Talking Movie Awards 2011

^I actually thought Kung Fu Panda 2 was great, lol. Plus, Gary Oldman's voice was pretty epic.
I don't think Gosling had a very strong year acting wise. Sure he had a lot of hits and in that way it was his breakout year but I can't think of a single role he did that would warrant a nomination. Drive was excellent as a whole but his acting wasn't the strongest there. I would rather he be nominated for something he actually deserved.

Saw MMMM again today and I'm so bummed at Olsen not getting a nomination. She should have gotten the 'hot new thing' nomination over Mara. I think Mara had everything down looks wise and did a great physical transformation but her performance was so quiet. And it didn't come off as quiet and restrained on purpose seeing as it's just like her other roles (Elm Street, Social Network). ugh
saann;10211113[U said:
]I don't think Gosling had a very strong year acting wise. Sure he had a lot of hits and in that way it was his breakout year but I can't think of a single role he did that would warrant a nomination. Drive was excellent as a whole but his acting wasn't the strongest there. I would rather he be nominated for something he actually deserved.
Saw MMMM again today and I'm so bummed at Olsen not getting a nomination. She should have gotten the 'hot new thing' nomination over Mara. I think Mara had everything down looks wise and did a great physical transformation but her performance was so quiet. And it didn't come off as quiet and restrained on purpose seeing as it's just like her other roles (Elm Street, Social Network). ugh
i agree. i loved Drive and i think he did a great job, but that wasn't a movie for "performances", it was compact of several elements that were only working interacting with one to another, hence this is the main reason why i think it's a shame that it wasn't nominated for best movie.

Ryan was totally ripped off last year for Blue Valentine, IMO.
I think Michelle is a lock because these awards always follow a pattern. You win the independent spirit award, you end up getting the Globe, you get the globe-you get the Sag, then the Bafta. It just follows a pattern. So we'll see if Michelle gets the next two big awards. All Meryl's campaigning for Viola may pay off or Meryl herself may get it?
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Curious situation with Ryan Gosling. He sort of came out of nowhere with Half Nelson and got an Oscar nomination, despite the film being very small and released in the Summer. Then he's had three 'near misses'. First Lars and the Real Girl (BFCA, Globe, SAG). Then Blue Valentine (BFCA, Globe, plus his costar got nominated). This year looked like a can't miss for him (at the onset) with three movies, including one critics darling and another directed by an AMPAS pet, George Clooney. Once again he got a BFCA nod and two Globe nominations. And still nothing. Wonder what they guy needs to do to get back on that ballot.

I personally did not care for his performance in Drive at all. I wasn't a big fan of the movie either, but he was definitely the weakest part in it. Haven't seen Ides of March, but it looked tedious. Not seen Lars and the Real Girl. But he should've been nominated for Blue Valentine.
^ You need to stop what you are doing right now and go rent/DL Lars and the Real Girl. Seriously it's one of the best films I've ever seen.
Really? I thought Gosling's performance in Drive was superb. He was able to accurately portray the lower middle class in LA's San Fernando Valley
Really? I thought Gosling's performance in Drive was superb. He was able to accurately portray the lower middle class in LA's San Fernando Valley

I didn't think there was anything in his performance that could even imply as to what his background is, where he is from, etc. But that's not my problem with it. The issue I have with his performance is that he was obviously trying for that 'careless, indifferent, too cool bad boy with a heart of gold'. It was like a stock character of a prostitute with a heart of gold, but in this case it was a criminal. I was annoyed by his character, whereas I should have cared for or sympathized with him. It really ruined the movie for me tbh.

Label Basher, I'll have to check it out. It never looked that interesting to me, despite Ryan's acclaimed performance. :innocent:
^I had the same problem with LatRG at first, I had the movie for months before I decided to watch it, it even has a slow start but as today it´s one of my favorite Ryan movie :)
^That's my favorite performance of his. Truly great

I just had to post this. They photoshopped the award contender's posters so they're a bit more honest.. I've posted a few, the rest can be found here

If 2012's Oscar-nominated movie posters told the truth





^LOL good ones :lol:

I hope Clooney doesn´t win, not because his performance is bad -not at all- but because he won for Syriana which he didn´t deserve imo. The universe needs to balance itself out :p
^ First time Russell's said anything right in years.

I can't believe he's on twitter.
^Neither did Albert Brooks. Has anyone seen these tweets regarding his snub. Hilarious! (though I don't think he deserved a nom)


twitter / AlbertBrooks
^LOL. I love it when actors admit that they care about it (though, they shouldn't go overboard like Kate Winslet did, because then they just look desperate).

And I love those fake posters. My favorite ones are Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Help, lol.
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those fake posters are so awesome! The Help and The Descendants posters made me literally LOL
Also, did anyone see Patton Oswalt's response to being snubbed by the Oscars on Twitter? His tweets were so funny. He tweeted to Albert Brooks (who was also unfairly snubbed by The Academy) these messages...

See you later tonight. Might be out of booze -- Serkis has Pogues on the jukebox & Fassbender just showed up in a pirate hat.

Oh **** -- we're DEFINITELY going to run out of booze. Charlize & Tilda just pulled up in a stolen police car.

Dude, GET DOWN HERE. Gosling is doing keg stands and Olsen & Dunst LITERALLY just emerged from a shower of rose petals.

Nolte & Plummer just drove past, mooning us. Serkis & Tilda are signing "Is There Life on Mars?"

Oops -- Von Trier just pulled up in a pass van dressed as Goering. "Let's go to Legoland!" With a boozy hurrah, we're out!

Oh. My. God. Just pulled up to Legoland. DiCaprio's rented the park for the day. Dibs on the Duplo Gardens! #andscene

I really love the fake posters. They pretty much describe what almost everyone thought about each movies but would never admit to thinking these things.
It's really unfortunate to see J Edgar flop so hard. Poor Leo, he should learn something from this.

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