Talking Movie Awards 2011

^those were a long time ago, except for Crash but still it was a while ago. That was what I was saying, that lately there´s been little or no surprises :)
Although 'The Artist' is getting a lot of awards, I don't see it winning the most important ones at the Oscars. It would really baffle me if a movie that is black and white, french, and silent won Best Picture. No matter how good that's a lot of handicaps :lol:. Besides, when Dujardin won the GG it was in the comedy/musical category, he wasn't up against the big pretenders like Clooney, Pitt, Oldman. Tonight he'll be in the same category as DiCaprio/Pitt/Clooney at the SAGs, they're all pretty much hyped so idk about the outcome..
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i loved The Artist, IMO, it's the freshest and most original movie of the year. it's been a dull year and only few movies really stood up (and they managed to be completely overlooked), IMO.
SAG Winners -

Life Achievement Award Mary Tyler Moore

Stunt Ensemble, TV Game of Thrones
Best Actor, TV Comedy Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Best Actress, TV Comedy Betty White, Hot In Cleveland
Best Cast, TV Comedy Modern Family
Best Actress, Miniseries or TV Movie Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce
Best Actor, Miniseries or TV Movie Paul Giamatti, Too Big To Fail
Best Actress, TV Drama Jessica Lange, American Horror Story
Best Actor, TV Drama Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire
Best Cast, TV Drama Boardwalk Empire

Stunt Ensemble, Film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Best Supporting Actor, Motion Picture Christopher Plummer, Beginners
Best Supporting Actress, Motion Picture Octavia Spencer, The Help
Best Actor, Motion Picture Jean Dujardin, The Artist
Best Actress, Motion Picture Viola Davis, The Help
Best Cast, Motion Picture The Help
Yay! Deathly Hallows won something. :D

But these winners really shook things up as far as the Oscars goes.
I did not see Jean Dujardin winning, since George Clooney is such a favorite with everyone and I had a feeling about Viola, but I still thought Michelle would get it.

I think this is definitely an awards season where it could go to anyone.
^ I agree. Best Picture, Actor and Actress is wide open. This is quite exciting now.
With the results of the SAGs and the BAFTAs coming, I think the Oscars are actually going to be more interesting than expected.
It's a too good year to have it all ruined by buzz and predictable winners. Hope the BAFTAs won't fall into this trap that way we can have a real and honest battle.

So happy for Viola and the cast ot The Help, I hope it reinforces the chances of the film for Best Picture. I'm still pissed over all the praise around Jean Dujardin. I really felt underwhelmed by The Artist. Also people discover him with the Artist so maybe since I'm French and already knew him before, I'm the only one who finds him obnoxious. :lol: :lol:
The Baftas never really go the predictable route. They usually try to give it to the Brits.
I bet Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy wins Best Picture, Gary Oldman gets Best Actor, and I wouldn't be surprised if Tilda won Best Actress, but it will probably go to Michelle.
I agree with what others have said, tonight really mixes things up for the Oscars. I'm excited!
I'm super happy that Viola and Christopher both won!
. I'm still pissed over all the praise around Jean Dujardin. I really felt underwhelmed by The Artist. Also people discover him with the Artist so maybe since I'm French and already knew him before, I'm the only one who finds him obnoxious. :lol: :lol:
Same here. I guess as a French person as well I don't get the hype. His body of work is weak at best, his performance in the Artist is underwhelming IMO. I don't understand why the awards ppl hate Brad Pitt. Between the curious case of BB, the Tree of Life and Moneyball he still is not recognised. I still have some hope for the Oscar tho and I definitely hope the Artist won't take it all (IMO best director belongs to Malick for the Tree of Life. One of the best movie I have seen my entire life).
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I don't understand why the awards ppl hate Brad Pitt. Between the curious case of BB, the Tree of Life and Moneyball he still is not recognised.

I don't know, to me Brad Pitt is simply not a good actor, regardless of how much he's trying to get us to believe it. He just chews the scenery whenever he's trying to seriously act in a lead role. He's a far better supporting actor, IMO. Moneyball was a good performance for him, but it wasn't anything special in the grand scheme of things.

I mean, I understand why people who are more familiar with Jean Dujardin wouldn't be pleased with him winning, and yeah his filmography does look to be a bit corny. However, I find the idea of a non pedigreed actor winning (clearly he's not been taking Oscar bait roles like DiCaprio, Pitt and Clooney for most of his career) to be refreshing, I really don't believe in actors being awarded for their past work. His role wasn't the most groundbreaking role, but I really can't see any living American actor being able to pull that role off.
I don't know, to me Brad Pitt is simply not a good actor, regardless of how much he's trying to get us to believe it. He just chews the scenery whenever he's trying to seriously act in a lead role. He's a far better supporting actor, IMO. Moneyball was a good performance for him, but it wasn't anything special in the grand scheme of things.
Imo he was better in the Tree of Life but that's life. I also loved him in BB but a lot of people says he play the same role over and over again. This is subjective.

I mean, I understand why people who are more familiar with Jean Dujardin wouldn't be pleased with him winning, and yeah his filmography does look to be a bit corny.
Bad would be more the word. Some people like Gad or Jamel are actually funny but imo he never was. He had this very lourd/french humour. Marion won an Oscar but she actually, imo, did a terrific job in the role she was nominated for and had a very interesting career.

However, I find the idea of a non pedigreed actor winning (clearly he's not been taking Oscar bait roles like DiCaprio, Pitt and Clooney for most of his career) to be refreshing, I really don't believe in actors being awarded for their past work. His role wasn't the most groundbreaking role, but I really can't see any living American actor being able to pull that role off.
I have never understood the whole 'oscar bait' role. Imo Brad Pitt chose very interesting and diverse roles that allowed him to play very different character each time. Some people like chick flick and other like period history books. If he is more into the psychology/struggle of a character then what's wrong with that? I am pretty sure if he had the chance to play a Jack Sparrow he would but those roles are hard to get by. Plus he is going down the 50 route, I am pretty sure it must be quite difficult to breakthrough other genre - even if he wanted to.
He is one of the rare actors that I can say, I loved 80% of his work and I would watch them again in a heartbeat. As for being awarded for their past work, a few female actresses has been (hello Sandra Bullock). Maybe the Artist was god (it was not imo) but I find hard to shallow that Dujardin would gain a Oscar nomination for the Artist and Tahar Rahim would get absolutely nothing for A Prophet nor would Jack Audiard. It feels like the movie is awarded because it's silent and it's "new" more than because it's actually good.

But again I have been devasted by oscar nom and wins before so :lol:
well, if anything, Dujardin's hype is a proof that you can get recognized despite how questionable your choices were in past (and with a little help from Harvey, :D). i think it's a good thing.

on Brad Pitt subject, i think he did much better than George. tbh, i think most of the men in the category did better work then him this year (esp Oldman). then again, the one that wow me the most last year isn't even nominated, so...
At least Brad Pitt takes diverse roles and isn't always clearly angling for an Oscar like Leo.
Ugh, seeing this year's OScar nominations the only thing I'm truly excited in Oscar's night is Jimmy Kimmel's Oscar Skit.
Brad Pitt not being a good actord is quite hard to take. Especially if you think that in the same category some people actually consider George Clooney or Jean Dujardin as good or better actors. I feel like I'm the only one who's been really moved by his performance in Moneyball. It's not his best one for sure (my favourite being Fight Club forever). BUT he's more on a Gary Oldman level here than on Mr Nespresso's. Sorry. Besides with The Tree of Life he delivered a great versatility in 2011 even if it's just 2 roles. He impressed me.

Bad would be more the word. Some people like Gad or Jamel are actually funny but imo he never was. He had this very lourd/french humour. Marion won an Oscar but she actually, imo, did a terrific job in the role she was nominated for and had a very interesting career.

I have never understood the whole 'oscar bait' role. Imo Brad Pitt chose very interesting and diverse roles that allowed him to play very different character each time. Some people like chick flick and other like period history books. If he is more into the psychology/struggle of a character then what's wrong with that? I am pretty sure if he had the chance to play a Jack Sparrow he would but those roles are hard to get by. Plus he is going down the 50 route, I am pretty sure it must be quite difficult to breakthrough other genre - even if he wanted to.
He is one of the rare actors that I can say, I loved 80% of his work and I would watch them again in a heartbeat. As for being awarded for their past work, a few female actresses has been (hello Sandra Bullock). Maybe the Artist was god (it was not imo) but I find hard to shallow that Dujardin would gain a Oscar nomination for the Artist and Tahar Rahim would get absolutely nothing for A Prophet nor would Jack Audiard. It feels like the movie is awarded because it's silent and it's "new" more than because it's actually good.

But again I have been devasted by oscar nom and wins before so :lol:

You literally expressed what I've been thinking for the past few months. Thank you for that :flower:

It's indeed very interesting because being French, you're sort of obliged to compare Jean to Marion and there's simply no comparision possible. She was breathtaking in La Vie Rose, he was merely good in The Artist. I'm also not a huge fan of the man, himself, but that's another subject. For me he was really good during his Un Gars, Une Fille days. When he starts taking himself too seriously it doesn't sound right.

It's funny when you talk about A Prophet, which was a REAL Oscar worthy movie in every way. Indeed if The Artist can benefit such a buzz for pretty much nothing, i'm wondering what would've happened with Audiard's movie under Weinstein guidance. 'cause if you think Hazanavicius and Dujardin did great job with The Artist; Tahar Rahim and Jack Audiard will get you on your knees.

I have the same problem this year, because I think Polisse by Maiwenn is THE French film who really deserved a world acclaim when it comes to the ensemble cast acting and directing. Also François Cluzet in Intouchables schools Jean Dujardin!! And yet he is the one getting all the honor because Harvey Weinstein put his claws on him and makes everybody believe that he is our best actor at the moment and that The Artist is the best French film from last year when there's others which are far better.

This whole buzz and hype system to get throught the Award shows is such an interesting subject but also very nerve racking.
I actually really did not think Marion Cotillard was that great. I would've given it to Laura Linney that year. Jean Dujardin was magnificent, though.
The other day I was thinking about all the talk that Rooney doesn´t deserve an Oscar only based on her transformation but I remember when Nicole Kidman won for The Hours... I didn´t think her performance was that good, by far not better than Julianne Moore´s (for Far From Heaven) and yet I remember all the talk about the nose... I´m not saying that Rooney deserves it just that sometimes the "transformation" is far more important than the performance imo.

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