Tanya Dziahileva (Diagileva)

Yup, but then Tanya logged into to tFS and told everyone her birthday was in June and that she didn't understand why they said it was in Jan :flower:

Oh really? so I don't know, I'm pretty sure the facebook I have is the real one though I think she has more than 1. maybe Kallu is right...I mean she put on facebook January 9th & since she said June, must be June 9th.
that is a weird situation. i will be great if someone clears this up.. i also thought its june.
if i remeber well was Tanya herself who said it was the 4º of June here in TFS , you can't trust the date given in that fashion tv video , they did the same mistake with Bianca until she herself told her birthday date in an interview
^in that ftv vid. doesn't say anything about her birthday date!

If she said that then it's fine for me, I just don't know why it's on facebook January 9th & why everybody thinks it was yesterday her birthday.
in europe the date and month are reversed ... She is a gemini. June is her month. so say her brithday is june 4, russian will right this as 4.6.91, (date month year) where as west right it as 6.4.91 (month date year)
i dont know if this has been discussed. but has anyone seen the IMG documentary 'searching siberia'?? tanya is in the last couple minutes but ends up being the success of the whole film...
i dont know if this has been discussed. but has anyone seen the IMG documentary 'searching siberia'?? tanya is in the last couple minutes but ends up being the success of the whole film...


I have been looking for a video of this for prob a year already...if anyone can link us to this I will so greatly appreciate it :heart::heart::heart:
^^^^^ WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.......I FINALLY see it (not all, have to wake up early 2morrow haha)...WOW THANKUUUUUUUUU SOO SO MUCH :) :) :)
yay thanks!! who is the girl lisa? with the one blind eye? i looked for her on the img site but couldnt find her...
ahhh thanks so much for the video link !!! ive always heard of that vid but nobody had it ! thanks a lot :flower: !!

i have another question - are there any backstage shots from this vid where shes talking backstage at Versace ? Would be great if you have some, thanks in advance !

yeeeah i wanna add her to my friends... ajajjajajjaj

probably she wouldnt accept me
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