store. We tend to miss out on the good ones down here. I saw it on the news last night. Looks quite good. Few of the pieces I saw were
-Silk satin loose dress with waist tie and jewelled collar in a tan brown kind of colour
-Large chunky knit something that did not appeal to me so I didn't pay too much attention (similar to the sweater dresses she does)
-Trench coats in beige and charcoal it actually reminded me a little of the trench she did for h&m but I might be totally off there.
-Sheer print dress with those loose 70s sleeves once again didn't appeal so I didn't really look
-Knee length wool coat in cream and charcoal

That was the main bits I remember. I like some of it but a few pieces are rather boring. Should be good however, I'm just hoping not too many people will go after it but I think that's just wishful thinking.
shite! what a surprise!

i hope all the plebs near my local target don't know who stella mccartney is so i can snap everything up.

now who's to stop karl lagerfeld from doing a collection for 'best n less' or 'big w' over here?! *sigh*
:lol: yes plebs exactly
that's why i want to go to my local depressing hole (oops i mean shopping centre) and hopefully get some of this stuff

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