Raquel- This is so GQ! All the pictures show ff her body but none of them are too revealing so it perfectly seems in place in a men's magazine. Nice presentation, too.
Natalina- Great pictures. They totally seem like pictures that would be in Teen Vogue to me, they are just so cute. I especially love the first one, it's one of my favorite pictures of Natalia and it's adorable.
Iekeliene- While Iek isn't the typical Sports Illustrated girl, I think this would be pretty cool if it were actually in print. It seems more in place in something like the New York Times magazine, in the style section, but I think all these prints work nicely together for a sports inspired editorial.
Snejana- Miu_miu, this is great! You could totally be an art director for Numero, this fits so perfectly and I wouldn't be suprised if I actually saw it in the magazine. Wonderful job.
Gemma- When I think of Vanity Fair, I usually think more of tabloid exposées and pictures of celebrities, so I would have loved if you focused more on the picture of Gemma with Josh Hartnett. Still, all these pictures work really nicely together and I could see them in an editorial introducing people to Gemma because she's newly famous.
Rachyroo- Awesome job, rachy!!! I have never seen Polina like this and you've totally shattered my misconceptions about her. All these pictures work so nicely together, the fact that they are all black and white makes them fit into the W aesthetic even more! Great work.
Hilary- This is so Nylon. I love the consistency in your pictures, how she is wearing glasses in two of the pictures so it actually looks like a real editorial. I haven't ever really seen super high end clothes like Lanvin in Nylon, but all of your pictures work so well! Fabulous job.
Vlada- That's so creative of you to have your description translated into Italian. I like your pictures in general, the mood of all of them is very Italia Vogue but I think the first and the third are a little too similar to each other so I would have loved to see a different first picture.
Sasha- I'm sorry to hear that you've dropped out, sethii

. Good entry by truebluejen, though, all of these pictures are cohesive and they fit the dark and moody aesthetic that I think of when I think of Another Magazine.
Sophie- I've never really seen these style of photographs in Vogue UK before and I think they work well but I wish they were a little less overtly British, that's just the easy way to have your pictures for this challenge fit the theme.
Alek- Alek's untraditonal beauty makes her a great model for Jane magazine. I especially like the playfullness and originality in the photos, and I think it's great that they were shot on location and not in the studio. I can definitely see this in Jane.
Coco- I've seen Coco in Time Magazine's fashion and design issue ( I think?) and these photos really fit the mood of the photos in that issue- very fashion forward and somewhat futuristic. Nice job.