Talking Movie Awards 2011

Leo needs to stop taking himself so seriously with all his obvious Oscar-bait roles. In how many movies does he have a dead wife? Do a romantic comedy or something dude.
i agree, but he seems still intent to removing himself from the titanic romantic boy image despite of the fact he succeeded in that long time ago. he needs to get more diverse or he's going to turn into martin scorsese style and get awarded just for waiting for so long by the academy. tarantino's movie sounds like a good start - he's playing a villain which is something new.
Even Scorsese did Hugo last year, which far from his usual work.
I remember loving Leo's performance in Catch Me If You Can. He was so charming :heart:
Even Scorsese did Hugo last year, which far from his usual work.
I remember loving Leo's performance in Catch Me If You Can. He was so charming :heart:
yeah, it's my favorite performance of his. :heart: i liked him in Departed too.
I agree that Leonardo DiCaprio can be dull. Why can't he do more films like Blood Diamond? Well not specifically like Blood Diamond because the movie wasn't the greatest, but performance-wise, it has been one of his biggest risks as an actor. That and The Aviator. It seems like he's removing himself a lot for his next role in Django Unchained, though. Very violent and villainous. Can't wait.

And this is coming from someone who doesn't necessarily believe that an actor has to transform physically in every role to be considered 'versatile'.
I think one of Leo's problems is that he only wants to work with really established directors. He should take a risk and work with a noob.

I read once that Leo kind of regretted turning down a role because he didn't know the director and didn't want to take the chance. Of course I can't remember what movie it was but it was like in 09 or 10. That statement stuck with me and I always think about it when people say he only does ''Oscar bait'' films.
I remember loving Leo's performance in Catch Me If You Can. He was so charming :heart:

The only performance of his that I can say I truly liked. I've not seen What's Eating Gilbert Grape, his first nominated performance from the 90s. But back to Catch Me, the reason I liked it was because I thought it fit him so well. I didn't feel like he was pretending to be a grown up or trying too hard to act (well in a way, I guess his character was doing that). He seemed so natural. It's a shame that he's become such an awards wh*re in the mid 00s and on because I can never buy him as any of these characters. The Aviator, Blood Diamond, Revolutionary Road, etc, Aside from the AWFUL accent in Blood Diamond, all I see when I watch them is DiCaprio playing dress up and begging to be taken seriously.
i totally agree, it's actually a shame he's playing it so safe, it's starting to turn it against him actually. Label pointed it good too - he only picks the most established directors. i don't recall seeing him in a movie that premiered in Sundance or TIFF...

oh i forgot Revolutionary road - i loved that movie so much, i thought he did a great job there too!
Awful accent in Blood Diamond? He sounded exactly like my South African friend! I heard that he wanted to reshoot some scenes because he thought his accent didn't sound perfect in them.
^LOL. I love it when actors admit that they care about it (though, they shouldn't go overboard like Kate Winslet did, because then they just look desperate).

And I love those fake posters. My favorite ones are Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Help, lol.

Sorry I must've missed it, what exactly Kate Winslet did/said?
I haven't seen the movie yet, but based on my enjoyment of OSS 177 I hope these guys win a bunch

who konw what's aboutTildaSwinton?

she actually did not get Oscar nominations??


2010《Io sono l'amore》 2011《We Need to Talk About Kevin 》

so amazing film, but she did not get Oscar nominations, What happened??The judges are blind??
^it´s all about -studio- politics and who lobbies for a nomination, very little has to do with actual talent...
^@ GG, I thought it was weird how she acted all "shy" when they were announcing the nominees in her category and the camera panned her... I actually thought "what is wrong with her?!" LOL
Michel Hazanavicius won the DGA prize. That makes him almost a lock to win Best Director. Not since 2002 has the DGA winner not gone on to collect the Oscar. Also makes The Artist firm favourite for Best Pic.
Yeah, at this point it's hard to imagine a scenario where The Artist loses picture and/or director. In fact, I think it's more likely that it gets actor/s.actress than it losing picture/director.
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The Oscars are shaping up to be predictable and boring. George Clooney for Best Actor, The Artist for movie, director....etc.
^but isn´t like that for years now...? when was the last time there was a big surprise? I can´t remember :(
^Crash for Best Picture. Still the biggest shocker of a win that I've ever seen happen live.

Before that, Adrien Brody for Best Actor/Roman Polanski for Best Director. Not as big a shock, but pretty surprising. Then there was Marcia Gay Harden for Best Supporting Actress. Shakespeare in Love for Best Picture. Marisa Tomei for Best Supporting Actress. These surprises do happen once in a while, but generally it all follows the script.

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